摘 要
关键词:企业并购 文化传媒企业 并购价值评估 评估方法
Mergers and acquisitions are economic business activities which are bound to happenin the process of developing market economy. These are also happened between culturaland media enterprises. And assets valuation plays an indispensable role in the mergers andacquisitions.
In the article, the present situation of mergers and acquisitions in both domestic andoverseas cultural and media enterprises are concluded. Then, the application of incomemethod in the assets valuation of mergers and acquisitions between cultural and mediaenterprises is researched, with the example of the Second-Board Market. The problems inthe choice of valuation methods and the confirmation of basic parameters of incomemethod are analyzed, and suggestions are given at the same time. After that, the incomemethod in the assets valuation of mergers and acquisitions between cultural and mediaenterprises is optimized. There are some limitations in the traditional income method, andthe income method is corrected, including the segmented discount model, the confirmationof discount rate and the parameters of the Capital Asset Pricing Model. In the end of thearticle, through the analysis of a case, the traditional income method and income methodwhich is corrected are applied in the case. The basic parameters of income method areconfirmed, and then the results of assets valuation are obtained. The income method whichis corrected should be applied in the assets valuation of mergers and acquisitions betweencultural and media enterprises.
The research in the assets valuation of mergers and acquisitions between cultural andmedia enterprises in the article is hoped to promote the standardization and marketizationof the domestic cultural and media enterprises, and make them improve theircomprehensive strength through the mergers and acquisitions.
Key Words: mergers and acquisitions cultural and media enterprise assetsvaluation of mergers and acquisitions valuation method
目 录
摘 要
1 引言
1.1 选题的研究意义和研究目标
1.1.1 选题的研究意义
1.1.2 选题的研究目标
1.2 国内外研究现状
1.2.1 国外研究现状
1.2.2 国内研究现状
1.2.3 文献述评
1.3 研究内容与方法
1.3.1 研究内容
1.3.2 研究方法
2 文化传媒企业并购现状
2.1 全球文化传媒企业并购现状
2.2 我国文化传媒企业并购现状
3 收益法在创业板文化传媒企业并购价值评估中的应用现状分析
3.1 创业板文化传媒企业并购总体概况
3.2 创业板文化传媒企业并购价值评估方法的选择
3.3 创业板文化传媒企业收益法基本参数的确定
3.4 文化传媒企业并购价值评估方法存在的问题
3.4.1 评估方法选择问题
3.4.2 收益法基本参数确定问题
3.5 完善文化传媒企业并购价值评估方法的建议
3.5.1 明确并优化评估方法
3.5.2 科学规范参数确定方法
4 文化传媒企业并购价值评估收益法的优化研究
4.1 传统收益法模型
4.2 传统收益法模型的局限性
4.3 文化传媒企业并购价值评估收益法模型的修正
4.3.1 对分段收益折现模型的修正
4.3.2 对折现率确定方法的修正
4.3.3 对资本资产定价模型参数确定方法的修正
5 收益法在文化传媒企业并购价值评估应用的案例研究
5.1 案例背景及交易双方简介
5.1.1 案例背景
5.1.2 并购方简介
5.1.3 被并购方简介
5.2 采用传统收益法模型的企业价值
5.2.1 收益额的确定
5.2.2 收益期限的确定
5.2.3 折现率的确定
5.2.4 评估结果
5.3 采用收益法修正模型的企业价值
5.3.1 收益额的确定
5.3.2 收益期限的确定
5.3.3 折现率的确定 资本资产定价模型参数的确定 加权平均资本成本模型参数的确定
5.3.4 评估结果
5.4 案例结论与不足
5.4.1 案例结论
5.4.2 案例不足
结 论