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来源:哈尔滨师范大学 作者:胡春丹
发布于:2017-03-27 共3018字

【题目】 如何有效开展儿童戏剧教育
  目 录
  第一章 绪论
  第二章 中外儿童戏剧教育发展概况
  第三章 戏剧教育在儿童发展中的作用
  第四章 儿童戏剧教育的开展
  第五章 结语

  摘 要

  本文对儿童戏剧教育进行研究。提到教育,任何一种教育形式,首先要考虑的是其是否符合教育对象的特点,儿童教育更是如此。既要符合儿童的成长规律,又要通过 “寓教于情”、“寓教于乐”来满足儿童自由成长的需求,在兴趣的引导下,把“要我学”变成“我要学”,把游戏穿插到学习中,在游戏中获得创新力,在兴趣中产生认知、感染、启发、自信。通过对儿童心理学和教育学的研究来达到顺应儿童发展的趋势,我们可以借鉴比较成功的儿童教育方式是什么呢?
  关键词 儿童戏剧;早期教育;自由成长;素质;
  This thesis studies on Children's play education. Reference to any form ofeducation, the first thing to consider is whether they fit the characteristics of the objectof education, especially the education for children, which both complies with the law ofgrowth of the children and meets the needs of children's free growth by means of“teaching through passion ”and “teaching through entertaining”. Under the guidance ofinterest, the children are able to turn “I was asked to learn” into “I'm willing to learn”,thus to get innovation in the game by interspersed with the game in their learningprocess, in which children generally get interest, confidence, cognition, infection andinspiration. This study follows the development of children's psychology and pedagogy,but what can we learn from the most successful study on children's education?
  Such a comprehensive approach is called children's play education, through whichsome western countries stimulate active participation and develop children's desire.
  Meantime, as a way of learning, it gradually deepens into other subjects of education. Itis a collection of literature, music, art, acting, dance and forms into an integrated one.
  It's also a combination of language, facial expressions, movements, space, props andother means to show plots and performances easily. In addition, it enhances children'screativity, imagination, language skills, intelligence and courage, self-confidence andtemperament training and so on. Children's play education is a heritage of ancient Greekculture with the theme of humanistic quality “free education” mode. It assimilated intothe view of liberal education Montessori's promotion of the comprehensivedevelopment, and respected the natural laws of children's development.
  Children's play education in foreign countries have many years of history,relatively speaking, children's play education in our country has not been widely carriedout with low degree of attention, related research and reference materials are muchrarer.
  For the content of children's plays, what should be paid attention to? How can wecarry out the form of education? Whether can it deep into the subjects of education?
  What conditions should Children's play actors (teachers) have, etc. In this paper, theauthor proposes to abandon the traditional instill promote teaching concepts and models,establishing a “free child development” philosophy in education and combining thechildren's play education with various subjects to create a free, happy, spontaneouslearning form. Play education and family interactive activities in kindergarten and earlyeducation classes should be strengthened. Teachers' professional skills and trainingshould be enhanced in order to make children happily participate in play acting andenjoy themselves. Play must be introduced into the classroom. Under nationalresearchers and the community's concern and support, some artistic, scientific,multi-element, multi-faceted integrated educational activities should be carried out.
  Keywords: Children's Play;Early Education;Free growth;Quality
原文出处:胡春丹. 自由成长过程中的儿童戏剧教育研究[D].哈尔滨师范大学,2016.
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