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来源:学术堂 作者:陈老师
发布于:2016-12-29 共2956字
  摘 要
  关键词: 龚自珍 张维屏 魏源 桐城派
  Gong Zizhen as the ancient and modern initially last writer, thinker, hisachievements in many aspects, in addition to devoted to poetry creation, is also engagedin the study of philosophy, history, geography, language, phonological, Confucianism andBuddhism etc This article only focuses on some of the poems in the literary and artcriticism. The author tries to reveal in the poems of Gong Zizhen's literary criticism view,based on Gong Zizhen's poetry, prose, writing the words of Gong Zizhen, works ofdifferent themes from the literature criticism thinking style (Poetry), standard of literarycriticism theory, unique view and its influence and practical significance of GongZizheng's literary criticism and theory from the view of poetry, start, find out the key to amore comprehensive and detailed interpretation of Gong Zizhen's literary criticism.
  This paper is divided into five parts. The first part is introduction, in this part,pointed out the purpose and significance of the thesis briefly expounds the basic, thecurrent academic research on the status of Gong Zizhen, based on the criticism ofnecessity and continuity of further study for its prose literature.
  The first chapter of Gong Zizhen literary and art criticism embodied in his poemsand its particularity. The main analysis in poetry and prose, the words of the threedifferent types of Gong Zizhen literary criticism concept description, from the three kindsof genre find can reflect the poems of Gong Zizhen literary and art criticism works werediscussed. At the same time, through the analysis of this theory of Gong Zizhen'sthoughts in verse without the formation of monographs reasons and with the same periodof the writer's literary and art criticism of comparison, a better explanation of GongZizhen's poetry criticism special view.
  The second chapter of Gong Zizhen's literary criticism thought was analyzed. GongZizhen prolific, embodied in the poetry in the literary criticism is also more complex, butdoes not affect the criticism system of interpretation of the literature, from theperspective of text and the creation of poetry and his criticism of the core connotation inthree aspects of Gong Zizhen's Literary Criticism View request.
  The third chapter discusses the relationship between the standard and the concept ofGong Zizhen's literary criticism. Deeply influenced by the literary viewpoint standards ofGong Zizhen's literary criticism, in terms of its own work, although no literary viewpointspecial legislation, but the writing is not under the guidance of the. So, Gong Zizhen'sliterary theory is leading his poems creation of benchmarking, in turn, his literarycriticism theory and practice of the concept of his. Both the mutual influence, mutualconstruction of the short life of Gong Zizhen's road of literature.
  View the influence and significance of the fourth chapter of Gong Zizhen's literarycriticism. Gong Zizhen is already well-known literary world, he had no small impact onmodern literature, specific performance for the formation of the influence on modernpoetry creation and theory. Although Gong Zizhen was the age long ago, but his poetrycriticism view still has great practical significance in today's society, as a critique of thedistorted phenomenon in today's society has obvious significance of battle.
  Key Words:Gong Zizhen Zhang Weiping Wei Yuan Tongcheng school

  目 录
  0.1 选题的目的与意义
  0.2 国内外研究现状分析
  0.3 研究方法及创新之处
  1 龚自珍文艺批评观的诗文表征及独特性
  1.1 不同体裁下龚自珍文艺批评观的描述
  1.1.1 诗歌
  1.1.2 散文
  1.1.3 词
  1.2 龚自珍诗文文艺批评观的独特性
  1.2.1 龚自珍文艺批评观散见于诗文中的原因
  1.2.2 同时期作家文艺批评观比较
  2 龚自珍文艺批评观的理论建构
  2.1 诗文本体论
  2.1.1 完
  2.1.2 “善入”“善出”
  2.2 诗文创作论
  2.2.1 童心论
  2.2.2 贵真
  2.3 文艺批评观的核心内涵
  2.3.1 “感慨”
  2.3.2 尊情
  3 龚自珍的诗文批评标准与龚自珍的文艺论
  3.1 龚自珍的诗文批评标准与龚自珍的语言论
  3.2 龚自珍的诗文批评标准与龚自珍的文用论
  3.3 龚自珍的诗文批评标准与龚自珍的因革论
  4 龚自珍诗文文艺批评观的影响与意义
  4.1 龚自珍文艺批评观对近代诗文的影响
  4.2 龚自珍文艺批评观的现实意义
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