摘 要
再次,文章对驰名商标特殊保护制度做出了现实考量。首先,阐述了国际公约中关于驰名商标保护的规定及其发展,并对了《巴黎公约》、TRIPs 协定以及《联合建议》各自的优缺点进行了辨析。《巴黎公约》首次明确了驰名商标制度并且突破了之前的商标地域性的理论;TRIPs 协定将驰名商标的保护范围从商品商标延伸到了服务商标,且将保护范围扩大到禁止在不类似的商品或服务上使用与驰名商标相同或近似的标识;《联合建议》将驰名商标的保护范围扩大到未注册商标,并将驰名商标的客体范围再度延伸,扩大到厂商名称、域名等商业标记上,进一步加大了保护力度。其次,介绍了其他国家在驰名商标保护制度的立法及实践。美国对于驰名商标保护制度的贡献体现于反淡化理论,文中对反淡化理论的定义及其三种表现形式作出了基本阐述。同时笔者也对法国与日本关于驰名商标保护的立法中值得我国借鉴的部分做出了相关介绍,以期使我国的驰名商标保护制度更为进步。
最后,文章解读了我国驰名商标特殊保护制度。首先,回顾了我国关于驰名商标保护立法的规定及发展,从我国第一部明确驰名商标保护的规范性文件——《驰名商标认定和管理暂行规定》入手,重点分析了我国 2013 年《商标法》第三次修正案的内容。其次,笔者对我国驰名商标保护的完善提出了几点建议:完善驰名商标的认定标准;妥善处理行政认定与司法认定的关系;完善我国驰名商标反淡化制度;以及完善驰名商标与域名冲突时的特殊保护。
This paper, titled "Analysis on the Determination and Special Protection of theWell 一 known Trademarks",made a research and discussion on the related problemsof well-known trademark determination and protection.The paper is divided into fourparts.
The first chapter discussed the basic theory of well-known trademark. Firstthrough the "Paris Convention on the Protection of Industrial Property", “AgreementOn Trade-related Aspects of Intellectual Property Right” and "Joint RecommendationConcerning Provisions on the Protection of Well-Known Marks" and our country lawabout the well-known trademark of the relevant provisions for the well-knowntrademark meaning make the basic definition. At present,the definition of thewell-known trademark is that in the territory of China widely known marks by therelevant public brand.Then I make an analysis and discrimination about the conceptof well-known trademark,famous trademark, well-known trademark and brand, whichleads to the last part of the several special features of well-known trademark thatdistinguishes itself with common trademark: high recognition in the considerable sizeof the geographical range; highly known by the public; a long period usability in themarket; not necessary whether the trademark is registered or not; and a request ofidentifying by the national legal authorities.
The second chapter is about the recognition of well-known trademark. First ofall, I made an analysis on the factors that need to be consider when recognizingwell-known trademark through three levels which is the well-known trademarkgeographical range, the relevant public and visibility. I drew the conclusion that it’simproper to simply divide marks into well-known trademarks and not well-knowntrademark. When considering the trademark is well-known or not, it supposed to be acombine result of geographical range,the relevant public and visibility.Secondly Idisserted the recognition methods of well-known trademark systematically.There aretwo methods in China at present—administrative identification and judicialidentification.I analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of each of these two kindsof mode, and I affirmed the rationality of our current mode of recognition which isbase on administrative identification and supplemented by judicial identification. AndI found the nature of our judicial determination of factual determination and drew theparties confirm the claim is not suitable for well-known trademarks in the main textof the judgment of the conclusions to be identified.
The third chapter is about the practical considerations about the well-knowntrademark . Firstly, I introduced legislation of the international conventions on theprotection of well-known trademark .and I analyzed the the advantages anddisadvantages of the three international Conventions above. " Paris Convention on theProtection of Industrial Property" for the first time defined the well-known trademarksystem and broke the previous mark territorial theory.“Agreement On Trade-relatedAspects of Intellectual Property Right” extended the scope of well-known trademarksobject from the trade marks to the service marks , and extended the scope ofprotection to prohibit not similar goods or use the same or similar services andwell-known trademarks. "Joint Recommendation Concerning Provisions on theProtection of Well-Known Marks" expanded the scope of protection to unregisteredwell-known trademarks , and once again extended the scope of well-knowntrademarks object to the vendor name, domain name and other commercial mark ,which leaded to further increased protection. Secondly, I made an introduction ofother national legislation and practice in their well-known trademark protectionsystem . America 's contribution to the well-known trademark protection regimeembodied in the anti- dilution theory .The definition and the three manifestations ofanti- dilution theory made a fundamental elaboration in the paper. At the same time ,Ialso introduced French and Japanese legislation on the protection of well-knowntrademark which is worth our reference in order to make our well-known trademarkprotection system more progressive .
Chapter four is about the interpretation of well-known trademarks of specialprotection system in China. Firstly,I reviewed the development of regulations andlegislation concerning the protection of well-known trademarks in China, from thefirst well-known trademark protection of a clear normative documents - "well-knowntrademark recognition and management Interim Provisions" to the 2013"TrademarkLaw "Content third amendment. Secondly, I made some suggestions about improvethe well-known trademark protection in China: improve the standard of well-knowntrademark determination; properly handle the administrative and judicialdetermination of the relationship identified; improve our well-known trademarkanti-dilution system; and improve the conflicts between well-known trademark anddomain name conflicts when it comes to special protection.
Key Words:Well-known Trademark,Determination,Special Protection
目 录
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结 论
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