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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-01-22 共3845字

【第1部分】 网络折价促销对消费者感知价值的影响
  最近十年的时间,网络经济在中国飞速发展,网络交易系统渐趋成熟,消费者关注的焦点已从过去系统服务面,逐渐转移到从网络交易上所能带来的实质利益。消费者对网络服务的提供者要求的不仅仅是提供物品本身,还需要在购买的过程中有附加价值。然而不同的网络促销方式,在消费者的认知需求与个人特质差异下,带来的感知价值大不相同,也因此影响促销效果,所以业者应该对此作深入的研究。以往,从促销角度去研究网络促销和消费者之间的关系,不管是传统促销理论还是网络促销,更多注重的是如何剌激消费者的购买行为,达到购买量的增加,可是真正关心消费者从促销过程中所获得利益、以及各种不同的心理感受的却少之又少,所以本研究旨在阐明在不同的促销手段下,消费者对促销方式的认同以及对自身能够获得的价值的认知,从而确定该种促销方式是否合适。消费者的感知价值与多种因素相关,本研究所选取的网络促销方式分别为:折价促销、试用、赠品、抽奖、竞赛和会员集点。在研究的过程中发现,曾经使用网络促销方式中以折价促销最多,达到了 53%,故本研究抽取折价促销进行研究,分析其对消费者感知价值的影响,探求如何更好地吸引消费者参与使用,从而能给从业者和研究者提供参考和建议。
  With the development of network economy rapid in China during recent tenyears, the online trading system is becoming to be mature, the focus of consumershas been moving from the aspect of system services in the past to the substantialbenefits brought by Internet transactions. Consumers' demands for network servicesuppliers are not only he can provide the goods, but also it must have added value inthe process of purchase. Different ways of network promotion,however, because ofthe cognitive needs and different personalities of consumers, the perceived value isvery different,and thus promotion effect influences, so the operator should study itfixrther. in the past, study the relationship between network promotion and consumerfrom the angle of promotion, the traditional marketing theory and networkpromotion, they focus more on how to stimulate consumer buying behavior, toincrease the quantity of purchases. But caring about profit enjoyed by consumersfrom sales promotion process, as well as a variety of different psychological feelingsare few and far between, so this study is to clarify the consumer identity ofpromotions under different promotion methods,and the cognition of the value theygained, so as to determine whether this kind of promotion is appropriate.
  The process of research, this paper found that the perceived value andconsumerrelated to many factors,network promotion mode selected in this study areas follows:discount promotion, probation, gifts, sweepstakes, contests andmembership set point.Found in the course of the study, was the use of networkpromotion way to discount promotion most,reached 53%, this study selecteddiscount promotion a study factors;analysis of its impact on consumers1 perceivedvalue; to explore how to better attractconsumers to participate in the use,thus cangive practitioners and researchers to provide reference and suggestion.
  There are a variety of consumer perceived value, domestic and foreign scholarshavedifferent opinions in the process of research, this study based on previousresearch results, the consumer perceived value can be divided into: save, quality,convenience,value communication, entertainment and explore six aspects. In thenetwork promotionprocess, there are many factors that can influence on consumers'
  perceived value ofpromotion, in addition to outside, such as different cognitivedemand and demographic variables will affect the consumer can obtain the valueperception. But in the analysis of the promotion effect of the basic general, the key isto look at whether the company sales increase. While the process in a seller's marketto a buyer's market gradually gradually transformed, enterprises increasinglydifficult to attract consumers, it is necessary to refine the perceived value ofconsumers, do in-depth research. On this basis, further study of the influence ofnetwork discount promotionway to different perceived value,through the analysis ofthe data, and explore thereasons for the formation of the data, we found that has a lotof uncertainty in the online purchase, consumers pay more attention to save interestpursuit, and aggravate and network management low cost competition all thebusiness conditions for discount promotion; but the discount promotion will affectconsumer acceptance in quality, and will hurt the brand and product image; discountpromotion will facilitate consumer choice of space and time,to allow consumers tochoose and buy goodsmore easily; in communicating value, discount promotion letconsumers more intuitive,that will not cause resentment among consumers, but alsofor the exchange of equal value identity; man is a social animal, so in theentertainment interest, discount bothpositive factors in the cluster or the AC levelcan be provided to consumers as much,plays a positive role in related; discountpromotion, can fully mobilize the networkconsumer demand for the pursuit ofcuriosity and successful exploration benefit. Thediscount promotions to consumerssaving, convenience, value communication,entertairiment and research has a positiveeffect on quality, and has a negative effect on.
  This study explore the influence of network promotion ways to consumers1perceived value, based on the promotion theory, consumer behavior theory and thetheory of cognitive demand,and the beginning of analysis is from consumers'psychological level and operators' promotion strategies, by the means ofquestionnaire and data analysis to make a comparison between promotional typesdivision effect,so as to clarify how to choose between the effect of networkmarketing and promotion way, and give a reference for the study and application inthe field of future academy and industry.
  Keyword: Network discount promotion; Consumer perceived value; Need forcognition
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