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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-12-30 共2908字

  摘 要




  关键词:后危机时代 保险业系统性风险 防范机制


  The outbreak of the financial crisis has brought severe impact to all countries in theworld, which causes people's further thinking on the financial regulatory mode. In thepost-crisis era, all countries are actively promoting innovation in financial regulation,among which the most important part is systemic risk regulation, with the purpose tocreate a new order on international economic development. With the constantdevelopment of the insurance industry, this kind of “non deposit financial institutions”

  has a higher position not only in the financial system, but also in the whole economicoperation system. Today, the opening degree of china's insurance industry is increasingand the degree of mercerization is also improving. These factors have intensifiedcompetition in the market and have brought more uncertainty to insurance industry ofchina. Therefore, raising the level of risk management in insurance industry, especiallythe level of systemic risk management, has become one of the important subjects for thewhole insurance industry.

  Currently, the study of systemic risk, both domestic and abroad, is mainly onbanking business and capital market, or the whole financial system, but merely oninsurance industry. This article takes the example of European and American insurancesystemic risk prevention mechanic, and establishes China's insurance systemic riskwarning index system. It can help identify insurance risk level, and make insurancecompanies and regulators deal with the risks in time.

  This thesis is divided into four parts altogether. The first part focuses on thechallenges, brought by financial crisis, to the insurance systemic risk preventionmechanism. It provides a realistic necessity for the study of this article; The second partdiscusses the current situation of China's insurance industry systemic risk and itsprevention mechanism, which provides a factual basis for the improvement of China'sinsurance industry systemic risk prevention mechanisms; The third part takes theexample of Europe and the United States, to illustrate the foreign insurance systemicrisk prevention mechanism, which provides the basis for the Improvement of systemicrisk insurance mechanisms; The fourth part establishes China's insurance industry riskwarning indicator system ,from both financial point of view and “non-financial point ofview”. It can provide us a method to judge the situation of china's insurance industry andhelp improve China's insurance industry systemic risk prevention mechanism.

  Key Words: Post Crisis Era Insurance industry systemic risk Preventive mechanism

    目 录



  绪论…… 1

  0.1 研究背景与现实意义 …… 1

  0.1.1 选题背景 …… 1

  0.1.2 研究意义 …… 1

  0.2 研究概念的界定 …… 2

  0.2.1 系统性风险的界定 …… 2

  0.2.2 保险业系统性风险的界定 …… 2

  0.3 文献综述 …… 3

  0.3.1 国外研究文献综述 …… 3

  0.3.2 国内文献综述 …… 4

  0.4 研究内容与研究方法 …… 5

  0.4.1 研究内容 …… 5

  0.4.2 研究方法 …… 5

  0.5 创新与不足 …… 5

  1 金融危机对保险业系统性风险防范机制的挑战…… 7

  1.1 保险业在次贷危机中担任的角色 …… 7

  1.1.1 保险业与金融危机的爆发无关 …… 7

  1.1.2 保险业在此次金融危机中起到稳定器的作用 …… 8

  1.1.3 保险业引发并促进了此次金融危机的爆发 …… 9

  1.2 金融危机后保险业风险防范机制面临新挑战 …… 9

  1.2.1 保险业面临需建立系统性风险防范机制的挑战 …… 9

  1.2.2 保险业面临着微观审慎和宏观审慎共同监管的挑战 …… 10

  1.2.3 保险业面临着新形势下的逆周期监管的挑战 …… 10

  2 我国保险业系统性风险的现状…… 12

  2.1 我国保险业系统性风险的要素评估现状 …… 12

  2.1.1 行业外部要素评估 …… 12

  2.1.2 行业要素评估 …… 15

  2.1.3 公司内部要素评估 …… 16

  2.2 我国保险业系统性风险防范化解机制的现状 …… 17

  2.2.1 偿付能力监管 …… 18

  2.2.2 早期预警体系 …… 19

  2.2.3 保险风险处置机制 …… 19

  3 国外保险业系统性风险防范机制的比较与借鉴…… 21

  3.1 欧盟监管模式 …… 21

  3.1.1 第一支柱--定量要求 …… 21

  3.1.2 第二支柱--定性要求 …… 22

  3.1.3 第三支柱--市场约束 …… 22

  3.2 美国监管模式 …… 22

  3.2.1 IRIS…… 23

  3.2.2 FAST …… 23

  3.2.3 RBC …… 23

  3.3 欧美模式的比较与借鉴 …… 24

  3.3.1 欧美模式的比较 …… 24

  3.3.2 欧美模式的借鉴 …… 25

  4 我国保险业系统性风险防范的思路与措施…… 27

  4.1 预警指标的选取 …… 27

  4.1.1 预警指标选取原则 …… 27

  4.1.2 财务风险预警指标的选取 …… 27

  4.1.3 非财务风险预警指标的选取 …… 28

  4.2 全面风险预警指标的优化 …… 29

  4.2.1 优化财务风险预警初始指标体系 …… 29

  4.2.2 优化非财务风险预警初始指标体系 …… 32

  4.3 构建保险业风险预警系统 …… 33

  4.3.1 设定安全级别和警度区间 …… 34

  4.3.2 确定指标的安全级别分数值 …… 34

  4.3.3 赋权数 …… 34

  4.3.4 计算综合值,确定警度 …… 35

  4.4 建立健全风险预警处理系统 …… 35

  4.4.1 建立有效的信息分析机制 …… 35

  4.4.2 建立有效的信息传达机制 …… 35

  4.4.3 建立有效的风险处理机制 …… 35

  参考文献…… 37

  致谢…… 41

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