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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2016-02-01 共2792字

  摘 要









  关键词:固定转售价格, 反垄断法, 市场竞争


  The fixed resale price will restrain the market competition which is regulated byanti-monopoly law. With the deepening of economic activity, it's becoming more and morewidely, the fixed resale price behaviors is much more common than before. Due to it is an act oflimiting competition, it can cause damage to the fair competition of market environment, and alsodamage the economic interests of the others, especially the consumers' interests. All countries inthe world make it regulated by anti-monopoly law.

  Take the condition of imperfect regulation of anti-monopoly law into consideration , thisarticle will give some suggestions to the perfection of China's anti-monopoly law from thesuperficial study of American's attitude to fixed resale price maintenance according to thehistorical evolution of legislation, and study the fixed resale prices of United States' antitrust lawsfor the enlightenment of international community and our country, hope it will be helpful to theperfection of China's anti-monopoly law theory and economic practice guidance .

  This article which focuses on this theme, combines theory with practice, will discuss from thefollowing aspects:

  The first part of the article will describe the attitude of the United States to maintain thehistorical evolution of the fixed resale prices and trends. First of all, it will analyze the regulationchange of attitude, according to the analysis of the two principles. Secondly, with the minimumresale price, the highest price as the breakthrough point, this part will research the trend of RPM.

  Finally, research its latest changes, to make preparation for the later description.

  The second part of the article will focus on analyzing the legislation on fixed resale price.

  Compare the maximum resale price to minimum resale price and recommend the legislation resaleprice, then summarize the differences among them and emphatically analyzes the resale pricemaintenance regulation.

  The third part, this part will research the control of the fixed price for resale from bothdomestic and international. In the first level, research the distribution and political inclination; inthe second level, starting further research the control of fixed resale price of America antitrust lawfrom the restrictions and penalties perspective.

  The fourth part of the paper, it will gain enlightenment from the anti-trust laws. ResearchChina's anti-monopoly law regulation of resale price maintenance, aiming at the improvementrecommendations. On the one hand, further clarify the responsibility from the legal liability. Onthe other hand, perfect the private litigation from the exemption and procedures.

  Keywords: Antitrust law, Fixed resale price, Competition in the market

    目 录

  引 言…… 1

  1 美国反托拉斯法对固定转售价格控制的历史演变…… 2

  1.1 规制态度的转变…… 2

  1.1.1 通过 Dr.Miles 案确立本身违法原则 …… 3

  1.1.2 规避适用 Dr.Miles 案的例外情形 …… 3

  1.1.3 对 Dr.Miles 案本身违法原则的回归 …… 4

  1.1.4 对 Dr.Miles 案本身违法原则的限制适用 …… 5

  1.2 发展趋势的分析…… 6

  1.2.1 最低转售价格 …… 6

  1.2.2 最高转售价格 …… 6

  1.2.3 最新变化的原因透视 …… 7

  2 对美国反托拉斯法关于固定转售价格控制的立法评析…… 10

  2.1 最低转售价格的立法及评析…… 10

  2.1.1 成文法的规定 …… 10

  2.1.2 判例法的规定 …… 11

  2.2 最高转售价格的立法及评析…… 11

  2.2.1 成文法的规定 …… 12

  2.2.2 判例法的规定 …… 12

  2.3 纵向价格推荐的立法及评析…… 13

  2.3.1 价格推荐的概念界定 …… 13

  2.3.2 价格推荐的合理性分析 …… 14

  2.4 我国《反垄断法》关于固定转售价格的立法评析 …… 14

  3 美国反托拉斯法控制固定转售价格的启示…… 16

  3.1 经济及政治学分析…… 16

  3.1.1 分销方式多样化 …… 16

  3.1.2 明显的政治倾向 …… 16

  3.2 法理透视…… 17

  3.2.1 限制范围 …… 17

  3.2.2 惩罚力度 …… 17

  4 完善我国反垄断法控制固定转售价格的建议…… 19

  4.1 法律责任形式的完善…… 19

  4.1.1 民事责任 …… 19

  4.1.2 行政责任 …… 21

  4.1.3 刑事责任 …… 23

  4.2 豁免条件和程序的完善…… 24

  4.2.1 明确豁免的适用标准 …… 24

  4.2.2 增加三种豁免情形 …… 25

  4.2.3 豁免程序的完善 …… 26

  4.3 私人诉讼中证明责任的完善 …… 28

  4.3.1 私人执行的概念界定 …… 29

  4.3.2 《谢尔曼法》中的私人执行制度 …… 29

  4.3.3 私人执行中举证责任的分配 …… 31

  5 结语 …… 33

  参考文献…… 34

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