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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-01-17 共3540字

  摘 要



  2012 年 6 月 14 日深圳发展银行与平安银行合并(中国历史上最大的银行并购案)后,原平安银行全部资产、负债、证照、许可、业务以及人员均由深圳发展银行依法承继,附着于其资产上的全部权利和义务亦由深圳发展银行依法享有和承担。在整合中,银行高度重视客户体验。特别提出了“客户体验为本,业务合并先行”的发展理念。因此,平安银行确立了“对外以客户为中心,对内以人为本”的理念,充分发挥平安集团的综合银行优势,逐步使平安银行成为服务集团综合银行战略的最佳平台,成为专业化和集约化经营的全功能的现代化商业银行。

  然而,2013 年 6 月 17 日,由支付宝与天弘基金共同创建的“余额宝”正式上线。通过“余额宝”,用户存留在支付宝的资金不仅能拿到“利息”,而且和银行活期存款利息相比收益更高。无论是国有五大银行——工商银行、农业银行、中国银行、建设银行、交通银行,还是浙商银行、宁波银行等地方性的商业银行,都受到“余额宝”的巨大冲击。这一事件标志着互联网银行正式向传统银行业开战。同时,以“余额宝”为代表的新一代互联网银行,正不断的抢占传统银行的客户。原来的银行业的格局正在不断的被改写。而这距离“新”平安银行的成立,刚刚 2 年时间。




  In the period of fast social development , Internet exerts an influence on eachfield.Derived products such as Internet of Things,Massive Data and Mobile Wave areevading into our life.We have begun an intelligent life. ”Client is God” is a constant goal inthe dog-eat-dog commercial market.Only by possessing customer group can an organizationrun.It has the same meaning to banks,markets or other fields.So does “Pingan”.

  After the case that Shenzhen Development Bank had amalgamated with Pingan in June14,2012(the biggest financial merger case in history), Shenzhen Development Bankinherits assets and liabilities,license,business and staff.Other things followed,rights andduties have been enjoyed and undertaken.In the integration,the bank paid much attention toclient experience,especially the idea that client experience is fundamental and consolidatingbusinesses is put first.Therefore, most of products and service have interconnected duringmergering,and special serve is shared by two banks to meet the customer’s need ofconvenient ,fast and plentiful products and serve.Forming the idea that customer is outerresponsibility and staff is inner responsibility,the new organization gives full play ofcomprehensive financial advantages and makes Pingan to be a optimal platform of financestrategy,and a modern commercial bank which is with full function as specialization,intensification.

  However, Yu Ebao went online which is established by Alipay and TIANHONG Assetin June 17,2013.Clients can earn more interest that comes from funds retained in Alipaythan current interest of banks.No matter nationalized banks----ABC,CBC,BC,ICBC,BCM or local banks like CZB and BNB were adversely affected by Yu Ebao.It meansInternet finance began to fight against traditional finance.Meanwhile,new generationInternet bank is grabbing customers from tradition ones.The original structure had beenbroken.It has been 2 years since new Pingan set up.

  Customer service is an important link of PingAn Bank and consumers. "Customerdemand is the key, in the service of bank outlets". Despite the significant impact of theInternet financial, but PingAn Bank also need to adjust strategy, to grasp the needs ofcustomers, we provide the quality of service, to maintain good relationship with customerservice. Therefore, this paper will be from the customer service point of view to analysis andexposition, first introduced the background and research methods, the innovation of thispaper; secondly, the service channel innovation, analysis of consumer behavior and relatedtheories are reviewed, and the development experience of domestic and foreign bankcustomer service channels, to provide a theoretical basis for the innovation strategy PingAnBank; thirdly, by analyzing the status of the PingAn Bank and the existing problems, thenecessity of PingAn bank customer service channels of innovation; finally, on the basis ofthe above, we introduce the current mainstream social message, Micro message such ascustomer service, and customer behavior information collection strategies through electronicchannel, and accelerate the implementation of relevant content, the bridge will buildcustomer service channels as PingAn Bank of communication with customers. Thus, theimplementation of PingAn Bank "foreign to the customer as the center" the guiding ideology,to achieve the creation of "the best bank" target.

  Keywords :Pingan Bank, Customer service, Channels

  目 录

  第 1 章 绪论

  1.1 选题的背景及意义

  1.2 研究目的

  1.3 研究的主要方法

  1.4 研究主要内容与创新性

  1.4.1 本文的研究内容

  1.4.2 本文的创新性

  第 2 章 相关理论基础

  2.1 渠道创新的含义

  2.1.1 创新的含义

  2.1.2 服务渠道的含义

  2.2 国内外的相关研究综述

  2.2.1 国内学者的研究

  2.2.2 国外学者的研究

  2.3 国内外银行客户服务渠道的借鉴

  2.3.1 国内银行的客户服务及渠道发展趋势

  2.3.2 国外银行客户服务及渠道发展

  2.4 消费者行为研究对客户服务的影响与价值

  2.4.1 消费者行为研究概述2.4.2 消费者行为研究的主要方法

  2.4.3 银行客户消费行为研究的价值和意义

  第 3 章 平安银行的客户服务渠道现状分析

  3.1 平安银行简介

  3.1.1 平安银行概述

  3.1.2 平安银行的发展概述

  3.2 客户服务对平安银行的价值和意义

  3.3 平安银行客户服务渠道现状及主要问题

  3.4 服务渠道创新的必要性

  3.4.1 外部环境的变化

  3.4.2 银行业受到互联网银行的强烈冲击

  3.4.3 平安银行“服务”的角色转变

  3.4.4 客户习惯的转变

  3.4.5 移动互联网的到来

  第 4 章 平安银行客户服务渠道的创新策略

  4.1 智能门店落实交叉销售和服务

  4.2 完善电子渠道客户服务

  4.2.1 运用与时俱进的社会化媒体客服工具

  4.2.2 建设简单便捷的短信营业厅

  4.3 建设微信营业厅

  4.3.1 微信营业厅的特点

  4.3.2 微信营业厅需求分析

  4.3.3 微信营业厅定位及交互方式

  4.3.4 平安银行微信营业厅菜单规划和服务内容

  4.3.5 平台侧系统要求

  4.4 电子渠道实施客户行为分析

  第 5 章 平安银行客户服务渠道创新策略的实施

  5.1 进一步加快智能门店的布局和建设

  5.2 加快客服组织架构调整

  5.3 重新梳理人力资源体系建设

  5.3.1 重新梳理人力资源管理流程

  5.3.2 重新对岗位胜任要素进行分析和设计

  5.4 做好知识管理工作



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