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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-11-20 共1756字

【第1部分】 数字媒体环境下体验式展示设计研究








  The economic development is not only promoted technological advances, butalso promoting the human aesthetic feelings with the progress constantly change oftechnology .In display design, consumers are demanding to see not only show theproduct itself, but also want from display material products of mental experience.

  Experience of display design is now consumers pursuing and the way to acquiremaximized interests.It will be helpful for better combining consumers' consumptionpsychology and the exhibition space and create the best display from researchexperience and display design.

  This paper demonstrates the analysis of the influence factors in experiencedesign, from the five senses of factor analysis in the exhibition space and is nowunder the condition of science and technology science and technology factor in theuse of display design not only broke the specific time and space constraints, but alsoto enhance consumer's scene experience has a very important role. “I've been to the”

  now “I feel that” as the great importance symbol of the people attaches to the processof experience. Spend money on feeling as a new pursuit and the interests of theenterprise to obtain new ways. How to grasp the consumption demand of consumersis becoming the new research direction to designers and companies.

  In display design space, The interaction of the people and things 、content andcontent become the dominant form of the entire exhibition space. This article from theconsumer oneself factors summed up the five senses factors influencing the consumerexperience feelings, able to maximize show the enterprise theme、enhance theexperience feelings and provide theoretical basis for better experience to displaydesign. In the research, the study of angle experiential display design, provides thetheory basis for better show experiential design.

  Keywords: display design; Experience; Science and technology; Five factors;

    目 录

  中文摘要 ……III

  英文摘要 ……IV

  绪论 ……1

  课题背景 ……1

  研究的现状 ……2

  研究的角度及方法 ……3

  研究的价值意义 ……4

  研究的框架 ……5

  第一章 互动展示的基本概念 ……6

  第一节 基本概念及发展概况 ……7

  第二节 互动媒体的分类 ……9

  第三节 互动媒体在展示设计中的运用 ……13

  第二章 体验式展示设计理念 ……14

  第一节 体验式的概念提出 ……15

  第二节 体验式展示设计的影响因素 ……17

  第三节 体验式设计的五感因素 ……22

  第三章 体验式展示设计实践 ……30

  第一节 设计原则 ……31

  第二节 设计方法 ……35

  第三节 互动媒体的优势 ……40

  第四节 设计实施 ……45

  结语 ……50

  参考文献 ……52

  致谢 ……54

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