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来源:学术堂 作者:陈老师
发布于:2016-11-16 共1421字
  摘 要
  本文分为四个部分:一、通过分类比较的形式分析《聊斋志异》中对“狐女”和“鬼女” 多种艺术表现形式及艺术性塑造;二、分析《聊斋志异》中“狐女”和“鬼女”独特性形象的形成原因并结合当时社会的历史背景及作者经历作出解释;三、分别对作品中“鬼狐女”的爱情观、婚姻观差别及婚恋模式作出分析,浅析《聊斋志异》中三角模式(“夫妻妾”)婚姻观及异类三角模式的思想内涵同时指出作者笔下封建礼教正统婚姻的弊端;四、从创作背景的角度和从创作形象以及作者人生经历的角度分析《聊斋志异》中“狐女”“鬼女”形象产生的原因和必然性。
  “Liao Zhai Zhi Yi” is one of the greatest classical Chinese novels in the historyof our country. Story of “Liao Zhai Zhi Yi” is more and more popular with modernpeople, with the opening of the cultural development and awareness. Research about“Liao Zhai Zhi Yi” is also increasingly rich and its breadth and depth are deepening.
  This thesis attempts to analysis those “Vixen” and “Phantom Lady” alternative viewof marriage in ethics ideas seriously hindered by the feudal society of creativeresearch background and mentality.
  This thesis is divided into four parts.The first part, through the analysis of theform classification comparison in “Liao Zhai Zhi Yi” to “Vixen” and “Phantom Lady”various forms of artistic expression and artistic shape.The second part, analyzes thereasons for the formation of “Liao Zhai Zhi Yi” in “Vixen” and “Phantom Lady”unique image and combined with the cause of formation of the social historybackground and the experience of the authors explain.The third part, analysis of thewritings respectively of difference of “Vixen” and “Phantom Lady” s' love, marriageand marriage mode, analysis the triangle pattern (“husband and wife concubine”) viewof marriage and the ideological content of heterogeneous triangular pattern in “LiaoZhai Zhi Yi”, also pointed out the disadvantages of feudal ethics orthodox marriage inhis writings. The fourth part, analyzes reasons and inevitability of literary image of“Vixen” and “Phantom Lady” in “Liao Zhai Zhi Yi” from the angle of the creationbackground and life experience of author.
  Key words: Vixen; Phantom Lady; Uniqueness; View of Marriage; Feudal EthicalCode

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