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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2016-03-11 共3962字

  中 文 摘 要







  第四章青州市蔬菜专业合作社发展中存在问题与制约因素。首先分析了青州市蔬菜专业合作社发展中存在的主要问题,主要有运行不规范,机制不健全;组织建设能力弱,辐射带动力不强; 蔬菜合作社与社员的利益联结松散;人员素质不高,管理人才缺乏;蔬菜产品科技含量低、附加值低、品牌意识不强;合作社覆盖率低、缺乏吸引力等。然后从外部机制制约因素和内部机制制约因素两方面分析了制约青州市蔬菜专业合作社发展的因素。





  Farmer cooperatives are mutual economic organizations of democratic management andspontaneous organizations in accordance with the principle of voluntary. It has great role forpromoting agricultural development, increasing the income of farmers and the new ruralconstruction. Vegetables professional cooperatives are developed on the basis of the farmerspecialized cooperatives, and is an important part of farmers' professional cooperatives. Inrecent years, vegetable professional cooperatives in Qingzhou city develop rapidly. Thenumbers are increasing and the scale is also expanding. However, large scale and widecoverage of vegetable cooperatives are few. There is still a big gap from the cooperatives ofdeveloped areas from the scale, coverage, system and provision of service. This leads tounable to play the role of vegetable cooperatives and farmers get little benefit, which severelylimits the vegetables professional cooperatives to promote the vegetable industry inQingzhou city.

  Based on the summary of the present research situation in domestic andforeign professional cooperatives, through the investigation on the current situationof vegetables professional cooperatives development in Qingzhou City, the paper finds outthe development present situation and the existence question vegetables professionalcooperatives in Qingzhou City, analyzes restricted factors restricting the furtherdevelopment of vegetables professional cooperatives, and puts forward countermeasures topromote the vegetables professional cooperativesThis paper is divided into six chapters; the main contents are as follows:

  The first chapter is introduction. The chapter mainly elaborated the researchbackground, the research goal and the significance, domestic and foreignagricultural cooperatives research current situation, research contents and methods andresearch innovations.

  The second chapter is vegetables professional cooperatives theories. The chapterelaborates farmer professional cooperative relevant concepts, and introduces the basicprinciple of farmer specialized cooperatives, function and operation mode.

  The third chapter is vegetable professional cooperative situation in Qingzhou. Thechapter mainly introduces the development status of vegetable industry in Qingzhou City,development status, main types and characteristics of vegetable professional cooperatives.

  The fourth chapter is the existing problems and restricting factors of the development ofvegetables professional cooperatives in Qingzhou city. Firstly the chapter analyzes the mainproblems of the development of Qingzhou vegetable cooperatives, mainly includes operatingwithout norms, the mechanism is not perfect; the organization construction ability isweak, the radiation power is not strong; vegetable cooperatives and theirmembers interests loose association; the quality of personnel is not high, lack of managementpersonnel; scientific and technological content of vegetable products, low addedvalue, low brand awareness is not strong; cooperatives of low coverage,lack ofattractive. Then, from the external mechanism to control two factors analyzes factors whichrestrict the development of Qingzhou vegetables professional cooperatives constraints andinternal mechanism.

  The fifth chapter is countermeasures and suggestions to promote the developmentof vegetable professional cooperatives in Qingzhou. Combined with the practical situation ofQingzhou, the paper puts forward the Countermeasures for further development ofQingzhou city vegetable professional cooperatives. Mainly to improve the cooperativemanagement mechanism, standardize operation; the scale of development, improve theradiation vegetables professional cooperatives with power; vigorously strengthen the brandconstruction, improving the added value of products; step up publicity, strengthentraining, improve the management and members of the quality of vegetables; to explorethe vegetables professional cooperatives diversification development form;improve the policysupport system, increase policy support.

  The sixth chapter is the conclusion. The chapter summarizes the whole thesis, and putsforward the problems and future direction.

  Keywords: vegetable professional cooperatives; status and problem; countermeasure

    目 录



  1 绪论 …… 1

  1.1 研究背景 …… 1

  1.2 研究目的和意义 …… 2

  1.2.1 研究目的…… 2

  1.2.2 研究意义…… 3

  1.3 国内外研究现状 …… 4

  1.3.1 国外研究现状…… 4

  1.3.2 国内研究现状…… 6

  1.4 研究内容和研究方法 …… 8

  1.4.1 研究内容…… 8

  1.4.2 研究方法…… 9

  1.4.3 技术路线…… 9

  1.5 论文创新点与不足之处 …… 10

  2 蔬菜专业合作社相关概念及理论概述…… 11

  2.1 相关概念 …… 11

  2.1.1 合作社…… 11

  2.1.2 农民专业合作社…… 11

  2.1.3 蔬菜专业合作社…… 12

  2.2 农民专业合作社的基本原则 …… 12

  2.3 农民专业合作社的作用 …… 13

  2.4 农民专业合作社的主要运作模式 …… 15

  3 青州市蔬菜专业合作社发展现状分析 …… 17

  3.1 青州市蔬菜产业发展情况 …… 17

  3.2 青州市蔬菜专业合作社发展现状 …… 18

  3.2.1 政府大力支持新型农村合作社…… 18

  3.2.2 蔬菜合作社发展基本情况…… 19

  3.2.3 蔬菜合作社发展类型…… 23

  3.3 青州市蔬菜合作社的促进作用 …… 25

  3.3.1 促进了蔬菜产业升级,提升了蔬菜产业水平…… 25

  3.3.2 增强了蔬菜产业带动力…… 26

  3.3.3 带动了质量提升和品牌建设,提高了蔬菜竞争力…… 27

  3.3.4 提高了菜农的组织化程度…… 27

  4 青州市蔬菜专业合作社存在的问题及原因分析 …… 28

  4.1 青州市蔬菜专业合作社存在的问题 …… 28

  4.1.1 运行不规范,机制不健全…… 28

  4.1.2 组织建设能力弱,辐射带动力不强…… 30

  4.1.3 蔬菜合作社与社员的利益联结松散…… 31

  4.1.4 人员素质不高,管理人才缺乏…… 32

  4.1.5 蔬菜产业科技含量低、附加值低、品牌意识不强…… 33

  4.1.6 合作社覆盖率低,缺乏吸引力…… 34

  4.2 青州市蔬菜专业合作社存在问题的原因分析 …… 35

  4.2.1 外部原因分析…… 35

  4.2.2 内部原因分析…… 36

  5 青州市蔬菜专业合作社发展的对策建议 …… 38

  5.1 健全蔬菜合作社管理机制,规范合作社运行 …… 38

  5.2 扩大规模,提升蔬菜专业合作社的辐射带动力 …… 39

  5.3 加强培训,提高管理人员及社员素质 …… 40

  5.4 大力加强蔬菜品牌建设,提升产品附加值 …… 41

  5.5 探索蔬菜专业合作社的多样化发展形式 …… 42

  5.6 完善政策扶植体系,加大政策扶持力度 …… 43

  6 结论 …… 45


  致 谢……50

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