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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-08-15 共3526字

  摘 要




  关键词:环境污染责任保险 强制保险 第三方专业技术评估机构


  At present, China economy are maintained the momentum of rapid development, thepeople's living standards improve. But with the development and progress of society,conflicts between man and society and nature continues to emerge. Pollution damage to thedepletion of resources, the environment, frequent natural disasters are threatening the basicenvironment for human survival. China is in a period of high environmental pollutionaccident, some local industrial enterprises seriously pollute the environment and endangerpeople's health and social stability, especially some of the lack of timely compensation forvictims of pollution incidents, caused a lot of social conflicts. So for our country,environmental pollution liability insurance system is a mitigating environmental stress,reduce pollution, increasing effective way to prevent contamination. However, China'senvironmental pollution liability insurance development is still in its infancy, all aspects ofthe development is not mature, failed to play a real and effective environmental action. So wemust consider the difficulties of the insurance and finding the way of the better development.

  This paper analyzes the current situation of environmental pollution and environmentalpollution liability insurance, and explains China's environmental pollution liability insurancedue to the existence of the legal system is imperfect, inadequate insurance company'stechnology, environmental pollution liability insurance needs with positive externalities,government support constraints such as inadequate, resulting in China's environmentalpollution liability insurance coverage products narrow higher insurance rates, pollutioninsurance companies lack enthusiasm, third-party professional technical assessment bodiesslow development and other issues. At present, China's environmental pollution liabilityinsurance is still in its fledgling stage, the face of increasingly serious environmentalpollution problems, environmental pollution liability insurance in order to pass onenvironmental management, environmental disputes, environmental monitoring, etc. play areal and effective role, it must address above problems of environmental pollution liabilityinsurance to perfect.

  The full text is divided into four parts: The first part, from our water pollution, soilpollution, air pollution three aspects of the present situation of environmental pollution, andanalyzes the development process, the legislative status and overall operation of the insurance.

  The second part, put forward China's environmental pollution liability insurance problemsand identify constraints. The third part of the current development the United States, France,Germany, Sweden, environmental pollution liability insurance for analysis, drawing oninternational experience, including insurance model, contract scope, underwriting agencies.

  The fourth part separately from the insurance companies, insurance companies, third-partyprofessional assessment agencies, the government's point of view, put forward the strategiesof moving the insurance in a higher grade, and further strengthen coordination andcooperation proposed government, businesses and insurance companies, including theestablishment data sharing mechanism to design insurance products and product spread.

  Keywords: environmental pollution liability insurance,compulsoryinsurance,Third-partyprofessional technical assessment bodies

  目 录

  摘 要……III


  目 录……VI

  1 引言……1

  1.1 选题背景与研究意义 ……1

  1.1.1 选题背景 ……1

  1.1.2 研究意义 ……1

  1.2 国内外研究综述 ……2

  1.2.1 国外研究综述 ……2

  1.2.2 国内研究综述 ……3

  1.3 研究思路与方法 ……4

  1.3.1 研究思路 ……4

  1.3.2 研究方法 ……5

  1.4 本文创新与不足 ……5

  2 我国环境污染及环境污染责任保险的现状……7

  2.1 我国环境污染现状 ……7

  2.1.1 水污染严重 ……7

  2.1.2 土壤污染状况严峻 ……9

  2.1.3 大气污染日益严重 ……9

  2.2 我国环境污染管理手段 ……11

  2.3 我国环境污染责任保险的现状 ……12

  2.3.1 我国环境污染责任保险的发展历程 ……12

  2.3.2 我国环境污染责任保险的立法现状 ……13

  2.3.3 我国环境污染责任保险的整体运行情况 ……14

  3 我国环境污染责任保险存在的问题及制约因素……17

  3.1 我国环境污染责任保险存在的问题 ……17

  3.1.1 保险产品承保范围狭窄 ……17

  3.1.2 保险费率较高 ……17

  3.1.3 污染企业缺乏投保积极性 ……17

  3.1.4 第三方专业技术评估机构发展缓慢 ……18

  3.2 我国环境污染责任保险发展的制约因素 ……18

  3.2.1 现有法律体系不完善,缺乏强制性 ……18

  3.2.2 保险公司技术力量不足 ……19

  3.2.3 经验数据严重缺乏 ……19

  3.2.4 政府缺乏激励措施 ……19

  4 国外环境污染责任保险的发展现状及启示……20

  4.1 国外环境污染责任保险的发展现状 ……20

  4.1.1 美国环境污染责任保险的发展现状 ……20

  4.1.2 法国环境污染责任保险的发展现状 ……21

  4.1.3 德国环境污染责任保险的发展现状 ……21

  4.1.4 瑞典环境污染责任保险的发展现状 ……22

  4.2 国外环境污染责任保险对我国的启示 ……22

  4.2.1 环境责任保险立法完善 ……22

  4.2.2 适时推行强制环境污染责任保险 ……22

  4.2.3 承保范围包括突发性和渐进性的环境污染事故 ……23

  4.2.4 成立专门的承保机构 ……23

  5 我国环境污染责任保险的发展对策……24

  5.1 保险公司方面 ……24

  5.1.1 科学界定承保范围 ……24

  5.1.2 确定合理的保险费率 ……24

  5.1.3 建立限额赔偿原则 ……25

  5.1.4 加强个性化程度 ……25

  5.2 投保企业方面 ……25

  5.2.1 加强环保意识 ……25

  5.2.2 提高对环境污染责任保险的认识 ……25

  5.3 第三方专业技术评估机构方面 ……26

  5.3.1 增加专业评估机构的数量 ……26

  5.3.2 扩大专业评估机构的业务范围 ……26

  5.3.3 强制专业评估机构介入 ……27

  5.4 政府及相关部门方面 ……27

  5.4.1 加大扶持力度 ……27

  5.4.2 建立环境污染责任险的专门法律 ……27

  5.4.3 加强宣传力度 ……28

  5.5 政府、企业和保险公司之间协调合作方面 ……28

  5.5.1 建立数据共享机制 ……28

  5.5.2 共同设计和推广保险产品 ……28


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