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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-12-29 共3330字

  摘 要




  关键字:保险中介 交易成本 优化


  In addition to the two major financial pillars banking and securities, insurance alsorelates to the orderly development of the entire social life. With the professionaldevelopment and advancement of the insurance industry, it gradually emerges therevolution of “separation of production and marketing”, that the insurance agency -insurance brokers, insurance agents, insurance assessor – comes into being. As animportant part of the insurance market, intermediaries can communicate transactioninformation resources of both parties to resolve the outstanding problems such as adverseselection and moral hazard which are resulted from information asymmetry, andintermediaries set up the “information highway” between insurance consumers andproviders reducing transaction costs meanwhile promoting the Pareto improvement ofinsurance market. Due to the late start of China's insurance market and compared withthe developed countries' insurance market, there's still a big gap. Inadequate relevantlaws of insurance intermediary result serious opportunism during the intermediarytransaction process, such as using the characteristics of one party to blind the other inorder to seek improper interest. It intangibly increases the cost of the insurancetransaction by several times, disrupts the market order, and seriously influences thestability and sustainable development of the insurance market.

  So the paper chooses China's insurance intermediary market to study and analyzethe insurance market transaction “friction” - transaction costs based on the view of cost,to study the unnecessary loss of China's insurance intermediary market in order to findeffective measures to reduce transaction costs of the insurance intermediary market, andultimately enhance China's overall insurance market trading efficiency and promoteinternational competitiveness.

  According to the view above, this paper is divided into four main sections: The firstchapter applies static and dynamic analysis of economics, and obtains the need to getinvolved in the insurance market for insurance intermediaries, and highlights the pivotalrole of intermediaries in different ways, meanwhile puts forward three important factorsaffecting the cost of the insurance intermediary market transactions. The second chapter,from the perspective of new institutional economics of property rights theory, analysesthe characteristics and important role of insurance intermediaries' credit property andempirically analyses the impact effect on transaction costs resulted from insuranceintermediaries' credit property, and puts forward suggestions for the development ofinsurance intermediaries' credit property in our country based on transaction costoptimization. The third chapter analyzes the status of China's insurance intermediarymarket and market concentration, and learns from the insurance intermediarydevelopment model of England, Japan and America, and puts forward suggestions for theoligopolistic competitive market model for China's insurance intermediary market .Thefourth chapter is based on insurance regulation theory, analyzes the impact of China'sinsurance intermediary supervision on transaction costs, and raises suggestions to lowertransaction costs.

  Key Words:Insurance Intermediary Transaction cost Optimization

    目 录

  摘 要……I


  绪 论…… 1

  0.1 选题背景及意义 …… 1

  0.2 国内外研究文献综述 …… 2

  0.2.1 现有理论对交易成本的研究概述 …… 2

  0.2.2 现有理论对保险中介的研究概述 …… 3

  0.3 研究内容与方法 …… 3

  0.4 创新之处与不足 …… 4

  1 保险中介市场的交易成本分析…… 5

  1.1 保险产品的交易成本 …… 5

  1.2 基于交易成本经济学的研究 …… 6

  1.2.1 静态交易分析 …… 6

  1.2.2 动态交易分析 …… 8

  1.3 保险中介提升市场效率的作用体现 …… 9

  1.3.1 对保险市场的作用体现 …… 9

  1.3.2 对保险公司的作用体现 …… 10

  1.3.3 对保险消费者的作用体现 …… 11

  1.4 保险中介市场交易成本的影响因素 …… 11

  1.4.1 保险中介信用产权 …… 11

  1.4.2 保险中介市场发展模式 …… 12

  1.4.3 保险中介市场监管 …… 12

  2 基于交易成本优化的保险中介信用产权建设…… 13

  2.1 产权理论概述 …… 13

  2.1.1 产权的概念 …… 13

  2.1.2 产权的功能 …… 13

  2.1.3 产权的分类 …… 14

  2.1.4 产权的属性 …… 14

  2.2 保险中介信用产权 …… 15

  2.2.1 保险中介信用及其特点 …… 15

  2.2.2 保险中介信用产权失衡增加交易成本 …… 15

  2.3 基于交易成本优化的保险中介信用产权建设的建议 …… 17

  2.3.1 加强政府建设保险中介信用制度的步伐 …… 17

  2.3.2 加快建设国内保险中介信用评级制度 …… 18

  3 基于交易成本优化的保险中介发展模式…… 19

  3.1 我国保险中介市场发展现状 …… 19

  3.2 我国保险市场集中度与保险中介市场发展分析 …… 21

  3.3 我国保险中介发展模式的国际借鉴 …… 24

  3.3.1 英国保险中介市场模式 …… 24

  3.3.2 日本保险中介市场模式 …… 24

  3.3.3 美国保险中介市场模式 …… 25

  3.4 基于交易成本优化的保险中介市场发展模式的建议 …… 25

  3.4.1 选择适宜国情的市场模式 …… 25

  3.4.2 提高保险中介的市场需求 …… 26

  3.4.3 增强保险中介的供给质量 …… 27

  4 基于交易成本优化的保险中介监管改革…… 28

  4.1 保险中介监管概述 …… 28

  4.1.1 保险中介监管的概念 …… 28

  4.1.2 保险中介监管的目标 …… 28

  4.1.3 保险中介监管的内容 …… 29

  4.2 保险中介监管对交易成本的影响 …… 29

  4.3 基于交易成本优化的保险中介监管改革的建议 …… 31

  4.3.1 保险中介保证金与职业责任保险制度改革 …… 31

  4.3.2 改善佣金管理制度 …… 31

  4.3.3 促进保险公司与保险中介的合作 …… 31

  4.3.4 加强监管效率 …… 31

  4.3.5 充分发挥保险中介协会的作用 …… 32

  参 考 文 献…… 33

  致 谢…… 35

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