随着我国经济改革进程的深化、经济政策逐步宽松,一方面,国外保险巨头进入中国市场,另一方面,中国本土的保险公司无论从数量还是规模都得到了迅猛的发展,中国保险市场的竞争越来越激烈。为了提高企业的经营绩效以应对激烈的市场竞争,越来越多的保险企业开始选择集团化这种企业组织形式。然而,相比起国外的集团企业,中国保险企业集团化的历史相对短暂:中国保险企业集团化始于 2002 年《保险法》的修订。那么,中国目前的经济土壤以及保险行业企业内部实力与认知是否真的能够培育集团这种组织形式,避免产生保险企业组织框架的形与提高企业经营绩效的实分离的后果?针对这个问题,本文通过对人保、国寿、太保和平安集团 1999 年至 2012 年的原始数据,运用 SBM 方向性距离函数和 Luenberger 全要素生产率统计工具进行实证研究后认为,我国保险企业集团化仍处于初级阶段,集团化并没有真正推动我国保险企业经营绩效的提高。从效率角度来看,集团化后的保险企业总体经营效率要高于集团化前水平,平均提高6.68%,但是如果将经营效率分解到各家样本公司可以看出 6.68%的提高幅度主要得益于人保集团,而其余三家企业提高的幅度很微弱甚至在平安出现了负增长情况。根据效率进一步分解的结果,人保经营效率的提高主要是投资效率与赔付支出管理能力的增强;从全要素生产率角度来看,集团化后的总体水平较集团化前降低,根据生产率指标的分解情况可以看出,除了技术规模变化在集团化后是增加的,纯效率、纯技术以及规模效率变化指标都呈现明显的下降趋势。根据实证研究的结果,本文认为中国的保险企业应该摒弃过去粗放的管理模式,稳扎稳打、步步为营,逐步推动集团化进程,提升企业的核心竞争力,最终达到提高企业经营绩效的目的。本文的创新点在于:1、将研究目标缩小到特定群体:中国的保险集团;2、在实证研究的过程中引入了“坏”产出,从而减少甚至避免了只考虑“好”产出带来的夸大集团化对中国保险企业经营绩效影响的可能性。本文的局限性在于:1、对于保险行业投入产出的变量学术界没有统一标准,这使得变量选取依赖于研究者个人的判断;2、由于中国保险集团化企业只有九家,根据模型及研究问题的潜在要求最终进入样本只有四家公司,样本量偏小。
本文分为四部分:第一章为绪论,该部分对论文研究目标及背景做了介绍,阐明集团化对我国保险企业经营绩效影响研究的必要性,同时列举了国内外的相关文献为接下来的研究做好基础;第二章的内容主要是从理论上对集团化企业进行研究。由于集团化没有统一的定义,因此在该部分,文章首先整理集团化的概念,并结合我国保险企业实际情况,对本文范围内的集团企业进行界定;接着,本章运用组织演化理论从变异、选择和保持三个阶段进行企业组织演化机理的研究,分析集团企业的形成原因;最后,该章将企业集团化具体应用到中国的保险行业,介绍中国保险集团产生的原因及特点。第三章为集团化对中国保险企业绩效影响的实证研究。该章运用 SBM 方向性距离函数和 Luenberger 生产率及其分解指标对四家保险集团 1999 年至 2012 年的数据进行分析,得出集团化对中国保险企业效率和全要素生产率影响较小的结论,并结合中国具体的经济背景提出我国保险集团化仍然处于初级阶段,集团化并没有真正的推动中国保险企业经营效率提高的观点。第四章为总结,在该部分,本文针对上章实证分析中总结出来的我国保险公司集团化过程中产生的问题提出建议:中国保险企业应该提高技术创新能力、促进产品结构转型;拓展新的营销模式、促进营销渠道多元化发展;优化资源整合、促进企业运营效率提高。在最后一部分本文对文章的创新点及不足进行阐述。
关键词:集团化;绩效;SBM 方向性距离函数;Luenberger 生产率
With the deepening of China's economic reform process and the gradual economicpolitical easing, on one hand, foreign insurance giants enter Chinese market; on theother hand, domestic insurance companies in China have rapidly developed in terms ofquantity and scale. As a result, China's insurance market has become more and morecompetitive. In order to improve business performance to cope with the fierce marketcompetition, more and more insurance companies begin to choose enterprise group asthe form of business organization. However, compared with overseas Group companies,the history of our insurance Group's companies, which starts from 2002, is relativelyshort. Here is an interesting question. Can this form of business organization improvebusiness performance of insurance companies considering China's current economy aswell as the Company strength? To solve this problem, this paper choose PICC, ChinaLife, CPIC and PingAn as sample. 13 years' raw data from 1999 to 2012 of the fourinsurance groups and the use of SBM directional distance function and TFP help to findthat collectivization doesn't help to improve the performance of insurance companies inChina as the companies are at the primary stage of collectivization. From the point ofefficiency, there is a 6.68% increase before and after collectivization. However, if theincrease is decomposed into each sample company, it can be seen that most of theincrease is from PICC, while the increase of the China Life and CPIC is very weak andPing An experiences negative growth. According to the further decomposed results ofefficiency, the increase of PICC operating efficiencies mainly come from theimprovement of investment efficiency and management capabilities of paymentexpenditure. From the point of TFP, there is a decrease before and after collectivization.
According to the decomposition of productivity indicator, apart from technical changes,the net efficiency, pure technical and scale efficiency change indicators show cleardownward trend. According to the results of empirical research, we believe that theinsurance companies in China should abandon the past extensive management model,promote the process of group step by step to enhance the core competitiveness ofenterprises and improve business performance ultimately. Innovations of this paper areas follows: 1, The research goals is reduced to specific groups: Insurance Group inChina; 2, The introduction of “bad” outputs in empirical research reduces or even avoidsthe possibility of exaggerating the result. Limitations of this paper are as follows: 1,There is no uniform standard for the input and output variables, which makes theselection of variables depends on personal judgment. 2, As there are nine insurancegroup enterprises, only four companies remain in the sample according to therequirements of model. The sample size is too small.
This paper is divided into four parts: the first chapter is introduction whichintroduces the content of target and background of the thesis and illustrates the necessityof the study. Meanwhile, this part contains lists of related literature in this field layingthe foundation for the next part. The second chapter is the research of enterprise groupfrom theoretical aspect, In this part, the article firstly expound the concept of the group,secondly study the concept from the formation mechanism of collectivization from theviewpoint of enterprise organization evolution, thirdly analyze the cause of formation ofenterprise group. At last this part introduces the history and present situation of produceChina insurance group as specific application. The third chapter is empirical research,basing on the result of empirical research and the actual specific Chinese economicbackground; the paper proposed that insurance companies are still in the initial stage ofcollectivization in China and collectivization has little effect on the performance. Thefourth chapter is a summary. In this part, I put forward my own proposals according tothe problems found in empirical research such as insurance enterprises should improvethe ability of technology innovation, promote the transformation of product structure,promote the diversified development of marketing channels, develop new marketingmodes, optimize the integration of resources, enhance the enterprise operation efficiency.In the last part of the paper, innovation points and deficiencies are elaborated.
Key words:collectivization; performance; SBM; Luenberger
第一章 绪 论
第二节 国内外相关领域的研究文献
第二章 企业集团化理论机理
第一节 集团化概念界定
第二节 集团企业的发展路程演进研究
第三章 集团化对中国保险企业绩效影响研究
第一节 研究方法
一、SBM 方向性距离函数
二、Luenberger 生产率分解
第二节 实证分析
第四章 结束语
致 谢