摘 要
As the times progress, people's awareness of science culture is increasingly strong intoday's era, so more and more graduates, which caused serious students' employment pressure,breaking the balance of talent market supply and demand. Employment difficulties ofcontemporary college students is already a common problem faced by everyone, so manystudents face such difficult employment situation in great psychological pressure, under suchpressure so that students have psychological disharmony, also contributed to thecontemporary students' employment psychological crisis. Nowadays, the employmentproblems of contemporary college students have become universities and communityunavoidable topic, the State Department in the government work report has repeatedlymentioned students' employment psychological problems, is also actively exploring effectiveways college students' employment psychological problems solved.
In this paper, the employed psychological problems of contemporary college students asa theoretical basis, through questionnaires and other methods from the employment status ofcontemporary college students and analysis of common employment psychological problemsstart with how to adapt to changes in the requirements of the job market. We conclude thatcontemporary college students in facing employment pickier that result from self-esteem andpride; fear of anxiety and depression caused by inconsistent employment; blind comparisonsof employment caused by envy and jealousy caused by reliance obedience “NEET” passiveemployment issues. And how to adapt to changes in the requirements of the job market, theemployment of college students psychological problems as a starting point for effectivecounseling from a combination of factors, social, school education system, family factors, andthe students themselves every point of the deep-seated causes of psychological problems ofemployment, on the basis of on deep thinking, propose effective measures to resolve thepsychological problems about employment of contemporary college students, by all means todeal with the psychological problems about employment of contemporary college students,individual students, families, schools and society more than starting point of view, theestablishment of a three-dimensional defensive countermeasures dense impermeable. Therebyhelping to get rid of contemporary college students psychological problems aboutemployment, improve the overall employment core competitiveness, so graduates entering theworkplace as soon as possible, to achieve their ideal of life and the value of the effectivepromotion of building a socialist harmonious society.
Key words: contemporary; undergraduate; employment psychological; problem;research
目 录
摘 要
1 绪论
1.1 研究背景与目的
1.1.1 研究背景
1.1.2 研究目的
1.2 国内外的研究现状
1.2.1 国外关于大学生就业心理问题研究现状
1.2.2 国内关于大学生就业心理问题研究现状
1.3 基本思路与方法
1.3.1 基本思路
1.3.2 研究方法
1.4 创新之处
2 大学生就业心理的概述
2.1 大学生就业心理的内涵
2.1.1 就业的概念
2.1.2 心理的概念
2.1.3 大学生就业心理的含义
2.2 当代大学生就业心理的特征
2.2.1 当代大学生就业心理的显着差异性
2.2.2 当代大学生就业心理的复杂多变性
2.2.3 当代大学生就业心理的个体矛盾性
3 大学生就业心理问题调查
3.1 当代大学生就业心理实证
3.1.1 调查的目的与方法
3.1.2 调查对象
3.2 当代大学生就业心理问题调查结果分析
3.2.1 自卑自傲引起的逃避挑剔就业
3.2.2 焦虑抑郁引发的恐惧抵触就业
3.2.3 羡慕妒忌导致的盲目攀比就业
3.2.4 依赖从众造成的“啃老”被动就业
4 当代大学生就业心理的影响要素分析
4.1 社会综合因素对大学生就业心理的影响
4.1.1 市场经济带来的负面影响
4.1.2 社会就业援助体系不够健全
4.1.3 用人单位的选才标准不够恰当
4.1.4 性别歧视问题
4.2 高校教育体制的弊端
4.2.1 专业课程设置与社会需求脱节
4.2.2 高校就业指导出现偏差
4.2.3 就业心理教育流于形式
4.2.4 就业个性化指导不到位
4.3 家庭因素对当代大学生就业心理的影响
4.3.1 家庭对当代大学生过于溺爱与保护
4.3.2 家庭对当代大学生就业期望值过高
4.3.3 家庭社会背景构成的影响
4.4 当代大学生自身因素的影响
4.4.1 当代大学生抵抗挫折能力较差
4.4.2 当代大学生综合认知能力不足
4.4.3 当代大学生的价值取向存在偏差
5 采取有效措施解决大学生就业心理问题
5.1 政策导向减少就业压力
5.1.1 加强宏观调控,促进和谐就业
5.1.2 尊重知识能力,公平选拔人才
5.1.3 拓宽大学生的就业渠道
5.2 高校疏导增强就业能力
5.2.1 强化就业心理指导工作力度
5.2.2 充分发挥思想政治教育功能
5.2.3 加强自主创业项目就业教育
5.2.4 提供大学生就业模拟实践机会
5.3 家庭交流缓冲就业负担
5.3.1 尊重大学生就业意愿选择
5.3.2 为大学生就业积极提供建议
5.3.3 加强与大学生的情感交流
5.4 自身完善调节就业心态
5.4.1 加强大学生自我认知能力
5.4.2 提高大学生个人综合素质
5.4.3 培养大学生就业心理品质
5.4.4 制定合理的职业生涯规划
6 结束语
致 谢