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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-03-22 共3025字


  出口信用保险作为一项金融政策,对各国出口贸易的发展起到很大的促进作用。我国对出口信用保险的发展始于 1988 年,相对于出口信用保险一百多年的发展历程,我国发展历史短,且发展程度较低。从 2001 年到 2013 年之前,我国出口信用保险一直由中国出口信用保险公司(下称中国信保)独家垄断经营,存有浓烈的政策性色彩。

  一方面,在对短期出口信用保险实行政策性经营的 10 余年中,其弊端逐渐显现,一定程度上阻碍了发展。另一方面,从诸多短期出口信用保险市场化经营的国外经验中,市场化经营的优势越来越明显。2013 年初该垄断局面被打破,但鉴于我国仍处于短期险市场化的初期,对我国短期出口信用保险市场化进行研究仍然具有必要性。本文包括五个部分。







  关键词:短期出口信用保险 市场化 运营模式


  As a financial policy, export credit insurance plays a significant role in promoting thedevelopment of national export trade. The development of Chinese export credit insurancebegan in 1988 and when compared to the history of export credit insurance, Chineserelated history is short and undeveloped. From 2001 to 2013, Chinese export creditinsurance has been run by China Export & Credit Insurance Corporation which is amonopoly and it has a kind of strong policy. On one hand, in the more than 10 years’

  operation of short-term export credit insurance, the drawbacks appear gradually and hinderthe development to some extent. On the other hand, from the foreign operating experienceof short-term export credit insurance, it is obviously that marketization of operation hasmany advantages. At the beginning of 2013, the monopoly has been broken. As we are inthe beginning of marketization of short-term export credit insurance, it is necessary to givemuch more research on it. This article includes five parts.

  The first part is an introduction. It states the background and significance of the study,and details reviews of the relevant literatures at home and abroad. On the basis above, thispart summarizes the research methods and content and finally exhibits the innovations andshortcomings of this paper.

  The second part analyzes the product characteristics of the short-term export creditinsurance and gives a theoretical analysis of its marketization of operation. In order to gainthe feasibility of the marketization, this part uses the market-oriented features to highlightthat the short-term export credit insurance accords with the related requirements. And atlast, it takes the advantages of the short-term export credit insurance to highlight thenecessity of the marketization.

  The third part is about the current situation of marketization of Chinese short-termexport credit insurance. By reviewing the history of our export credit insurance, itexpresses the related current situation of operation and appears the new and old problems.

  And then, it leads to the fourth part which talks about the referring to foreign experience.

  The fourth part undertakes the third part. It analyzes the historical experience offoreign short-term export credit insurance marketization. The selected countries are theBritish, France and Japan which are all representative. In this part, we find thecharacteristics of the marketization which is enlightening.

  The fifth part bases on the basis above. It designs the steps and policy suggestionsabout the short-term export credit insurance. Besides, it locates the government and othersubjects.

  Key words: short-term export credit insurance marketization operating model


  1 导论

  1.1 研究背景

  1.2 文献综述

  1.2.1 国内文献综述

  1.2.2 国外文献综述

  1.3 研究方法和研究内容

  1.4 创新与不足

  2 短期出口信用保险市场化运营的理论分析:产品特质

  2.1 市场化界定

  2.2 可市场化保险业务的特点

  2.2.1 具备盈利性

  2.2.2 能够自主经营

  2.3 短期出口信用保险的特点

  2.3.1 盈利性

  2.3.2 政府参与程度低

  2.4 短期出口信用保险市场化运营的必要性

  2.4.1 扩大出口信用风险基金规模,减轻中国出口信用保险公司负担

  2.4.2 促进业务协调发展、扩大供给和需求

  2.4.3 促使各经营主体改善服务水平、提升资源配置效率

  2.4.4 促进出口信用保险产品创新、降低费率

  2.5 小结

  3 我国短期出口信用保险市场化运营现状

  3.1 市场化沿革

  3.1.1 中国人民保险公司开展出口信用保险业务阶段

  3.1.2 中国人民保险公司和中国进出口银行共同经营阶段

  3.1.3 中国出口信用保险公司垄断经营阶段

  3.1.4 试点商业保险公司经营短期出口信用保险

  3.2 市场现状

  3.2.1 经营主体方面

  3.2.2 业务发展方面

  3.2.3 风险方面

  3.3 短期险市场化发展中的问题

  3.3.1 政策性保险定位导致法律缺位

  3.3.2 出口信用保险市场需求不足

  3.3.3 出口信用保险市场供给不足

  3.4 小结

  4 短期出口信用保险市场化运营的经验借鉴

  4.1 国外短期出口信用保险运作模式及演化进程

  4.1.1 短期和中长期出口信用险分离经营模式:英国

  4.1.2 委托商业机构经营模式:法国

  4.1.3 政府成立全资保险公司模式:日本

  4.2 经验及启示

  4.2.1 市场化运作是发展到一定阶段的产物

  4.2.2 市场化运作模式需要立足国情逐步改进

  4.2.3 建立完善的相关法律制度和体系

  4.2.4 市场化后的健康发展需要完善的监管体制

  5 我国短期出口信用保险市场化运营的政策建议

  5.1 步骤设计

  5.1.1 近期规划

  5.1.2 长远规划

  5.2 各方定位

  5.2.1 中国出口信用保险公司应发挥好其政策性职能

  5.2.2 政府应计划好市场化步骤

  5.2.3 商业保险公司良性竞争与适当合作

  5.3 制度保障设计

  5.3.1 加速完善出口信用保险专项立法

  5.3.2 设立有效的监管机制

  5.3.3 完善风险评估体系和风险管理体制



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