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来源:学术堂 作者:陈老师
发布于:2016-09-19 共3752字

  目 录



  第 1 章 绪论

  1.1 课题研究的意义

  1.1.1 理论意义

  1.1.2 现实意义

  1.2 课题的研究现状

  1.2.1 东西方研究现状及对比

  1.2.2 中国研究现状及中外对比

  1.3 课题研究的内容

  第 2 章 无彩色系的定义和分类

  2.1 无彩色系的定义

  2.2 无彩色系的分类

  2.2.1 黑色的色彩意义

  2.2.2 白色的色彩意义

  2.2.3 灰色的色彩意义

  第 3 章 无彩色系在平面设计领域中的运用

  3.1 在招贴设计中的运用

  3.1.1 具体案例分析

  3.2 在包装设计中的运用

  3.2.1 具体案例分析

  3.3 在户外广告设计中的运用

  3.3.1 无彩色系结构的表现形式

  3.3.2 在户外广告中无彩色系的运用特点

  3.4 在板式设计中的运用

  3.4.1 在版式设计中的体量配比

  3.4.2 在以文字为主的版式设计中的运用

  第 4 章 以白色为例进行阐述

  4.1 白色在原研哉设计作品中的运用

  4.2 白色设计与留白设计的比较

  4.3 白色设计在名片设计中的运用

  第 5 章 以灰色为例进行阐述

  5.1 灰色的折衷主义特点

  5.2 灰色在平面设计中的运用

  第 6 章 以黑色为例进行阐述

  6.1 黑色在书籍装帧中的运用

  6.2 黑色在招贴中的运用

  6.3 黑色在包装设计中的运用

  第 7 章 MY LITTER DEER 烘培店 VI 系统分析介绍

  7.1 设计灵感

  7.2 设计意义

  7.3 MY LITTER DEER 烘培店 VI 系统设计理念分析及市场定位

  7.3.1 烘培文化的来源

  7.3.2 受众人群分析

  7.3.3 烘培店设计理念

  7.3.4 应用展示

  7.4 无彩色系在此套 VI 设计中的体现

  结 论


  致 谢

    摘 要

  近年来无彩色系已被越来越多的运用到平面设计领域中。本文通过运用色彩心理学的相关知识,对无彩色系中的黑白灰元素在平面设计领域发展中的作用进行论述。详细阐述、归纳了无彩色系在招贴设计、包装设计、广告设计和板式设计中的价值和魅力,进而探讨了无彩色系在平面设计领域中的具体运用方式及其重要性。在平面设计中,黑色、白色和灰色相对于有彩色而言,并没有明显的色相偏向, 因此被称之为无彩色,它们中的任何一色与有彩色系当中的任意颜色相配合都是调和的。



  本篇论文共分为七大章节,第一章是绪论部分,主要对本课题的来源、背景、研究意义、研究内容进行概述。第二章论述了无彩色系的概念及分类,并对无彩色系中的黑白灰色各自的色彩意义进行描述,从而加深了人们对无彩色系的认识。第三章为本文的重点,通过结合具体的案例分析阐述了无彩色系分别在招贴、包装、广告、板式设计中所发挥的作用。第四章到第六章结合举例说明的方式分别介绍了无彩色系中的白色、灰色和黑色在平面设计领域中的运用。第七章为作者本人根据本篇论文的研究内容自行设计的一套烘焙店VI视觉展示,取名为"MY LITTER DEER".此章节介绍了此套VI视觉系统的灵感来源、具体应用,进而深化了作者对无彩色系在平面设计领域中的作用的认识。


  关键词 无彩色系;黑白灰;色彩心理;色相;协调性


  In recent years, the visual element achromatic color has been increasingly appliedto the field of graphic design. This essay mainly discusses about the roles the colors likeblack, white and grey play in the development of graphic design through analyzing theknowledge which related to the color psychology. This essay also discusses andsummarizes about the value of no color lines in poster design, packaging design,advertising design and plate design. In addition, it probes into the specific usage and theimportance of the achromatic color in the graphic design.

  In the graphic design, black, white and grey to other colors have no obvious colorbias, so called no color, and any color of them match with any color system arereconciled. Therefore, in the graphic design, if colors conflict, achromatic color canmake the screen coordinate with each other,and make mutual soft visual sense. Black,white and gray of achromatic color, to design a distinctive personality with a simple anddirect way, so as to inject vitality into the design. Black , white and gray can bedesigned in a transcendental to material characterized by its unique personality charmgave rise to the spirit, strength of feeling. They can highlight the main picture betterthrough their own "back". They represent a complex design to simple, play the role ofintangible to tangible, to make works with a strong personality by its colors, so that, thedesign works have the qualitative change, so as to give people a visual shock.

  Achromatic color in black and white gray with a strong contrast, their use canmake the picture to create a sense of hierarchy and space, and then opened the subjectmatter and background in the distance, so as to better highlight the theme. They has therich expressive meaning. Black, with the convergence effect, can bring a person a kindof deep, mature sense; white can expand the visual space function, can give people afresh, clean feeling. These advantages of white is used more in women's activities,especially in cosmetics packaging whitening function; grey itself has a kind of doctrineof the mean thought characteristic, it is a bridge connecting the various colors. Lightgray with fashion sense, is widely used in the packaging design in electronic products.

  As a visual language, black ,white and gray is the highly generalization of other color,graphics, text. We should be fully aware of the importance of achromatic color, and putit into our design, so as to form a design style with Chinese characteristics.

  This essay could be divided into seven chapters. The first chapter is theintroduction, it is about the main source of this subject and its background, significance,research overview. The second chapter focus on the concept and classification ofachromatic color. In this essay, the meaning of the black, white, and gray were describedand explained so as to help people better understand the achromatic color. The thirdchapter is the focus of this article, it analyzes the effects of no color lines in posters,packaging, advertising, plate design respectively based on the specific cases. From thefourth chapter to the sixth chapter, some examples about the application of the white,gray, black in the graphic design field were illustrated. In Chapter seventh, the writer ofthis essay shows a set of VI visual display of a bakery which designed by herself basedon the research in this field and named it "MY LITTER DEER". This chapter explainswhere the inspiration about this VI visual system comes from, and its specificapplications. Thus deepen the knowledge about how to apply the no color lines tographic design knowledge.

  The writer hopes that people would pay more attention to the importance ofachromatic color play in the field of graphic design. She also hope that this article canmake contributions to the application of no color lines in the development of graphicdesign.

  Keywords achromatic color;Black White Gray;Color Psychology;Hue;Coordination

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