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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-01-26 共2319字

【第1部分】 基于云计算的企业信息化建设研究



  本文通过对企业信息化建设中如何应用云计算实现 IT 管理水平提高,同时面对的问题与挑战等进行研究。阐述云计算的基础概念,行业现状及发展趋势,当前企业信息化建设需求及方向,云计算如何为企业信息资源管理助力,以及企业如何运用云计算实现信息管理突破,是云计算发展至今,厂商和企业都需要面对的挑战和机遇。研究云计算概念,市场主流产品及相应厂商解决方案,对大数据商业智能分析的探讨。在研究企业 IT 管理结构的同时,融入云计算技术和管理层面概念,使之充分发挥企业管理作用。希望能够通过本文,对企业面对云计算整体背景下,如何加强信息管理,降低运营成本及提升企业效能起到参考作用。

  关键词:信息管理 中小企业 云计算 虚拟化 战略管理


  Cloud computing is an on-demand service, with general-purpose hardware clusterbased, built for the purpose of information services and data processing resourcesharing platform for end-users. The proposal of the concept is the result of theexplosion of information and the development of the big-data era. Cloud computing inthe enterprise IT management can be divided into the sharing public cloudinformation processing model, as well as the internal private cloud platform model.

  For SMEs, information technology issues for many companies is becoming moreimportant. In the procurement, production, finance aspects, for SMEs in theconstruction of information penetrate into every aspect of business operations,information technology plays an increasingly important role. In recent years, Chineseenterprise using cloud computing to promote the construction of enterpriseinformation, and thus enhancements of economic efficiency practice just entered theearly stages, cloud computing has broad application prospects and contains a hugemarket opportunity. Practice has proved that cloud computing can quickly andsignificantly play the key role in optimizing business processes, reducing the cost ofinformation technology management, improving enterprise management level andeconomic benefits.

  The essay researches mainly focus on how to improve IT management level bydeploying cloud computing solutions, and the problems and challenges. The essaymainly discussed the basic concepts of cloud computing, the industry situation andtrends, the current construction of enterprise information needs and directions, cloudcomputing support enterprise information resource management, and corporate use ofinformation management breakthrough cloud computing, are the challenges andopportunities venders and enterprises have to face in cloud computing developingprocesses. Explore big-data business intelligence analysis. Research enterprise ITmanagement structure, into the concept of cloud computing technology andmanagement level. Hope through the paper, will be advisory and references to SMEsin IT management improvement, reducing operation costs and enhancing enterprisebusiness performance in the background of the cloud computing age.

  KEY WORDS:Enterprise Information Management, SMEs, Cloud Computing,Virtualization, Strategy Management

  目 录

  第一章 绪论

  1.1 研究背景及意义

  1.1.1 研究背景

  1.1.2 研究意义

  1.1.3 行业现状

  1.2 国内外研究现状

  1.3 论文结构

  第二章 云计算理论研究

  2.1 云计算定义

  2.2 云计算部署方式

  2.3 云计算 SPI 服务模型

  2.3.1 SaaS

  2.3.2 PaaS

  2.3.3 IaaS

  2.4 云计算行业解决方案

  2.4.4 亚马逊弹性计算云

  2.4.5 谷歌云计算平台与应用

  2.4.6 IBM 蓝云计算平台

  2.5 云计算安全

  2.6 云计算发展方向

  第三章 中小企业信息资源管理

  3.1 企业信息化建设

  3.2 影响因素分析

  3.2.1 内部因素

  3.2.2 外部因素

  3.3 企业信息化建设标准

  3.3.3 ITIL

  3.3.4 ISO 20000

  3.4 中小企业信息资源管理现状

  3.4.5 信息系统应用现状

  3.4.6 问题与挑战

  第四章 云计算在中小企业信息化建设中的作用

  4.1 云计算对于中小企业的意义

  4.2 中小企业运用云计算战略

  4.2.1 业务需求分析

  4.2.2 云计算方案选型

  4.2.3 云计算实施规划

  4.2.4 差异化发展战略

  4.3 中小企业云计算应用 SWOT 分析

  4.3.1 优势

  4.3.2 劣势

  4.3.3 机会

  4.3.4 挑战

  4.4 云计算在中小企业应用的阻力

  第五章 云计算应用在中小企业中的实际应用分析

  5.1 云计算的实际应用

  5.1.1 企业背景

  5.1.2 面临的问题与挑战

  5.1.3 云计算解决方案

  5.2 云计算收益分析

  第六章 结论

  6.1 研究总结

  6.2 研究展望



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