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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2016-02-02 共2965字

【第1部分】 第三人与有过失的规则体系建设研究

  摘 要






  关键词:第三人与有过失, 过失相抵, 比较过失, 比较过错


  The system of imputed contributory negligence is a special case of the system of contributorynegligence. There are abundant cases of imputed contributory negligence in the judicial practice ofChina, while it is almost blank in legislation and scholars with divergent opinions have notachieved consensus yet. By using methods of comparative analysis and case analysis, the paperstarts with the definition of imputed contributory negligence, then introducing the jurisprudentialbasis as well as the situations of legislation and practice at home and abroad. Besides, by analyzingthe scope of application, the constitutive requirements, the types and the legal effect, the paperproposes rationalization in order to set up a relatively perfect system of imputed contributorynegligence.

  The first chapter gives an overview of imputed contributory negligence. At first, the definitionof imputed contributory negligence is presented on the basis of analyzing previous scholars'

  opinions. Then, it points out that the jurisprudential basis of imputed contributory negligence lies infair value and vicarious liability. At last, it summarizes the shortages in legislation and practice ofChina by comparing the situations at home and abroad.

  The second chapter demonstrates the scope of application of imputed contributory negligence.

  On one side, it can be applied in the field of contract liability, including the areas of liability forbreach of contract and contracting fault liability. On the other side, it differs in some special areasof the field of tort liability. In the special tort field, it can be applied in the area of no-fault liabilitywith certain tilt, and in the field of compensation for personal injury and compensation for mentaldamage, just direct victim's contributory negligence can be applied because personal injury andmental damage are more harmful to the society and more irretrievable.

  The third chapter describes the constitutive requirements and the types of imputedcontributory negligence. Firstly, it makes an analysis of the constitutive requirements. The subjectelement is the third person, and the subjective element is the fault of the third person. The objectiveelement includes misconduct, the causal relationship and the ability of contributory negligence.

  Secondly, the paper analyses three types of typical case of imputed contributory negligence, whichare legal representative's contributory negligence, the employees' contributory negligence and thedirect victims' contributory negligence respectively.

  The fourth chapter reveals the legal effect of imputed contributory negligence. The paperintroduces the dispute by presenting three doctrines of contributory negligence and proposes theopinion by dissecting deeply. Moreover, the judgment of the degree of fault and causation is putforward, followed by the analysis of the special claim of pursuing recovery to the third person.

  Key Words: Imputed Contributory Negligence, Contributory Negligence,Comparative Negligence, Comparative Fault

    目 录

  引 言……- 1 -

  1 第三人与有过失规则的法理基础与立法实践…… - 2 -

  1.1 第三人与有过失的界定 …… - 2 -

  1.2 第三人与有过失的法理基础 …… - 3 -

  1.2.1 公平价值 …… - 3 -

  1.2.2 替代责任 …… - 4 -

  1.3 第三人与有过失的立法实践 …… - 4 -

  1.3.1 域外第三人与有过失的立法实践 …… - 5 -

  1.3.2 我国关于第三人与有过失规则的立法实践 …… - 8 -

  2 第三人与有过失规则的适用范围 …… - 10 -

  2.1 合同责任领域的适用 …… - 10 -

  2.1.1 在违约责任中的适用 …… - 10 -

  2.1.2 在缔约过失责任中的适用 …… - 11 -

  2.2 侵权责任领域的适用 …… - 13 -

  2.2.1 在特殊侵权责任中的适用问题 …… - 13 -

  2.2.2 在人身损害赔偿领域中的适用问题 …… - 15 -

  2.2.3 在精神损害赔偿领域中的适用问题 …… - 16 -

  3 第三人与有过失的构成与类型 …… - 18 -

  3.1 第三人与有过失的构成要件 …… - 18 -

  3.1.1 主体要件 …… - 18 -

  3.1.2 主观要件 …… - 20 -

  3.1.3 客观要件 …… - 20 -

  3.2 第三人与有过失的类型表现 …… - 23 -

  3.2.1 法定代理人与有过失 …… - 23 -

  3.2.2 使用人与有过失 …… - 24 -

  3.2.3 直接受害人与有过失 …… - 25 -

  4 第三人与有过失的法律效果 …… - 27 -

  4.1 关于过失相抵的学说争议及法律剖析 …… - 27 -

  4.1.1 关于过失相抵的学说争议 …… - 27 -

  4.1.2 关于过失相抵学说的法律剖析 …… - 28 -

  4.2 过失相抵责任承担的具体认定 …… - 29 -

  4.2.1 过错程度的判断与相抵 …… - 30 -

  4.2.2 原因力的判断与相抵 …… - 31 -

  4.2.3 其他衡平方法 …… - 32 -

  4.3 对第三人的追偿 …… - 33 -

  5 结语 …… - 34 -

  参考文献……- 35 -

  致 谢……- 39 -

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