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来源:学术堂 作者:陈老师
发布于:2016-09-21 共3295字

【题目】 孙惠芬小说中的乡土伦理文化意识探究

  目 录



  绪 论

  第一节 传统乡土伦理的特点及内涵

  第二节 选题意义及研究现状

  第三节 孙惠芬的乡土情结及乡土世界

  第一章 乡村家庭伦理关系的变异

  第一节 尊卑失序的孝悌关系

  第二节 冲突升级的婆媳关系

  第三节 琴瑟失和的夫妻关系

  第二章 乡村人情伦理的异化与重建

  第一节 "熟人社会"向"陌生人社会"的转变

  第二节 乡村人情伦理的异化

  第三节 伦理失序下的思考与建设

  第三章 游离在城乡之间的生存伦理

  第一节 依土而生的传统依赖

  第二节 向城求生的崎岖之路

  第三节 返乡之后的无处皈依

  结 语


  致 谢


  在中国当代文坛,出生于辽宁庄河的东北女作家孙惠芬,是一位虔诚的"乡土守望者".自 80 年代初期处女作《静坐喜床》发表以来,孙惠芬始终在笔耕不辍地书写着乡土生活,更以其出众的表现被看作是当代"新乡土小说"的重要代表人物。孙惠芬以其自身的女性意识及独特的生命体验展现了当下乡村的日常生活和伦理道德,并在作品中流露出较为浓厚的乡土伦理文化意识。通过观照孙惠芬所构建的乡土世界,我们可以看出在迈向现代化的过程中中国乡村所发生的伦理嬗变,以及中国农民所遭遇的物质、精神和伦理困境。孙惠芬在揭示这些伦理变异的同时,更对乡土伦理的当代性现状做出了批判性反思和建设性思考。









  In Chinese contemporary literary world, the woman writer Sun Hui Fen was born in ZhuangHe County, Liaoning Province, who is a religious "local rye". Since the first novel "sit on thebed" has been published in the early 1980s, Sun Huifen always kept on writing the life about thecountryside, and she was seen as an important representative of the contemporary "newvernacular novels" because of her outstanding performance. Sun Huifen showed the daily lifeand the ethics of the rural areas because of her unique female consciousness and her own uniquelife experience, and revealed the strong local ethics and culture consciousness in her works. Byobserving the local countryside, we can see that the ethical evolution occurred in the course ofmodernization in China, and the ethical dilemmas encountered on Chinese farmers. Sun Huifenrevealed the variation of these ethics, but also made a critical reflection and constructive thinkingon the contemporary status of local ethics.

  This paper is composed of three parts: introduction, main body and conclusion.

  The introduction part mainly introduced Sun Huifen's personal experience, creations and theemphasis of the novel. The article defined the concept of local ethics, family ethics, human ethics,life ethics, and pointed out the research ideas, innovation and research significance.

  The second chapter mainly elaborated the declining and salvation of the human ethics inSun Huifen's novels.

  Firstly, this paper expounded that the local society is changing from the traditional"acquaintance society" to the modern "stranger society"; Secondly, the traditional rural society isnot a stranger's acquaintance society, and people maintain the relationship by favor. But in theprocess of modernization, the local society is more familiar with the trend of the utilitarian andthe indifference, and the traditional principle of mutual benefit shift to the pursuit of economicinterests of the material; Thirdly, this paper also expounded the confusion and thinking of theethical order, in the face of the ethical situation, people began to seek the spiritual way, and thepoor spiritual predicament made people's spirit become extremely difficult.

  The third chapter mainly analyzed the living ethics between the urban and rural areas in SunHuifen's novels. Firstly, most of farmers still hold their lands, as the main force of modern ruralareas; Secondly, the chapter revealed the cultural differences have always been rejected migrantworkers in the city, and the rural women in the process of integration into the city were in a morevulnerable position, farmers can not find a sense of presence in the city; Thirdly, the chaptermainly discussed the farmers who can’t find the ownership had to return home, but after thereturn, they found that the ethics of the traditional rural areas have been lost, the spirit of thepeople back to the village still can not find a way out, just like migratory birds.

  The epilogue part mainly showed the writing meaning. Between the rural society andmodernity collision, the lack of rural ethics is speeding up to the deterioration. The writer SunHui fen did not check in the criticism of the country, but actively explore the possibility ofintegration between urban and rural areas, and seek the commonality between rural and urbanareas, written with transition of new vernacular narrative.

  The conclusion part mainly pointed out the significance of Sun Huifen's local ethics writing.

  Rural society experienced the evolution of the contradiction in the exchanges and collisions withmodernity, the lack of rural ethic is speeding up the deterioration of the rural society. Sun Huifendidn’t stop critique of the countryside, but actively explore the integration of urban and ruralareas, seeking similarities and characteristics between urban and rural areas. She is writing atransition period of Neo vernacular narrative.

  Key Words: Sun Hui fen’s novels, local ethics, family ethics, Etiquette ethics, Survival ethics

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