摘 要
关键词:房地产市场 基金 开发商 盈利模式 风险
With the rapid growth of Chinese economy since the reform and opening up, thereal estate industry gained fast development opportunities for about 20 years.
As the pillar industry, it has a very important position in Chinese economicsystem. The real estate industry is a capital-intensive industry. Longconstruction and operation time, heavy capital investment and long turnoverperiod are its industry characteristics. Capital is crucial to real estateindustry.
Sufficient funds are needed to be the support and power for real estateindustry. But at present funds are mainly depended on banks or shadow banking,narrow financing channels result to weak ability to prevent capital risk.
Importing relatively mature foreign real estate finance development model andvigorous development of real estate investment fund are the objectiverequirements for Chinese real estate development. Considering Chinese realestate’s present situation and domestic economic environment, real estateinvestment fund led by real estate enterprises will provide better marketprospect and development opportunities.
Chinese real estate industry and financial industry are rapidly growing withimperfect industry structure and many issues. They need a process ofcontinuous improving while discovering problems.
Based on the real condition in China, this paper elaborates the concept, typeand operation mode of real estate industry and private equity funds. Learningfrom the experience of foreign successful mature market and lessons fromdomestic actual cases, this paper also analyzes how China can develop realestate finance led by real estate enterprises. It also offers recommendationson the development of real estate finance in different profit models fordifferent real estate markets.
Keywords: Real estate industry;Equity funds;Real estate developer;Risk
1 引言
1.1 研究背景及意义
1.1.1 选题背景
1.1.2 研究意义
1.2 研究路线及方法
1.3 主要创新点
2 国内房地产行业发展概述
2.1 国内房地产行业现状
2.2 国内房地产行业特点及问题
2.3 国内房地产行业发展趋势
3 中国房地产基金行业概况及分析
3.1 国内房地产基金概况
3.2 中国房地产基金存在优势特点
3.3 中国房地产基金存在的问题
3.4 中国房地产基金问题的应对
4 房地产企业主导的开发类房地产基金存在的问题及应对
4.1 房地产企业主导的房地产基金现状及案例分析
4.2 房地产企业主导的房地产基金优势分析
4.3 房地产企业主导的房地产基金问题及解决方案
5 房地产企业主导的自持类房地产基金与国际成熟市场的 REITs 的比较
5.1 房地产企业主导的自持类房地产基金概况
5.2 国际成熟市场的 REITs 概况
5.3 中国房地产基金与国际成熟市场的 REITs 的区别和差距
6 房地产企业主导的中国房地产基金发展方向研究
6.1 房地产企业主导的房地产基金发展分析(开发出售类)
6.2 房地产企业主导的房地产基金发展分析(自持经营类)
6.3 以 F 房地产企业发展房地产基金为例,对房地产企业主导房地产基金发展分析及建议