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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-08-21 共4167字

【第1部分】 生活体验理念引入幼儿园社会教育的研究











  Nowadays, the preschool education reform has set off a boom once again, which caused aheated discussion on the preschool education problems among people. In the whole system of thekindergarten education, as a part of the kindergarten education system,social education is asimportant as health education, language education, science education and art education, and itsfundamental goal is to promote young children's social development. “Based on children” hasbecome a hot topic of the preschool education reform, which also reflect the pursuing of theessence of education. Under the guidance of the concept of this kind of education, the relatedcontent of the kindergarten social education will also make some corresponding adjustment.

  Only in this way, can we solve these problems that existed in the kindergarten social education,and adapt the development trend of the world kindergarten social education.

  In the traditional kindergarten social education, teachers always have a higher status whencompared with children, and the relationship between teachers and children is unequal. Underthe pressure of the teachers, the subjectivity of the children is depressed seriously, and the socialeducation activities cannot arouse children's interest. In this context, in order to return to theessence of children's social education, and fully promote the social development of youngchildren, we put forward the kindergarten social education which based on the experience of life.

  The kindergarten social education which based on the experience of life is not only the innerneed of the development of children, but also the urgent demands of the preschool educationreform and development. Compared with the traditional kindergarten social education, thekindergarten social education which based on the experience of life place more emphasis on thelife and experiential social education way.

  The purpose of this study is to introduce the concept of life experience into the kindergartensocial education, and build an open, interactive, subjective education mode. This study mainlyused the interview method, observation method, case analysis method, etc. Through the fieldsurvey, we learned the development situation and the main problems of the current kindergartensocial education, made a deep analysis of the reasons of the existence of these problems, and putforward the corresponding countermeasures. This study mainly includes the following aspects:

  The first chapter: summary of the kindergarten social education based on life experience.

  Through the definition of life experience, social education and so on, we made the definition ofthe kindergarten social education based on life experience and made a rational analysis on thecharacteristics and values of the kindergarten social education based on life experience.

  The second chapter: introspection of the current situation on the life experience in thekindergarten social education. In order to investigate the current situation, the author went toseveral kindergartens to make a survey. There are about six problems in the current socialeducation, such as the limited attention, the lack of children's angle of view, the formalexperience, etc. Then, we make the attribution analysis from the viewpoints of society,kindergarten and teachers.

  The third chapter: improvement strategy of the kindergarten social education based on lifeexperience. In order to improve this situation, we must change the traditional ideas, place moreemphasis on the use of life experience in social education, design and choose the reasonableeducation goal and content, provide the real life experience situation and the real activitymaterials, choose the diverse education method and education way, carry out the rationalevaluation of the kindergarten social education, and play the role of kindergarten, family, andsociety that involved in the kindergarten social education to help to form a linkage mechanism.

  Key words: children;life experience;kindergarten social education;strategy
























  第一章 基于生活体验的幼儿园社会教育概述……12





  二、基于生活体验的幼儿园社会教育的特征…… 15





  三、基于生活体验的幼儿园社会教育的价值…… 17



  第二章 幼儿园社会教育中生活体验运用的现状反思…… 21

  一、幼儿园社会教育中生活体验运用的主要问题…… 21







  二、幼儿园社会教育中生活体验缺乏的归因分析…… 27





  第三章 基于生活体验的幼儿园社会教育的对策…… 31

  一、转变传统观念,树立生活体验的社会教育理念…… 31



  二、制定与选择合理的教育目标与内容…… 32



  三、提供真实生活体验情境与活动材料…… 34




  四、选择多样化的教育方法与教育途径…… 37



  五、开展针对性的幼儿园社会教育评价…… 38




  六、重视多方参与,形成联动共育机制…… 40







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