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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-03-22 共3261字

【第1部分】 我国职业经理人制度的不足与完善

  摘 要



  关键词:职业经理人 选拔聘任机制 经理责任制度 薪酬法律制度


  Professional manager system is to ensure that companies achieve long-term viability andindispensable factor for sustainable development . Managers of this scarce resource allocationwell, speaking to create greater benefits for the enterprise , from a macro point of view canmake the whole economy more dynamic from the micro . With the increasingly fierceinternational competition , Chinese enterprises in recent years have begun to pay attention toprofessional manager system , the introduction of this system is gradually increasing . InChina , with the reform and development of the economic system , our team of professionalmanagers is growing , professional manager system is also developing. However, due to itsrise time is not long , the supporting mechanism is still not perfect and mature, the legislationis not perfect, the lack of strict certification system and restraint system requirements forprofessional managers salary incentives and liability system is not perfect, coupled with thelack of moral self- restraint , has led to some non-standard behavior of managers ,shareholders and professional managers appear right configuration imbalance , to bring a lotof trouble . Faced with this situation, China should pay attention to it immediately , drawingon foreign outstanding professional manager system , while improving our country's laws andregulations , the development of a sound institutional system of professional managers tomanage this huge growing professional managers team. In this paper, a theoretical research,empirical analysis studies , and by combining these two methods , in-depth analysis of theinadequacies of the system of professional managers , and compare foreign professionalmanager system , analyze their advantages and disadvantages , and made better learn foreignprofessional manager system.

  This paper consists of five parts altogether . The first part is the introduction, thispaper introduces the background and significance of the topic , research status and the mainresearch methods and innovations . The second part is an overview of the system ofprofessional managers , highlighting the status and role of professional managers in theenterprise . The third part describes the overview of the current legislation and the problemsof professional manager system. The process of running the company cited the operators ofexisting problems , and through the " Tang transfer " cases and "United States of the dispute "case analysis , summed up China's current system of professional managers exist inremuneration and accountability aspects of the legal system problems. And proposedlegislation on the Company's lack of managerial system settings. Part IV introduced theforeign manager selection and appointment mechanism system , salary system andaccountability provisions regarding foreign managers by drawing on the advantages of thesystem , made a number of managers improve our system of countermeasures andsuggestions , such as the establishment of a sound the legal system, through specific laws ,and regulations to professional managers of the rights , obligations and responsibilities ,improve the selection and appointment mechanism, establish an accountability system , theimplementation of equity incentive system , enhanced relevance executive pay andperformance management , strengthen remuneration disclosure systems.

  Keywords: Occupation managers The incentive and constraint mechanism Themanager responsibility system Compensation legal system

    目 录



  1 引言

  1.1 研究的背景和意义

  1.1.1 研究背景

  1.1.2 研究意义

  1.2 国内外研究现状

  1.2.1 国外研究现状

  1.2.2 国内研究现状

  1.3 研究的思路及研究方法

  1.4 创新点

  2 职业经理人制度概述

  2.1 职业经理人的概述

  2.1.1 职业经理人的概念

  2.1.2 职业经理人的特征

  2.1.3 职业经理人的义务

  2.1.4 职业经理人在公司法人治理结构中的法律地位

  2.2 职业经理人制度

  2.2.1 职业经理人制度的概念

  2.2.2 职业经理人制度的组成

  2.3 职业经理人制度的理论基础

  3 我国职业经理人制度的现行立法概况及存在的问题

  3.1 公司运行过程中存在的有关经营者的问题

  3.1.1 股东与职业经理人信任危机

  3.1.2 职业经理人角色错位

  3.1.3 职业经理人的薪酬法律制度不健全

  3.1.4 职业经理人的责任制度缺位

  3.2 我国职业经理人制度的现行立法概况

  3.3 我国公司立法在经理人制度设置上的缺陷

  3.3.1 对经理人权限的规定存在漏洞

  3.3.2 对经理人义务和责任的规定不完善

  3.3.3 对于经理人职权的授予及解除规定不完善

  4 我国职业经理人制度的完善

  4.1 国外职业经理人制度的借鉴

  4.1.1 国外关于职业经理人选拔、聘任制度的规定

  4.1.2 国外关于职业经理人薪酬法律制度的规定

  4.1.3 国外关于职业经理人责任制度的规定

  4.2 完善我国职业经理人制度的建议

  4.2.1 有关职业经理人立法的总体架构

  4.2.2 完善职业经理人选拔、聘任制度

  4.2.3 构建合理的经理薪酬法律制度

  4.2.4 建立有效的经理人责任制度



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