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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-03-08 共4533字

【第1部分】 广州绿道建设成效的量化分析




  (1)在生态效益方面,广州市的绿道工程,一方面改善了交通出行方式,一年可以减少碳排放 248 万吨,相当于每年增加 2.42 个白云山公园。91%的广州市民同意绿道网有助于人们选择绿色出行,减少碳排放量的功能。同时,绿道的建设增加了城市绿地面积,大面积提升了负离子含量,绿道产氧气量达 443340 t,价值量约 13.30 亿元,城市绿地空气负离子浓度平均为 426 个/cm3,对于提高广州市的空气质量和缓解城市病有重要意义。

  在调节温湿度,缓解热岛效应上,广州绿道系统有着极大的贡献,按每年按 2 个月使用空调计算,每年可为广州市民节约空调费用 232 亿元。绿道植物大量吸收空气中的CO2,削减温室效应,并能滞留空气中的尘埃,进一步抑制升温,大大缓解了城市中心区的“热岛效应”。此外,在除尘降噪、吸收有毒气体和保护生物多样性上,广州市绿道工程亦取得巨大效益。

  (2)在环境效益方面,通过研究表明,广州市绿道工程具有巨大的环境效益,主要体现在美化视觉感受,提升景观价值;增加开敞空间,完善休闲环境;改善自然环境,提升居住条件,优化人居环境;防火抗灾,防风固沙等方面,极大改善着城市的人居环境。绿道也起到了改善空气质量、降低噪音、调节小气候等作用,网上问卷调查表明 95%以上的广州市民感觉空气质量明显改善,20%左右的市民感觉到水源、噪声、光等生态环境改善。


  (3)在社会效益方面,绿道建设提升了广州市作为健康休闲的生态宜居城市的城市形象,问卷分析表明,游客对广州市城市形象评价由体验绿道前的 72 分上升为体验后 85分,网上问卷调查表明 76%的广州市民认为绿道建设提升了广州的城市形象,95%广州市民表示大力支持绿道建设,“广州绿道”也成为互联网中与广州相关的被关注读很高的重要新闻标题。


  (4)经济效益方面,研究结果表明,广州市绿道建设具有可观的总体经济价值,估算每年可产生经济价值 15.5 亿元。在此基础上,能形成旅游、体育、教育、文化等综合绿道经济产业链,使绿道网成为广州的又一张发展“王牌”。同时,绿道的建成,对绿地周边土地价值有显着的提升作用,“绿道”,成为大多房地产的宣传语。

  在增加农村就业方面,绿道则通过直接就业效应,如绿道建成后管理维护工作而增加的就业岗位和就业人数,以及间接就业效应,如旅游业以及与旅游相关的服务业体现,据估算每年增加直接就业岗位 966 个,极大促进乡村旅游开发和城乡经济交流。



  As the Green-way construction precedent of the Pearl River Delta,Guangzhou hadbecome the demonstration base of Grenn-Way construction for other cities. So quantitativeevaluating the economic benefits, environmental effect and social effect of the GuangzhouGreenway Construction had the theory significance to the local government performanceevaluation of public projects, and provided scientific basis to the Pearl River Delta greenwaynetwork planning and construction decision-making.

  Through analysis, conclusions were obtained as follows:

  (1) Ecological benefits:in terms of ecological benefits, Guangzhou green engineering, onthe one hand, to improve the way of transportation, can reduce 2.48 million tons of carbonemissions a year, equivalent to 2.42 annual increase baiyun mountain park. 91% of guangzhoucitizens agree with the greenway network can help people choose green travel, the function ofreducing carbon emissions. At the same time, the construction of the green way to increase theurban green space area, promoted anion content, large area of green oxygen production of443340 t, a quantity of about 1.33 billion yuan, urban green space for an average of 426 airnegative ions concentration/cm3, to improving the air quality of guangzhou city and relieveurban disease has important significance.

  In guangzhou, relieving heat island effect, adjust the temperature and humidity greenwaysystem has great contribution, according to press 2 months each year use of air conditioningcalculation, can cut down the cost of air conditioning for guangzhou citizens 23.2 billion yuana year. The greenway plants absorb CO2 from the air, a large number of cuts in greenhouseeffect, and can stop the dust in the air, further depressing, greatly reduce the "heat island effect"of the city. In addition, the dust noise, toxic gas and protecting biodiversity, guangzhou greenconstruction also will be a great benefit.

