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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-12-17 共2174字

【第1部分】 我国司法确认程序制度探究

  摘 要




  Since its establishment in our country, the people's mediation is considered to be alegal system with Chinese characteristics, to mediate any disputes is the key of thediversified disputes settlement mechanism, the mediation organization make theconciliation agreement, its validity is the key to resolve the dispute,but due to the lack oflegal compulsion conciliation agreement effective safeguard, the conciliation agreementoften become a dead letter, can't achieve the goal of solve the disputes. The CivilProcedure Law of the People's Republic of China which came into force in January 1st,2013 aim to affirm the effect of people's mediation, give enforceability to people'smediation agreements, and guarantee the effective linkup between people's mediation andjustice. Judicial confirmation process in our country from the people's mediationagreement application subject, protocol application procedures, the people's court acceptsthe conditions, the people's court to review the scope and validity of mediation agreementprovisions on strengthening the effectiveness of the mediation, promote legal and non-legaldispute resolution mechanism of reasonable cohesion, in order to reduce the pressure onthe judgment of the court, the judicial confirmation system has the safeguard the legitimaterights and interests of the parties, the function of saving judicial resources,improve thejudicial efficiency., of course, because our country has just set up the judicial confirmationprocess system,it is still insufficient,the judicial confirmation process defects is shown as:The judicial confirmation procedure is incomplete; The main body of acknowledgingapplications are too limited; The judicial confirmation standard review; The judicialconfirmation range is too narrow; For the relief mechanism of the parties lack and so on.

  To solve above is insufficient, consummates our country the judicial confirmation processmeasures mainly include: expanding the scope of the judicial confirmation for subject;Clear review form is given priority to,to two or morethings examination as to substanceexamination standards; Expanding the scope of the judicial confirmation; Improve theability of handling disputes mediation organization and level,and establish an effectiveremedy mechanism of error correction.

  Keywords: mediation agreement; judicial confirmation; standards for judicialreview; scope of confirmation


































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