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来源:学术堂 作者:陈老师
发布于:2016-10-08 共3042字
  摘 要
  Pop music as an important part of mass culture in its development in addition tomapping out our entire era behind the tide of social culture, also reflects the audienceof the aesthetic demand constantly updated. In the pursuit of cultural innovation s,pop music has been diversified forms to enrich their own music iconicity andinnovation to meet the needs of social development. The paper through the“nostalgia” cultural phenomenon to understand popular music is how to use specialmusic language to express the nostalgic sublimation art and aesthetic value ofliterature and art.
  In this paper, from the transformation of the society, the traditional culturalRenaissance, the accumulation of national culture psychology, the transition of theaesthetic taste of audience four angles as the incision to illustrate “nostalgia” isprevalent in popular culture to expand to the pop music phenomenon and the reasonfor the works contains the analysis of the nostalgic feelings. Today's popular musicface various, this shows the innovation consciousness in the artist's art productionconsciousness gradually strengthened, on the one hand is to cater to different aestheticneeds of audience, more important is pop music has a strong cultural traits for fusionand publicity. Update the current music works very quickly, music creationtechnology and music texture has a mature and rich, but the biggest drawbacks ofpopular culture is works such as clouds. There is no denying that there are still a lot ofgood new, but can “precipitate”down music more and more a youthful appearance forwork in the ninety's, sixty's production. The progress of the society brings the newface at the same time also brings us new thinking: about life goals and ideals,happiness, and the pursuit of “roots culture” in today's highly. Prevalence of nostalgicfeelings and the historical and cultural development of our society, people's nostalgicpsychology is not produced in overnight, it embodies the charm of traditional cultureitself, also shows the reality inside the heart of everyone blundering prefer to avoid infamiliar time space, the nostalgia culture in explosive now engulfing the us.
  Coupled with a large number of typical concrete music works for the analysis ofmusic language is how to express “nostalgia” emotional, mainly through musicontology as a song structure, modal tonality, instruments, lyrics to music elementssuch as discussed, also some pop music works is not represented by music elements,and the idea of value by the works to the critical nostalgia, duo is a lot of work. Thisis also now a lot of work is missing, too much devotion to the art itself is similar totechnical phenomenon, or meaningless follow suit to creation, is not very goodliterary and artistic creation. The purpose of this paper is to think this through theanalysis of the nostalgic cultural phenomenon in our literary and art works ofliterature and art the development of Chinese pop music aesthetic value and what isthe guiding role of ascension.
  Key words: pop music,nostalgia, aesthetic culture

  目 录
  摘 要
  第一节 研究目的及意义
  第二节 研究现状
  第三节 论文结构
  第一章 怀旧文化中审美经验的生成
  第一节 怀旧的内涵与特征
  第二节 怀旧的审美转化
  第三节 怀旧文化的表现形态
  第二章 大众的怀旧审美思潮根源分析
  第一节 现代社会转型的发展
  第二节 寻根文化的催生
  第三节 民族文化的心理沉淀
  第四节 艺术审美趣味的转型
  第三章 怀旧情怀在我国流行音乐中的典型表现
  第一节 流行音乐作品中各类型的的怀旧情怀
  第二节 以“中国风”音乐文化现象分析作品中的怀旧情怀
  第三节 从大陆校园民谣到新民谣中蕴含的人文怀旧
  第四章 透过其他典型怀旧载体分析音乐的怀旧情怀
  第一节 怀旧影视作品中的音乐表现
  第二节 文学文本音乐化的表现
  第五章 怀旧情怀赋予流行音乐的表现特点
  第一节 表现形式的综合性
  第二节 民族意蕴的深厚性
  第三节 创作的多元性
  第六章 流行音乐中的怀旧现象体现的审美价值及现实意义
  第一节 怀旧在文艺审美活动中的价值分析
  第二节 现实意义及弊端分析
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