  (2)Environmental benefit: Green-way construction had significantly improved the localecological environment and living environment, which increased the forest cover rate. In 2009,the forest cover rate of Guangzhou reached up to 55.38%, and the per-capita public green areain tibet averages 19.73 square meters, which were 2.03 times the nationl average. Green-wayalso played the role to improve air quality, reduce noise, regulate the microclimate effect. Theonline survey showed that more than 95% of the Guangzhou people felt the air qualityimproved obviously, and about 20% of the people felt the water, noise, light and otherenvironmental improvement.

  The green-way construction improved the road, infrastructure and services constructionalong the village, and improved the living environment. By investigating the along villages,showed that the green-way not only improved the village traffic conditions, and strengthen theembankment, construction of water facilities, what more part of the villages by the green-wayincreased leisure park, plaza and other places.

  (3)Social benefit: The green-way construction improved the ecological livablecity image.According to the questionnaire survey analysis, tourists evaluation of Guangzhou city imagefrom 72 points rising to 85 points by the experience of green-way, 76% of Guangzhou peoplethought that green-way construction had improved the image of the city of Guangzhou, and95% Guangzhou residents expressed strong support for the green-way construction.

  The Green-way construction also improved the life quality of residents and the publicwell-bing. The online survey showed that 80% of the residents occasionally or often use thepublic facilities along green-way, 62% of Guangzhou people thought that green-way and thelandscape of public facilities had brought convenience to their life. On the other hand, thegreen-way construction coordinated the development of urban and rural integration, by theon-the-spot interview showed that, the green-way promotrd the rural living city, and someworking outside farmers began to return to work and live.

  (4) Economic benefits: In 2010 the Guangzhou green ecological leisure tourism value was4849.75 Million, and the Green-way had the maximize social welfare. It also had the positiveexternal effect to the investment value, then increased the real-estate investment by 9.28%, soGreen-way construction could promoted the improvement of investment environment. On theother side, it also could drived a faemer to become rich, to provide jobs and increase farmersincome. Green-way along the village collective economic growth rate increased 53.6%,operating income increased substantially.

  Key words: Guangzhou city; Green construction; Benefit evaluation; Green network planning




  第一章 绪论

  1.1 引言

  1.1.1 研究背景

  1.1.2 研究目的与意义

  1.2 国内外研究现状与评述

  1.3 研究目标与主要内容

  1.3.1 研究目标

  1.3.2 主要内容

  1.4 技术路线图

  第二章 研究方法

  2.1 研究区域概括

  2.2 研究对象与范围

  2.3 评估方法

  2.4 评估构架

  2.5 评估指标的量化与描述

  2.5.1 生态效益

  2.5.2 环境效益

  2.5.3 社会效益

  2.5.4 经济效益

  2.6 调研过程

  2.7 调研数据

  2.7.1 问卷调查样本

  2.7.2 访谈数据

  2.7.3 观察日志

  第三章 研究结果

  3.1 生态效益

  3.1.1 改变交通出行方式,减少尾气排放

  3.1.2 增加城市绿地面积,提升负离子含量

  3.1.3 调节温度与湿度,缓解热岛效应

  3.1.4 滞尘降尘,提高空气透明度

  3.1.5 吸收有毒气体,减少雾霾天气

  3.1.6 保护原生态,有利生物多样性

  3.2 环境效益

  3.2.1 美化视觉感受,提升景观价值

  3.2.2 增加开敞空间,完善休闲环境

  3.2.3 改善自然环境,提升居住条件

  3.2.4 降低交通噪音,优化人居环境

  3.2.5 防火抗灾,防风固沙

  3.3 社会效益

  3.3.1 提升城市品位,示范效应显着

  3.3.2 推动科普教育,宣传广府文化

  3.3.3 增加休闲空间,引领健康生活

  3.3.4 优化居住环境,构建宜居城市

  3.3.5 提升休闲可达性,增强人才吸引力

  3.3.6 促进人际交流,和谐社会关系

  3.3.7 推动城乡一体化,助力新型城镇化建设

  3.4 经济效益

  3.4.1 具有可观的总体价值

  3.4.2 形成了绿道经济产业链

  3.4.3 促进了绿道周边土地升值

  3.4.4 增加农村就业,促进乡村旅游开发

  3.5 综合效益

  3.5.1 绿道建设的社会满意度高

  3.5.2 互联网上对绿道建设评价更高

  3.5.3 四大效益叠加具有乘数效应

  第四章 结论与讨论

  4.1 结论

  4.1.1 生态效益

  4.1.2 环境效益

  4.1.3 社会效益

  4.1.4 经济效益

  4.1.5 存在问题

  4.2 讨论

  4.2.1 进一步完善绿道的各项配套服务设施

  4.2.2 加强绿道的宣传推广

  4.2.3 水上绿道的开发措施

  4.2.4 建立有效的绿道管理机制

  4.2.5 建立绿道长效经营的经营规范


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