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来源:河北经贸大学 作者:张旭
发布于:2017-03-14 共3482字
  摘 要
  关键词:环境污染 环境污染责任保险 多方协作
  With the rapid growth of the economy of Hebei Province, the contradiction betweeneconomy and environment has been increasingly apparent. The environmental pollution hasbeen increasingly serious and environmental pollution accidents occur frequently, which hasbrought serious damage to people's health. The victims of pollution accidents often can notget timely compensation, which is easy to cause social contradictions and not conducive tosocial stability. As environmental pollution liability insurance is an effective mechanism ofenvironmental protection, it can effectively disperse the environmental risks of the enterprisesand make timely compensation for victims of environmental pollution. The development ofenvironmental pollution liability insurance in China started late, but each aspect of thedevelopment is not mature. Hebei Province began to carry out environmental pollutionliability insurance pilot work, and in the process there have been some problems, which hascaused its relatively slow development in Hebei Province. Therefore, it is very necessary tostudy the problems of the development of environmental pollution liability insurance in HebeiProvince and put forward the corresponding countermeasures.
  This paper analyses the problems and the reasons of the development process of theenvironmental pollution liability insurance in Hebei Province. By drawing the experience ofthe development of domestic and foreign environmental pollution liability insurance, in orderto promote the development of environmental pollution liability insurance of Hebei Province,this paper gives suggestions from the government and relevant departments, insurancecompanies, enterprises, cooperation etc The full text is divided into five parts:The first part,firstly the paper introduces the background, the purpose and the significance of the research,and through reviewing the researchs of the domestic and foreign scholars in this paper, hascertain understanding of the researchs of domestic and foreign scholars in the field , and thendescribes the ideas and the methods of this research; finally, it points out the innovation andthe shortcomings of this paper. The second part, analyzes the present situation ofenvironmental pollution in Hebei Province from three aspects, water pollution, air pollution,solid waste pollution, and analyzes the development, operation mode, incentive safeguardmeasures and the overall operation of environmental pollution liability insurance in HebeiProvince. The third part, analyzes the existing problems of the development of environmentalpollution liability insurance in Hebei Province. The fourth part, introduces the development ofenvironmental pollution liability insurance of some domestic provinces,and analyzes thepresent state of environmental pollution liability insurance in foreign countriesand drawssome conclusions from those countries'experience. The fifth part, on the basis of aboveanalysis, according to the actual situation of Hebei Province, puts forward suggestions fromthe laws and regulations, social management function, the government's incentive measures,the insurance company control the business risk, enhance insurance awareness of enterprises,multi-party cooperation to set up the third party evaluation mechanism, environmentalpollution liability insurance fund, the use of Internet technology to establish publicinformation platform, WeChat service for the environmental pollution liability insurance,strengthen the propaganda etc. to promote the development of environmental pollutionliability insurance in Hebei Province.
  Key Words:environmental pollution environmental pollution liability insurance inHebei Province multi-party cooperation

  目 录
  摘 要
  目 录
  1 引言
  1.1 研究的背景、目的和意义
  1.1.1 研究背景
  1.1.2 研究目的及意义
  1.2 国内外文献综述
  1.2.1 国内文献综述
  1.2.2 国外文献综述
  1.3 研究思路与研究方法
  1.3.1 研究思路
  1.3.2 研究方法
  1.4 本文创新与不足
  2 河北省环境污染及环境污染责任保险发展现状
  2.1 河北省环境污染现状
  2.1.1 水污染情况
  2.1.2 大气污染情况
  2.1.3 固体废物污染情况
  2.2 河北省环境污染责任保险发展现状
  2.2.1 河北省环境污染责任保险的发展历程
  2.2.2 河北省环境污染责任保险的运作模式
  2.2.3 河北省环境污染责任保险的激励保障措施
  2.2.4 河北省环境污染责任保险的整体运行情况
  3 河北省环境污染责任保险发展中的问题
  3.1 相关的法律法规不完善
  3.2 政府及相关部门的激励保障措施不够
  3.3 企业缺乏投保积极性
  3.3.1 企业或有侥幸心理
  3.3.2 缴费增加了企业的经营成本
  3.4 保险公司经营风险大
  3.4.1 缺乏历史数据
  3.4.2 缺乏技术力量
  3.4.3 保险保障的范围过窄
  4 国内外环境污染责任保险发展情况及对河北省的启示
  4.1 国内环境污染责任保险发展情况及对河北省的启示
  4.1.1 国内其他省份试点工作情况
  4.1.2 国内其他省份试点工作对河北省的启示
  4.2 国外环境污染责任保险发展情况及对河北省的启示
  4.2.1 美国环境污染责任保险
  4.2.2 德国环境污染责任保险
  4.2.3 法国环境污染责任保险
  4.2.4 国外环境污染责任保险发展情况对河北省的启示
  5 河北省环境污染责任保险的发展对策
  5.1 政府及相关部门方面
  5.1.1 完善环境污染责任保险的相关法律法规
  5.1.2 强化环境污染责任保险的社会管理功能
  5.1.3 增加激励保障措施
  5.2 保险公司方面
  5.2.1 合理厘定费率
  5.2.2 科学设置承保范围
  5.2.3 延长索赔时效
  5.3 企业方面
  5.4 多方协作方面
  5.4.1 建立第三方评估机制
  5.4.2 建立环境污染责任保险专项基金
  5.4.3 利用互联网技术推动环境污染责任保险发展
  5.4.4 加强环境污染责任保险的宣传力度
  结 论
  后 记
原文出处:张旭. 河北省环境污染责任保险发展问题研究[D].河北经贸大学,2016.
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