摘 要
中国有句老话:“民以食为天”,我们从始至今都对食品十分关注。食品行业不仅是和大众生活联系最紧密的行业,也关系到社会的和谐与稳定,所以食品行业一直是社会关注的焦点。目前我国的食品供应虽然已经十分充足,但食品安全问题却时有发生, 仅 2012 年一年就有红牛添加剂门、雅培奶粉酪蛋白事件、毒胶囊事件、伊利奶粉汞事件以及白酒塑化剂事件。
其中,2012 年 11 月 19 日,号称天下第一酒的酒鬼酒塑化剂含量超标 260%,随后不仅酒鬼酒紧急停牌,连整个白酒行业都陷入塑化剂风波,重创了白酒股市。
关键词:食品安全责任保险 白酒塑化剂事件 政策性 强制性
As the saying goes: “hunger breeds discontentment”, we are very concerned aboutthe history of food. The food industry is not only most closely industry which related topublic life , is also related to social harmony and stability, so the food industry is alwaysthe focus of the society. At present, China's food supply is very adequate, but the foodsafety problem has occurred from time to time, in 2012 alone Red Bull additivedoor, Abbott milk powder incident, casein poison capsule event, Erie milkmercury events and liquor plasticizer event.
Among those events, in November 19, 2012, known as the best in all events isJiuGui wine plasticizer content exceed the standard 260%. then, an emergencysuspension not only JiuGui Liquor, but also the liquor industry into a plasticizerstorm, hit the liquor market. Subsequently, the deputy general manager responded thatJiuGui Liquor anyway, in the liquor industry inspection of the national standards,and no plasticizer test this term, therefore, JiuGui Liquor companies do not havethe plasticizer inspection means, but this can not be explained clearly recognized byconsumers, the last JiuGui Liquor to temporary suspension, loss is severe.
Frequent food safety incidents has aroused the desire for food safety liabilityinsurance, because of food safety liability insurance can transfer risk to consumers offood enterprises, compensation timely and effectively, reduce the burden on thegovernment, can play an important role in maintaining social harmony and stability inour country at the present stage, so it is necessary to develop food safetyresponsibility insurance. In January this year, the State Council food safety committeefifth plenary session in mention to establish food and drug safety supervision system ofstrict, improving the standard of food and drug quality and safety market accesssystem; the three executive meeting of the State Council, President LiKeqiang is all about food safety issues, and made it clear that it will establish food anddrug safety supervision system is the most strict the. But China's current liabilityinsurance in terms of premium scale or the insurance system are overall development isnot perfect, food safety liability insurance is just started, only a few companies havejust opened this insurance, can not fully meet the needs of the society. But the currentacademic research on food safety liability insurance are mostly concentrated onthe necessity of establishing food safety liability insurance, rarely on the construction ofthe system are discussed. In this paper, the results of the present study further on foodsafety liability insurance system theory.
Keywords: Food Safety Liability Insurance Liquor Plasticizer Event PolicyMandatory
目 录
摘 要……I
绪 论…… 1
0.1 背景及意义 …… 1
0.2 文章结构介绍 …… 1
0.3 创新与不足 …… 2
0.3.1 创新 …… 2
0.3.2 不足 …… 2
1 案例介绍…… 3
2 案例分析…… 5
2.1 食品生产企业保险意识差 …… 5
2.2 受害者得不到有效及时的补偿 …… 5
2.3 政府往往为事件买单 …… 5
2.4 “塑化剂”事件的启示…… 6
3 食品安全责任保险理论解析及现状分析…… 8
3.1 食品安全责任保险介绍 …… 8
3.2 食品安全责任保险的特殊性 …… 8
3.2.1 产生与发展基础的特殊性 …… 8
3.2.2 补偿对象的特殊性 …… 8
3.2.3 保险标的的特殊性 …… 9
3.2.4 投保目的的特殊性 …… 9
3.2.5 食品安全责任保险风险的特殊性 …… 9
3.3 我国食品安全犯罪的归责原则 …… 10
3.3.1 我国刑法关于食品安全犯罪的立法演变 …… 10
3.3.2 我国刑法关于食品安全犯罪的归责原则 ……11
3.4 我国食品安全责任保险发展介绍 ……11
3.4.1 我国近年重大食品问题 ……11
3.4.2 我国食品安全责任保险发展现状 …… 12
4 国外食品安全责任保险发展现状及对我国启示…… 14
4.1 国外食品安全责任保险发展现状 …… 14
4.1.1 美国产品责任保险的发展现状 …… 14
4.1.2 日本食品安全责任保险的发展现状 …… 16
4.1.3 欧洲食品安全责任保险发展现状 …… 17 英国的产品责任保险发展现状 …… 17 法国产品责任保险发展现状 …… 18 德国产品责任保险发展现状 …… 18
4.2 国外发展经验对我国的借鉴与启示 …… 20
5 我国食品安全责任保险制度构建…… 22
5.1 构建食品安全责任保险制度的可行性 …… 22
5.1.1 存在市场需求 …… 22
5.1.2 存在巨大的潜在供给 …… 22
5.2 构建食品安全责任保险制度的必要性 …… 22
5.2.1 维护社会稳定和保障人民生活的需要 …… 22
5.2.2 传统责任原则不能提供有效的风险规避激励机制 …… 23
5.2.3 二元化补偿机制的缺陷 …… 23
5.3 运营模式的选择 …… 24
5.4 明确食品安全责任保险的补偿范围 …… 25
5.5 推广食品安全责任保险的建议 …… 27
5.5.1 制定合理费率 …… 27 要体现公平合理的特点 …… 28 要有一定防范道德风险的功能 …… 28
5.5.2 政府参与推广 …… 28 政府部门要完善其食品安全监管体系 …… 29 以立法形式强制食品企业投保 …… 29
参 考 文 献…… 30
致谢…… 32