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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2014-12-22 共2568字


  本文主要介绍了知识管理的基本理论和发展现状,以及相应的系统化的支撑平台在学习型组织的应用,并结合财务共享服务中心这个特殊组织环境的特点,集中讨论了知识管理模型在财务共享服务中心中的适用性和应用方法,其中包括以流程为导向的知识链的应用、知识管理的主要结构和方法、以及 IT 系统技术支持的重要性等。







  This essay introduces knowledge management theory and development status as wellas corresponding systematic support platform applications in a learning organization ,combined with the financial shared service center environment is characterized by thisparticular organization , focused on knowledge management in the financial shared servicecenter in the applicability of methods, including learning organization discipline,process-oriented knowledge chain applications, knowledge management, the mainstructures and methods , as well as the importance of IT system.

  In China, more and more large companies are trying to adopt and develop acentralized shared service center services, also companies starting to focus on thedevelopment of knowledge in the enterprise's position, and gradually using informationtechnology, knowledge Definition of long-term development for the enterprise, so thiscombination of large enterprises is an important consideration of future progress.

  As a shared service center in the rapid development, the essay selected as a financialshared service center as major parts, its development process, knowledge managementsystem linked to analyze financial shared service center. The authors found that: for thefinancial shared service centers such a professional and strong, large volume of businessorganizations, good knowledge management system can greatly improve staff’s efficiency,thus saving the cost of its operations, realize effective way to help achieve theestablishment of financial shared service center in mind.

  In establishing knowledge management systems on the role of financial sharedservice centers, this essay through the Discipline learning organization , knowledgemanagement processes, knowledge input, knowledge optimization, knowledge outputs,knowledge exchange, the establishment of a knowledge flow -oriented knowledgemanagement system, to achieve advantages and disadvantages , respectively, a detailedexplanation and analysis. Combined with the practical application of financial sharedservice center regarding establish knowledge management system. Contribution of thisessay is mainly reflected in the following aspects:Such financial shared service center for a specific professional organizationqualitatively analyzed and explained based on knowledge management learningorganization in which the use of the values.

  Keywords: Finance Share Service Center; Knowledge Management




  第 1 章 绪论

  1.1 研究背景

  1.2 研究的理论和实践意义

  1.2.1 理论意义

  1.2.2 实践意义

  1.3 国内外研究现状分析(文献理论综述)

  1.3.1 知识管理的相关研究

  1.3.2 国内外相关理论

  1.4 研究主要内容和思路

  第 2 章 内外部环境分析

  2.1 外部环境分析

  2.1.1 财务共享服务的起源

  2.1.2 财务共享服务的行业发展趋势

  2.1.3 财务共享服务的业务模型介绍

  2.2 内部环境分析

  2.2.1 A 公司财务共享服务中心的 SWOT 分析

  第 3 章 财务共享服务中心(A 公司)的现状和存在问题分析

  3.1 现状分析

  3.1.1 组织结构

  3.1.2 主要功能和专业化分工

  3.2 实施知识管理模型的必要性

  3.2.1 现阶段面临的主要问题

  第 4 章 设计解决方案

  在 A 公司财务共享服务中心构建知识管理模型

  4.1 基于知识流向的知识管理系统

  4.2 知识管理的先决条件

  4.2.1 显性及隐性知识库

  4.2.2 知识管理的系统化载体

  4.3 知识管理的具体运用方法

  4.3.1 如何加强知识输入

  4.3.2 如何加强知识优化的过程

  4.3.3 如何加强知识输出的延续

  4.3.4 如何加强知识的交流和传承

  第 5 章 知识管理模型的实施策略

  5.1 实施目标和计划

  5.2 实施进度

  5.2.1 系统结构搭建初期

  5.2.2 系统结构搭建中期

  5.2.3 系统结构搭建后期

  5.2.4 最终呈现形式

  5.3 知识管理的制度化

  5.3.1 知识管理组织体系及职务说明

  5.3.2 知识管理运行制度

  5.3.3 知识管理考核及奖励制度

  5.4 知识管理的文化建设

  5.4.1 组织维度

  5.4.2 员工个体维度

  5.4.3 知识管理的推广和反馈

  5.5 知识管理项目评估

  第 6 章 结论


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