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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-04-09 共2905字

【第1部分】 现代足球前场定位球先进理论与战术分析


  随着现代足球的发展,其特点呈现出速度变的越来越快,对抗强度越来越高,球员的体能储备更充沛,队员之间相互保护相互联系也越来越密切,各队的共识基本上就是先立足于防守再寻找机会发动进攻,所以通过组织进攻所能创造的机会越来越少,难度越来越大,这时前场定位球的优势充分体现了出来。在处理前场定位球之时,球处于死球的状态,除了掷界外球以外防守队员需要退到 9.15米以外,无法对其贴身逼抢这就给进攻者一个相对从容的进攻环境,从而提高了进攻效率,在这样的环境下,进攻方可以投入更多的兵力,埋伏到更有威胁的区域,发挥高大后卫头球好的优势,是其全力投入到进攻当中,由于定位球可变因素较少,通过赛前针对性的练习,发挥本队的优势,进攻对方的短处,从而达到较好的效果。本文通过对南非巴西两届联合会杯前场定位球的统计分析对比,发现现代足球前场定位球的先进理念和进攻形式,为我国足球定位球的发展提供一定的参考和借鉴。




  With the development of modern football, which is characterized by showing a speedbecomes faster and faster, more and more high intensity combat, the players physical reservesmore abundant, mutual protection of the interlinkages between the players are getting closer andcloser, the consensus of all teams basically is the first based on the defense and then look foropportunities to attack, so can create offensive opportunities through organizations less and less,more and more difficult, then locate the ball before the market fully reflects the advantages of it.

  In dealing with the positioning of the ball up front, the ball is dead ball state, in addition todefensive players need to throw away retreated 9.15 meters, which gives the attackers can notclosing down a relatively calm environment for its personal attack, thus improving the offensiveefficiency, in such circumstances, the offensive side can put more troops, more threateningregional ambush to play the tall defender headed a good advantage, is it fully into the attack which,due to the positioning of the ball fewer variables through targeted exercises before, take advantageof this team, and attack each others weaknesses, so as to achieve better results Based on thestatistical analysis of the Confederations Cup in South Africa, Brazil two balls before the marketpositioning contrast, found that modern soccer ball before the market positioning of advancedconcepts and offensive form, positioning the ball for the development of soccer in China toprovide a reference and referenceIn this paper, the literature, video observation, mathematical statistics and logical analysis,two Confederations Cup in South Africa, Brazil frontcourt comparative statistical analysis of thepositioning of the ball, Drawn from the study: (1) to produce before the market positioning of theball and break times were significantly increased, by positioning the ball up front and break thesuccess of the organization to attack each team has become a focus of the study, theConfederations Cup in South Africa, CPC scored 12 before the market positioning of the ball ,27.27% of the total number of goals, and in the Confederations Cup Brazil scored 26 before themarket positioning of the ball, accounting for 38.23% of goals. (2) processing of each teamsprevious games kick more simple and direct. (3) a long pass corner to corner the main competitionfor the first placement become the key point of the final break, the two Confederations Cupthrough the corner to break 13, which is 13 by 11 is a corner in the attacking side to the first fighta placement and the final score. (4) processing penalty kick to push the players to the inside of thefoot grounder main goal area concentrated in the lower left and lower right corner of the goal. (5Attacking throw-attack and score before the market positioning of the ball broke to become animportant growth point of attack and eventually broke through throw-Brazil Confederations CupConfederations Cup in South Africa, and more than two goals.

  Keywords: World Champions Gold Cup;football;Frontcourt place kick;contrastive analysis

  目 录



  1 前言

  1.1 选题依据

  1.2 文献综述

  1.3 研究任务

  2 研究对象与方法

  2.1 研究对象

  2.2 研究方法

  2.2.1 文献资料法

  2.2.2 录像观察法

  2.2.3 数理统计法

  2.2.4 逻辑分析法

  2.3 相关概念的界定

  2.3.1 概念

  2.3.2 场区划分

  3 结果与分析

  3.1 前场定位球进球数据分析

  3.1.1 前场定位球进球总数据统计

  3.1.2 两届世界冠军前场定位球进攻特点对比分析

  3.1.3 两届欧洲冠军前场定位球进攻特点对比分析

  3.1.4 两届南美洲冠军前场定位球进攻特点对比分析

  3.1.5 两届亚洲冠军前场定位球进攻特点对比分析

  3.1.6 两届非洲冠军前场定位球进攻特点对比分析

  3.1.7 两届大洋洲冠军前场定位球进攻特点对比分析

  3.1.8 两届中北美洲冠军前场定位球进攻特点对比分析

  3.1.9 两届比赛东道主前场定位球进攻特点对比分析

  3.2 前场定位球进球时间分布特点分析

  3.3 定位球获得区域与进球对比分析

  3.4 前场定位球直接破门球的运行轨迹分析

  3.5 角球进攻的对比分析

  3.5.1 第六届与第七届角球进攻的统计对比分析

  3.5.2 角球进球效率分析

  3.5.3 角球的跑位掩护分析

  3.6 点球进攻的对比分析

  3.6.1 第六届和第七届联合会杯点球的进攻特点分析

  3.6.2 第六届和第七届联合会杯点球的进球效率分析

  3.7 掷界外球的进攻特点分析

  4 结论与建议

  4.1 结论

  4.2 建议


  致 谢

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