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来源: 西北农林科技大学 作者:王晨
发布于:2019-02-25 共3529字

【【题目】】 成本管理在园林绿化工程中的应用探析


  关键词:   园林;绿化;项目;成本;控制
  After years of economic development, China has made remarkable achievements ineconomy, but behind it is the pollution and damage to the environment. Therefore, China'ssocial and economic transformation began to take the road of sustainable development, thecountry also vigorously advocated the construction of ecological, environmentally friendlysociety, under the vigorous publicity, our people have fully recognized the importance ofecological environment, each region also began to promote the construction of ecologicalcities. The construction of ecological city cannot be separated from the landscaping project. Inorder to make the city take on a new look and promote the improvement of ecologicalenvironment, the construction of landscaping project is vigorously carried out in variousregions. But in the construction of landscaping project, effective management measures arevery important. At present, in the construction of landscaping project, there are still somedeficiencies in the cost management, so that the overall benefits of landscaping project arefully reflected.
  At present, the cost management of landscaping project is mostly extensive management,and its management means is mainly to control the cost of the construction stage. The wholeprocess of the project is not included in the management scope, the integrity of themanagement method is poor, and there is a lack of cost management performance assessment.
  Compared with other engineering construction projects, landscaping projects have their ownuniqueness, so the cost management can not completely copy the management mode of otherprojects. Based on the case of donghu landscaping project, this paper studies the costmanagement and draws the following conclusions:
  1. Define the key control points of landscaping project costThe key points of cost control of landscaping project are as follows, including costanalysis in planning stage, cost analysis in design stage, procurement cost analysis,construction cost analysis and cost analysis in supervision stage. By taking reasonablemeasures to effectively control the key points, we strive to reduce the cost of engineeringprojects and improve the benefits of landscaping engineering projects.
  2. Combined with cases, analyze the cost management problemsCombined with the actual case of donghu landscaping project, the cost management problems are analyzed and summarized. Usually, the problem of cost management exists inthe whole process of landscaping project, which affects the cost of the whole landscapingproject. However, in the east lake landscaping project, the main problems of its costmanagement are imperfect cost control system, incorrect rights, responsibilities and interests,etc., which affect the smooth development of the east lake landscaping project costmanagement.
  3. Analyze the reasons and propose management measures according to the problemsIn on east lake landscaping project, on the basis of the analysis of cost managementproblems, this article also probes into the causes of the cost management problems, includinglack of high-quality talents, lack of scientific performance evaluation and incentive system,vegetation and ecological planning, high cost and design change frequently, the costmanagement is out of control, supervision team quality is not high, the increased cost oftender method choice to bring hidden trouble, etc., after fully understand the problems andreasons, to the east lake landscape engineering cost management put forward effectivemeasures, main is to develop targeted measures for each stage of scientific management.
  KEY WORDS: garden; greening; project; cost; control
  目 录
  第一章 文献综述

  1.1 研究背景
  1.2 选题的目的和意义
  1.2.1 选题目的.
  1.2.2 研究意义.
  1.3 研究内容
  1.4 研究进展
  1.4.1 国外研究进展.
  1.4.2 国内研究进展.
  1.5 研究方法与技术路线
  1.5.1 研究方法.
  1.5.2 技术路线.
  第二章 相关理论概述
  2.1 成本控制的概念
  2.2 成本控制理论
  2.2.1 全过程成本控制.
  2.2.2 全系统成本控制.
  2.3 基于价值链理论的成本控制理论
  2.3.1 企业(工程)内部价值链分析理论
  2.3.2 企业(工程)外部价值链分析理论
  2.3.3 作业成本理论.
  2.4 成本控制方法
  2.4.1 目标成本控制法.
  2.4.2 标准成本控制法.
  2.4.3 作业成本管理法.
  第三章 工程成本管理研究
  3.1 城市园林绿化工程成本构成
  3.2 城市园林绿化工程成本影响因素
  3.2.1 规划与设计影响因素.
  3.2.2 建设过程中的变更因素.
  3.2.3 其他因素.
  3.3 城市园林绿化工程成本管理问题
  3.3.1 设计阶段.
  3.3.2 招投标阶段.
  3.3.3 合同签订阶段.
  3.3.4 施工阶段.
  3.3.5 质量保护以及养护过程.
  第四章 成本管控的问题以及对策

  4.1 案例分析
  4.1.1 案例介绍.
  4.1.2 东湖项目景观成本控制方向.
  4.1.3 东湖项目成本控制过程中存在的问题及原因.
  4.2 问题产生的原因
  4.2.1 专业人才不够.
  4.2.2 项目缺乏科学合理的绩效和激励机制.
  4.2.3 项目工程植被覆盖比较杂乱,规划设计不够合理.
  4.2.4 项目设计变更问题,造成成本的失控.
  4.2.5 施工监理人员素质有待提升.
  4.2.6 项目招标方式不合理,造成成本的增加.
  4.3 东湖项目景观施工成本控制措施
  4.3.1 施工准备措施.
  4.3.3 东湖项目施工成本控制管理对象.
  4.3.4 对节点企业间的业务流程进行优化.
  4.3.5 施工阶段的成本控制对策.
  4.3.6 质保养护阶段的对策及建议.
  4.3.7 施工过程成本控制小结.
  第五章 结论
  5.1 结论
作者单位: 西北农林科技大学
原文出处: 王晨.西北农林科技大学, 风景园林, 2018, 硕士
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