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来源:学术堂 作者:陈老师
发布于:2016-12-06 共3416字
  摘 要
  家庭是人类生活的基本组织形式,是人接受家庭道德教育的第一个场所,它是个人形成良好的行为习惯、思想道德素质的平台。家庭道德教育是人生中最重要的环节,对青少年的社会化起着基础性的作用,是家庭和谐稳定的重要保障,更是践行社会主义核心价值观的重要标志。当前我国社会正处在变革快速发展时期,各项事业飞速发展,但与此同时中西文化交流加快,社会思潮不断碰撞、冲突、融合,家庭道德教育也面临着机遇和挑战。道德观念出现混乱情况,社会上失德现象不断发生。这些现象的产生与家庭道德教育有着密切的关系,***总书记在 2015 年新春团拜会上讲到:“家庭是社会的基本细胞,是人生的第一所学校。不论时代发生多大变化,不论生活格局发生多大变化,我们都要重视家庭建设,注重家庭、注重家教,紧密结合培育和弘扬社会主义核心价值观,发扬光大中华民族传统家庭美德,使千千万万个家庭成为国家发展、民族进步、社会和谐的重要基点。”可见加强家庭道德教育研究具有重要的现实意义。
  关键词:当代中国 家庭 道德教育 研究
  The family is the basic organization form of human life, and the first place for people toaccept the family moral education. It can lay a solid foundation for person to from goodhabits,behavior and moral quality. Family moral education is the most important part oflife, and plays a basic role for the adolescent's socialization. It is an important guaranteeof family harmony and stability, and an important symbol of the practice of socialist corevalues. At present our country is in the rapid pace of society and transformation of thetimes. Undertakings in various fields are the rapid development. At the same time, with thequick step of Chinese-Western culture communication, ethos continues collision, conflict andfusion. The family moral education is facing the opportunities and challenges. Moralconcept confusion and society immoral phenomena have been occurred constantly. Theemergence of these phenomena is closely related to family moral education. Xi Jin ping,chairman of china said in this New Year gathering: “the family is the basic cell of society, andthe first school in life. we should pay attention to the building of families, the family, andfamily education, no matter how changes in the era, or life pattern .we combine closely tocultivate and promote the core values of socialism, to carry forward the Chinese traditionalfamily virtue, so that tens of thousands of families become an important base of nationaldevelopment, national progress and social harmony.” It follows that it has importantsignificance to strengthen the research on family moral education.
  This paper regard Marx's dialectical materialism as the guidance, combine with the theoryof contemporary about family moral education, and draw the outstanding achievement fromfamily moral education. This paper use investigation method, research method and thecombination of theory and practice comprehensively to study systematic andin-depth analysis the main problems on family moral education theorysupport, content, problems and countermeasures. In practical terms, the whole paperincludes the introduction and the text that add up to six chapters.
  The first part is the introduction, which introduces the background of the study, domesticand foreign research situation and research significance; The second part is a summary of thecontemporary the Family Ethical Education in China, which discusses meaning about thecontemporary Family Ethical Education, characteristic and significance; The thirdpart mainly expounds the essence in the Family Ethical Education. The fourth part analyzesthe problems from the method , the content and the educational concept of the Family EthicalEducation , and expounds the reasons of causing the problems from society, school andparents quality; The fifth part combine China traditional family virtue, and summarizesthe new content of Ethical Education in contemporary Chinese family, upholdingjustice, responsibility, getting rich through hard work, mutual love, abiding by socialmorality; The sixth part puts forward the Countermeasures of contemporary China familymoral education, and the improvement measures to promote the research on familymoral education from the perspective of their parents, the content of moral education, familyenvironment and law.
  Keywords:In contemporary China family Moral education research

  目 录
  摘 要
  1 绪论
  1.1 课题来源及研究的目的和意义
  1.1.1 课题来源
  1.1.2 课题目的
  1.1.3 研究的意义
  1.2 国内外在该领域的研究现状
  1.2.1 国内研究现状
  1.2.2 国外研究现状
  1.3 主要研究内容及创新点
  1.3.1 研究的内容
  1.3.2 创新点
  2.1 家庭道德教育含义
  2.1.1 家庭教育
  2.1.2 家庭道德教育
  2.2 家庭道德教育的特点
  2.2.1 家庭道德教育的传递性
  2.2.2 家庭道德教育的示范性
  2.2.3 家庭道德教育的情感性
  2.2.4 家庭道德教育的长期性
  2.3 研究当代家庭道德教育的现实意义
  2.3.1 家庭道德教育是个人成才的基础性教育
  2.3.2 家庭道德教育是家庭幸福的必然性教育
  2.3.3 家庭道德教育是社会和谐的保障性教育
  3 中外家庭道德教育思想评析
  3.1 中国传统的家庭道德教育思想评析
  3.1.1 以“君子”作为现实人的人格追求标准
  3.1.2 以“修身”为家庭德育主要内容
  3.1.3 以德教为本、慈严相济、言传身教等为主要原则和方法
  3.2 外国优秀家庭道德教育的主要观点
  3.2.1 培养孩子的独立意识
  3.2.2 强调民主的开放式家庭氛围
  3.2.3 完善相关法律法规
  4 当代中国家庭道德教育存在问题及原因
  4.1 当代中国家庭道德教育存在的问题
  4.1.1 家庭道德教育观念落后
  4.1.2 家庭道德教育方法失当
  4.1.3 家庭道德教育内容时代感弱化
  4.2 家庭道德教育存在问题的原因
  4.2.1 家长素质水平低
  4.2.2 家庭道德教育基础平台的缺失
  4.2.3 社会环境带来的影响
  4.2.4 家庭道德教育与学校教育、社会教育缺乏互动
  4.2.5 网络对于家庭道德教育的不利影响
  5 新形势下家庭道德教育的基本内容
  5.1 崇尚正义
  5.2 担当责任
  5.3 勤劳致富
  5.4 相互关爱
  5.5 遵守公德
  6 当代中国家庭道德教育改进对策
  6.1 提高家长道德教育的能力
  6.1.1 转变家长的家庭道德教育观念
  6.1.2 改进家长的家庭道德教育方式
  6.1.3 提高家长的自身素质
  6.2 优化家庭道德教育内容
  6.2.1 爱心教育
  6.2.2 心理教育
  6.2.3 理财教育
  6.2.4 生命教育
  6.2.5 婚恋道德教育及性道德教育
  6.3 营造民主和谐的家庭环境
  6.3.1 构筑民主亲子关系
  6.3.2 培育良好家风
  6.5 完善相关法律法规机制
  6.5.1 加强相关法律法规制定与宣传
  6.5.2 完善传媒立法
  6.5.3 遵守合理的家庭道德准则
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