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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-06-27 共3828字

  摘 要













  With the characteristics of vividness, authenticity and aesthetic, art can become a carrierin ideological and political education of college students. Outstanding works of art can playthe role of ideological and political education. This paper discusses the application of art, suchas literature, music, dancing, sculpture, painting, film and television, in ideological andpolitical education of college students from the aspects of incentive effect, infection effect,purification effect, compensation effect, aesthetic effect, etc.

  College students are the future of our country, the nation's hope, and the precious humanresources to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. To cultivate builders andsuccessors to the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, we need to strengthenideological and political education of college students and develop carriers in ideological andpolitical education of college students. Taking art as a carrier to carry out ideological andpolitical education of college students conforms to the characteristics of college students asthey have lively personality and yearn for freedom, and therefore makes ideological andpolitical education of college students have practical effectiveness and ensures that the causeof socialism with Chinese characteristics can thrive and be succeeded.

  Himself from carrier on art's role in the ideological and political education as a startingpoint, using the method of literature, theoretical analysis, comparison, induction and otherresearch methods, induces “artistic effect on college students' ideological and politicaleducation” theory and detailed in this paper. At the same time, based on the current art play arole in the ideological and political education present situation analysis, elaborated various artforms in the ideological and political education is how to play a role. For art in the role ofideological and political education research has not only enriched the basic theory ofideological and political education, and for the development of college students' ideologicaland political education activity provided the new carrier and theoretical guidance. Theideological and political education workers should make full use of art value, the role ofideological and political education to cultivate college students' patriotic sentiment, improvethe aesthetic value of college students, sublimate the ideology of college students, enablingthem to build up confidence, strengthen the sense of national pride, to realize the greatrejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

  This paper is divided into six parts and has a discussion closely around the theme:

  The first part is an introduction, which introduces the writing background, significance,research status, research methods and innovation.

  he second part describes the relationship between art and ideological and politicaleducation. In this part, the definitions of art and ideological and political education arerespectively given, and the mutual influence of art and ideological and political education iselaborated to describe the relationship between art and ideological and political education asunity of opposites with mutual influence.

  The third part describes the role of art played in ideological and political education,including the incentive effect, infection effect, purification effect, compensation effect andaesthetic effect of art.

  The fourth part discusses the necessity and feasibility of using art to carry out ideologicaland political education of college students.

  The fifth part describes the application of art in ideological and political education of thecollege students. This part elaborates that how art is applied in ideological and politicaleducation of college students with respect to several forms of art, such as literature, music,dancing, sculpture, painting, film and television.

  The sixth part is the conclusion.

  Key words: art; college students; ideological and political education; relationship; role

  目 录

  摘 要


  1 绪论

  1.1 研究背景和研究意义

  1.1.1 研究背景

  1.1.2 研究意义

  1.2 研究现状

  1.2.1 国内研究现状

  1.2.2 国外研究现状

  1.2.3 研究现状分析

  1.3 研究方法和创新之处

  1.3.1 研究方法

  1.3.2 创新之处

  2 艺术与思想政治教育的关系

  2.1 艺术的本质及特点

  2.1.1 艺术的本质

  2.1.2 艺术的特点

  2.2 思想政治教育概念和特点

  2.2.1 思想政治教育概念

  2.2.2 思想政治教育特点

  2.3 艺术与思想政治教育的关系

  2.3.1 艺术辅翼思想政治教育

  2.3.2 思想政治教育引领艺术创作

  3 艺术对思想政治教育的作用

  3.1 激励作用

  3.2 感染作用

  3.3 净化作用

  3.4 补偿作用

  3.5 审美作用

  4 利用艺术开展大学生思想政治教育的必要性及可行性

  4.1 利用艺术开展大学生思想政治教育的必要性

  4.1.1 艺术是大学生思想政治教育的现实需要

  4.1.2 艺术有助提升大学生思想政治教育效果

  4.1.3 艺术是大学生全面发展的需要

  4.2 利用艺术开展大学生思想政治教育的可行性

  4.2.1 信息时代为各种艺术形式的传播创造条件

  4.2.2 艺术拓展大学生思想政治教育空间

  4.2.3 大学生自身特点更容易接受各种艺术形式

  5 艺术在大学生思想政治教育中的运用

  5.1 利用文学作品激励和感染大学生的精神世界

  5.1.1 从优秀的文学作品中吸取正能量

  5.1.2 利用优秀文学作品形成正确思想观念

  5.2 依托音乐作品营造积极向上的思想政治教育氛围

  5.2.1 音乐作品具有语言所无法比拟的表现力

  5.2.2 利用音乐作品激励和振奋大学生的高尚情操

  5.3 运用舞蹈激发大学生拼搏进取的精神

  5.3.1 美丽优雅的舞蹈能够唤起大学生的心灵美感

  5.3.2 利用舞蹈艺术使大学生悦心磨志

  5.4 利用雕塑作品提高大学生思想政治觉悟

  5.4.1 雕塑作品的具体性使大学生受到心灵震撼

  5.4.2 雕塑作品与环境相得益彰形成视觉冲击

  5.4.3 雕塑作品的内涵提升大学生修养

  5.5 利用绘画作品内容创造大学生思想政治教育育人环境

  5.5.1 绘画作品具有润物无声的渗透力

  5.5.2 绘画作品具有意境深邃的影响力

  5.6 发挥影视艺术作品魅力增强大学生思想政治教育感染力

  5.6.1 利用影视艺术的整合功能寓教于乐、寓理于情

  5.6.2 利用影视作品弘扬社会主义核心价值观

  6 结束语


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