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来源:学术堂 作者:陈老师
发布于:2016-12-21 共2382字
  摘 要
  广东省是中国第一经济大省,其经济发展连续 30 多年保持两位数的高速增长,是我国改革开放的排头兵,先行先试的示范区,率先发展的先行地。2014年广东省 GDP 突破了 6 万亿元人民币,创造了经济发展史上的奇迹,并缔造了蜚声中外、具有外向型特征的“珠江三角洲发展模式”.其中,制造业发挥了重要的支撑作用。然而,2008 年世界金融危机以来,广东的制造业面临出口受阻、用工成本上升、资源环境承载压力增大、发达国家制造业回归和技术创新不足等诸多挑战和压力。制造业的传统发展模式难以为继,迫切需要转型升级。为此,广东省委省政府在提出了“三促进一保持”,发展高端装备制造业,实施以投资驱动向创新驱动、高速增长向中高速增长转变等战略部署,和“腾笼换鸟”、发展战略性新兴产业等一系列举措。以此推动产业转型升级,经济提质增效。
  Guangdong Province is an economic governor of China. It has a double-digiteconomic growth for 30 years. It has pioneered the development, and is the vanguardof China's reform and opening up. Its GDP in 2014 had broken through 6 trillion yuan,created a miracle in the history of economic development, and created the famous“Pearl River Delta Development” with an export-oriented features.Among these, themanufacturing sector has played an important role. However, since the world financialcrisis in 2008, the manufacturing industry in Guangdong had faced many challengesand pressures such as disruption in exports, rising labor costs, pressure in resourcesand environment, return of manufacturing in developed countries, lack of innovationand the like. Traditional developed model could not be sustainable. There is an urgentneed to upgrade. Therefore Guangdong provincial government had proposed a seriesof initiatives to promote transformation and upgrading in manufacturing.
  This paper analyzed the influence of the internet embedding industry chain andboosting the manufacturing development with the perspective of the internet based onthe current situation. Thus it would achieve transformation and upgrading ofmanufacturing. Then I took the typical company Midea as an example to verify theeffect internet put on manufacturing. It would give a demonstration of othermanufacturing companies. Then this paper presents some suggestions such asdeveloping e-business leveraging the Internet, promoting the physical manufacturingand modern service industries to integrate, creating a healthy Internet ecosystem andusing big data to transform manufacturing.
  This paper used the perspective of internet to analyze the route of transformation andupgrade. The research methods and perspectives had some innovations. Due to therelevant research is less, this paper was not deep enough in research.
  Key words: Internet; Manufacturing; Transformation and Upgrade; Route Research

  目 录
  1.1 选题背景与意义
  1.1.1 选题背景
  1.1.2 选题意义
  1.2 国内外研究现状
  1.2.1 国外研究现状
  1.2.2 国内研究现状
  1.2.3 文献评述
  2.1 相关概念的界定
  2.1.1 产业转移的界定
  2.1.2 产业转型的界定
  2.1.3 产业升级的界定
  2.2 相关理论
  2.2.1 雁形模式理论
  2.2.2 竞争优势理论
  3.1 广东省制造业的发展现状
  3.1.1 制造业的总体发展情况
  3.1.2 制造业集聚发展特征凸现
  3.1.3 制造业发展水平处于价值链中低端
  3.2 广东省制造业转型升级面临的困境分析
  3.2.1 研发投入比例低,自主创新不足
  3.2.2 价值链的中低端位置阻碍其转型升级
  3.2.3 转型升级的相关制度供给不足
  4. 互联网背景下广东省制造业转型升级的路径分析
  4.1 互联网助推制造业前端转型升级
  4.1.1 互联网助推用户参与产业链前端的研发设计
  4.1.2 互联网思维助推制造业新产品新业态产生
  4.2 互联网助推制造业中端转型升级
  4.2.1 互联网技术助推制造业生产工艺流程再造
  4.2.2 互联网技术提升企业信息化管理水平
  4.3 互联网助推制造业后端提升营销效率和服务水平
  4.3.1 互联网助推实现 O2O 销售
  4.3.2 互联网助推打造大数据服务平台网络
  5. 互联网助推广东省制造业转型升级案例分析-以美的为例
  5.1 美的集团发展概况
  5.2 美的集团的转型升级策略
  5.2.1 智慧家居推动转型升级
  5.2.2 信息化管理系统提升管理效率
  5.2.3 联合电子商务扩大营销网络
  6.1 借力互联网发展电子商务
  6.2 借力互联网推进实体制造业与现代服务业的深度融合
  6.3 借力互联网思维营造健康的互联网生态
  6.4 借力互联网大数据改造制造业
  致 谢
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