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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-05-03 共3096字

  摘 要

  富奥集团成立于 1998 年,旗下公司均来自于第一汽车集团公司零部件厂。主要生产汽车环境控制系统、底盘系统、转向系统、安全系统、发动机附件系统等汽车零部件产品,配套能力超过 100 万辆份。主要为一汽集团、大众、通用、宝马等品牌的乘用车和商用车提供配套业务。下属全资子公司、分公司、控股合资公司,参股合资公司共计 30 家,有员工 11,000 人。集团公司的运营及未来发展需要有充足的人才作为保障。现有的人才梯度不够,后备人才匮乏,无法满足公司中长期发展的需要。后备人才队伍建设成为亟待解决的课题。





  FAWER group mainly manufactures automotive parts and components ofenvironment control system, chassis system, steering & transmission system, safetysystem and engine accessory system etc. FAWER Group has over 30 whole ownedsub-companies, holding joint-venture companies, and other joint-venture companies,with 11,000 employees. The growth of the company requires a considerably largepool of talents. However, current talent pool has low penetration, and the quantity andquality of the talents need to be improved. The talent reserve system cannot supportcompany's future development demand. To refine talent reserve system becomes oneof pressing tasks for FAWER to resolve.

  This essay targets at the problems identified from current talent reserve system.

  By studying FAWER Group's business development plan; by basing on the latestadvanced research, theories and methods of succession talent management as well asactual situation of the company, appropriate optimization solutions are developed toachieve more feasible and scientific effects on succession talent system building. Thisoptimization will enable the company to be more efficient and effective to identify,select, develop, and appoint the right talent, so that a group of qualified talents can bereserved for the company to cope with complicated changing situations bothinternally and externally. The ultimate goal is to enhance the company'scompetitiveness.

  It is necessary to analyze the coherence between company's general strategicplan and human resources plan when studying the problems occurred on talentreserve system. Deficiency of talents has a negative impact on continual developmentand growth of the company in the future. Managing talent reserve system is one ofmost important function of human resource management. The capability of managingtalent reserve system will definitely affect the implementation and fulfillment ofcompany's strategic plan. The talent reserve planning is in fact a part of businessstrategic planning. It is a comprehensive process intends to establish a system thataligns employees' personal development needs with company growth targets, andaligns employees' mindset/behavior with company development requirements. Theultimate aim of talent reserve system management is to foster an organization withhigh-performance teams and employees that enables the company to survive inunprecedented changing environment, and strive for success in severe competition.

  In this paper, analysis is conducted on FAWER Group existing talent reservesystem to study the process including talents' selection, development, andappointment, based on which identifies various types of problems. By considering theeventual situation of the company and modern management theories, empiricalanalysis, and system analysis are applied on the problems to identify root causes. Toresolve these problems identified, a systematic study on company strategic plan,human resource plan, talent identification/selection, development and appointment,up-to-date management is conduced. An optimized talent reserve management systemplan is developed based on company's future growth. Moreover, a safeguard systemis also developed to ensure that possible risks of the optimized plan are under control.

  Keywords:Talent reserve system, talent management, human resource planning

  目 录

  第 1 章 绪论

  1.1 研究背景

  1.2 研究意义

  1.3 研究方法与内容

  第 2 章 富奥集团后备人才体系的现状和问题分析

  2.1 后备人才体系概况

  2.2 后备人才体系现状评价

  2.3 现有后备人才体系中存在问题的原因分析

  第 3 章 基于富奥集团战略规划的后备人才体系建设

  3.1 集团战略规划解析以及相应的人力资源战略规划

  3.2 后备人才的识别与甄选

  3.3 后备人才的发展与任用

  3.4 后备人才动态管理

  第 4 章 富奥集团后备人才体系规划的实施保障

  4.1 富奥集团后备人才体系规划实施的组织保障

  4.2 富奥集团后备人才体系规划实施的人力资源制度保障

  4.3 富奥集团后备人才体系规划实施的教育与沟通措施

  4.4 富奥集团后备人才体系规划的修正制度

  结 论


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