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来源:吉林大学 作者:刘兵
发布于:2017-04-11 共2749字

【题目】 人的“冷冻胚胎”权利问题研究
【前言 第一章】冷冻胚胎法律属性的学说
  摘 要
  目前,我国有超过 100 万失独家庭,预计到 2050 年将增加到 1100 万,同时中国人口协会发布的调查结果显示,中国不孕不育患者目前已超过 5000 万,占育龄人口的 12.5%-15%,意味着每八对育龄夫妻中就存在一对夫妻不能生育,在人类自然生育困难的情况下,医学进步而带来的红利十分凸显,“体外受精,胚胎移植”的人工助孕技术成为生殖领域的重头戏,它是世界上保存生育功能的唯一成熟方法,我国的第一例试管婴儿于 1988 年在北京大学第三医院产生,截至到目前,大陆地区每年产生的冷冻胚胎在 30 万颗左右,其中大部分的冷冻胚胎能够得到孕育,医疗机构将未被植入母体剩余的冷冻胚胎通作出销毁处置,但伴随国内首例冷冻胚胎之争的出现,如何处置某些特殊情况下的冷冻胚胎开始成为医学领域、法学领域、科学领域、伦理学界的关注的焦点,冷冻的法律属性的界定以及权利的行使规则成为司法裁判新的难题。
  At present, there are more than 1 million families in China who lost their onlychild. Expected to increase to 11 million in 2050. At the same time, the ChinesePopulation Association released the survey results show that China's infertilitypatients have more than 50 million, population of childbearing age of 12.5%-15%, itmeans that every eight couples of childbearing age in the existence of a couple cannot bear. In the case of human natural fertility difficulties, assisted reproductivetechnology has become the focus in the field of reproduction, it is the only way tosave the world mature reproductive function ,China's first test tube baby was born in1988 in No.3 Hospital of Peking University, with the continuous exploration anddevelopment of test tube baby technology, at present, the frozen embryos producedin mainland China are about 300 thousand per year, most of which can be pregnant,The remaining frozen embryos are usually disposed of by medical institutions inaccordance with the laws and regulations set by the Ministry of health. But with theemergence of the domestic first frozen embryo dispute, how to deal with somespecial cases of frozen embryos started to become the focus of attention of themedical science, law science ,science and ethics circles, freezing the definition and1The legal attribute of the frozen embryo affects the rights of the frozen embryoand the rules of the exercise of power,.There are three theories in China at present:
  subjective theory, object theory and compromise theory. The subjective theory saidthat under certain medical conditions still be vitality from the body's tissues andorgans, blood and other parts, as a part of the body still belongs to the people,violation of these parts is equivalent to the violation of the human body, it mustbelongs to the subject of legal relations. However the Objective said the frozenembryos do not meet the conditions to become the main body, it Is the object of legalrelationship, The compromise said it is neither a subject nor a object.
  I think frozen embryos are a matter of personality .It's a thing in civil law,regardless of whether the relationship between husband and wife continues, theymust reach an agreement before they can dispose of it, genetic information from bothparents can not be changed. Also when the right man dies, it cannot be inheritedbecause of its property, Establishment of embryo adoption system is a good way tosolve the problem.
  Frozen embryos, Personality object, Inherited, Adoption

  目 录
  前 言
  一、 冷冻胚胎法律属性的学说
  二、 冷冻胚胎的法律属性
  三、 冷冻胚胎的权利归属
  四、 冷冻胚胎的保护制度之构建
  结 论
  致 谢
原文出处:刘兵. 人的“冷冻胚胎”的法律属性及权利归属[D].吉林大学,2016.
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