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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-02-04 共2305字

【第1部分】 工业与自动化产品生产企业的库存管理研究











  With the rapid development of economic globalization and the intensivecompetition, the competition among enterprises is the competition of supply chainmanagement in essence, inventory control level is an important part of the wholesupply chain management, because it can improve the competitiveness of enterprises,is receiving more and more attention in recent years.

  In order to maintain the normal operation, enterprises must keep a certain amountof inventory. If the inventory is too high, It will increase the storage cost and reduceinventory although improve the on-time delivery rate. On contrary, it will not deliverthe goods on time and reduce customer satisfaction if the inventory is too low.

  Therefore, how to set a reasonable inventory level and how to manage the inventoryto improve enterprise competitiveness and profits became the core issue of concern.

  This paper takes the DSCG Tianjin Corporation as the main study object, analysisits inventory management status and the existing problems.

  Firstly, it reviews the relevant theoretical knowledge of inventory management,including inventory, inventory control, material classification and KanBanmanagement etc. We can find the main source of stock material shortage, theshortness of the stock material ABC classification and Kanban management inpractice from the analysis of the inventory status.

  This paper proposes the improvement direction in view of the existing problemsof inventory management at present.

  Mainly includes the ABC classification from the original only take the thepurchase amount as the standard, to increase the comprehensive consideration of otherimportant influence factors, then adjust the material classification results.

  It achieves the goal of reducing inventory and accurately mastering the Kanbancard status through redesign the Kanban card and optimization the Kanban cardoperation procedures in Kanban management.

  In addition, it puts forward some other important factors affecting the inventorymanagement improvement. Such as demand forecast, supplier relationshipmanagement. It will achieve a high management level by a variety of ways to improveinventory management.

  Key words:Inventory control; material classification; Kanban Management;


  目 录

  第一章 绪论

  1.1 研究对象的背景和研究意义

  1.1.1 研究对象的背景

  1.1.2 研究的意义

  1.2 研究方法和研究内容

  1.2.1 研究方法

  1.2.2 研究内容

  第二章 理论综述

  2.1 库存

  2.1.1 库存的定义

  2.1.2 库存的功能

  2.1.3 库存的分类

  2.1.4 库存周转率

  2.2 库存控制

  2.2.1 库存控制的重要性

  2.2.2 库存控制的内容

  2.2.3 库存控制的分类

  2.2.4 随机库存控制模型

  2.2.5 批量决策规则

  2.2.6 库存管理研究现状

  2.3 物料的 ABC 分类法

  2.3.1 ABC 库存管理法概述

  2.3.2 物料的 ABC 分类步骤

  2.3.3 ABC 库存管理法的应用

  2.3.4 ABC 分类法的研究现状

  2.4 看板管理

  2.4.1 看板管理的起源

  2.4.2 JIT(准时化)库存管理

  2.4.3 看板的分类和使用

  2.4.4 看板管理的研究现状

  第三章 DSCG天津公司库存管理现状

  3.1 DSCG 天津公司生产和需求概况

  3.2 DSCG 天津公司库存现状

  3.2.1 转售产品库存

  3.2.2 自制品库存

  3.2.3 库存周转率

  3.3 物料的 ABC 分级管理情况

  3.4 看板管理现状

  3.4.1 看板的种类和设计

  3.4.2 看板卡的流转

  第四章 DSCG天津公司库存管理改善措施

  4.1 成品库存的改善

  4.2 物料 ABC 分类的改善

  4.2.1 以采购金额为划分标准的改善

  4.2.2 物料 ABC 分级依据的补充

  4.2.3 AA 级物料

  4.3 看板管理的改善

  4.3.1 看板卡的改善

  4.3.2 看板卡流转的改善

  4.3.3 电子看板

  4.4 库存控制的重要补充

  4.4.1 需求预测

  4.4.2 供应商关系管理

  4.4.3 MRP 与看板管理相结合

  4.4.4 多余物品的处理

  4.5 实际改善效果

  第五章 成果与不足


  致 谢

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