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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-06-27 共3845字

  摘 要






  Since thirty years of reform and opening up, China's economic strength greatly improve,the rapid development of private enterprises, the position in the national economy growing,injected vigor and vitality to the Chinese not only economic growth, but also become animportant part of the national economy. At present, our country is in the comprehensive builtdecisive stage of well-off society, deepening the comprehensive reform of the crucial periodand the deep zone, private enterprises are also stepping into the golden period of developmentand core competitiveness prominent phase, how to remain invincible in the fierce marketcompetition environment, need to enterprises formed team value consensus in adapting tochanges in the external environment, employees staff role transformation and group behaviorpattern change, to play a modern scientific management utility.

  The rapid development of private enterprise has opened up a new field for the enterpriseideological and political education, it also brings the enterprise ideological and politicaleducation lack of talent, the content and method of monotone, imperfect organization systemand many other issues. The Party's eighteen big since, our party has not only put forward acomprehensive well-off society, to deepen the strategic plan comprehensively, and clearly putforward the propaganda and ideological work of the four “clear” on the in-depth developmentof socialism with Chinese characteristics, publicity and education, strengthen the constructionof socialist core value system, cultivating and practicing the core values of socialism proposedthe new task. Put forward the new request to the new era of ideological and political educationwork. How to adapt to the development and changes of the new situation, new task, to solvethe problem of Ideological and political education of ideological and political education ofprivate enterprises, private enterprises, which has become the important topic of ideologicaland political education.

  This paper starts with the analysis of the private enterprise thought political education,the ideological and political education in the discussion on the problem of private enterprise,based on the proposed causes and significance, content and method of strengthening andimproving the ideological and political education of private enterprises, puts forward the pathof ideological and political education can be strengthened with civilian battalion enterpriseoperational. In the aspect of content, focus on personal ideal, build cohesion developmentvision, and establish the collective consciousness, promote social responsibility, enhance thelegal awareness, legal environment construction; methods, focusing on theoretical studymethod, practice education, psychological counseling method, case analysis method. On thepath of ideological and political education of private enterprise, is committed to the socialistcore value theory, to China characteristic socialist concept to strengthen the concept of privateenterprise and the ideological and political education of Chinese excellent traditional culture;to the people of this thinking, team awareness, brand concepts clear private enterprise thoughtpolitical education goal; from the team training, Party building, system support, industrycollaboration of sound private enterprise thought political education organizations; throughthe effective carrier of theory propaganda and practice innovation of private enterpriseideological and political education. In short, basic thesis explored in theory analysis andpractice, the research of correlation analysis and countermeasures of ideological and politicaleducation of private enterprises, in order to provide a reference and Enlightenment for thedevelopment of private enterprises in China.

  Key words: private enterprise; ideological and political education; problem; Chinesecharacteristics; socialism

  目 录

  摘 要


  1 绪论

  1.1 研究的背景与意义

  1.1.1 选题背景

  1.1.2 选题意义

  1.2 国内外研究现状

  1.2.1 国外研究现状

  1.2.2 国内研究现状

  1.3 基本的研究思路与方法

  1.3.1 研究思路

  1.3.2 研究方法

  1.4 论文的框架与创新之处

  1.4.1 论文的框架

  1.4.2 创新之处

  2 民营企业思想政治教育的现状分析

  2.1 民营企业概述

  2.1.1 民营企业界定

  2.1.2 民营企业的发展历程

  2.2 民营企业思想政治教育的问题

  2.2.1 企业缺乏思想政治教育人才

  2.2.2 企业思想政治教育内容与方法单调

  2.2.3 企业思想政治教育组织体系不健全

  2.3 民营企业思想政治教育问题的原因

  2.3.1 企业重视不足,观念淡薄

  2.3.2 人员流动性强,成效难显

  2.3.3 文化投入不足,保障不力

  3 民营企业思想政治教育的意义

  3.1 有助于提升民营企业人员素质

  3.1.1 培育民营企业主的企业家精神

  3.1.2 增强民营企业员工忠诚度

  3.2 有助于增强民营企业核心竞争力

  3.2.1 确立民营企业的战略定位

  3.2.2 促进民营企业的转型升级

  3.3 有助于发展民营企业的社会责任

  3.3.1 化解利益矛盾,促进企业和谐发展

  3.3.2 提高企业经济效益,创造社会财富

  4 加强和改进民营企业思想政治教育的内容和方法

  4.1 加强和改进民营企业思想政治教育的内容

  4.1.1 凝聚个人理想、共筑发展愿景

  4.1.2 树立集体意识、倡导社会责任

  4.1.3 增强法制意识、构建法制环境

  4.2 加强和改进民营企业思想政治教育的方法

  4.2.1 理论学习法

  4.2.2 实践教育法

  4.2.3 心理疏导法

  4.2.4 案例分析法

  5 探寻民营企业思想政治教育的路径

  5.1 强化民营企业思想政治教育理念

  5.1.1 以中国特色社会主义理论引领民营企业思想政治教育的方向

  5.1.2 以社会主义核心价值观主导民营企业思想政治教育的内容

  5.1.3 以中华优秀传统文化打造民营企业思想政治教育的特色

  5.2 明确民营企业思想政治教育目标

  5.2.1 树立以人为本的个体目标

  5.2.2 提升团队精神的群体目标

  5.2.3 构建品牌意识的整体目标

  5.3 健全民营企业思想政治教育的组织机构

  5.3.1 根据企业特点,培育优秀团队

  5.3.2 政府派驻代表,强化党团建设

  5.3.3 党工青团协调,形成系统支持

  5.3.4 彰显行业优势,成立区域组织

  5.4 创新民营企业思想政治教育的有效载体

  5.4.1 通过校企合作加强理论宣传,强化导向性

  5.4.2 立足岗位开展创先争优活动,突出主体性

  5.4.3 以企业网站为依托广开言路,增强透明度

  6 结束语


  致 谢

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