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来源:首都经济贸易大学 作者:张晓辉
发布于:2017-03-13 共2894字

【题目】 中国政府公众责任保险的发展问题分析
【第二章 第三章】开展政府公众责任险的必要性和可行性分析
  关键词:政府公众责任保险 公众责任保险 政府责任
  In recent years,public security incidents occur frequently,which have bring muchinconvenience to the public,and also cause disturbance to public administration of thegovernment departments.When public administration causes infrigement of public rightsand interests,the government sectors concerned shall take on tort liabilities.Under thecircumstances,some local governments gradually launch partnership with some insurancecorporations,so as to transfer various tort liability risk via public liability insurance,andperfect the mechanism of the coping government liability.Based on this situation,it isnecessary that we analyse the current status and existing problems,and simultaneouslymake some suggestions for its development,so as to promote the innovation of publicadministration.
  At present, public liability insurance for the government departments is still in thepilot phase, and relevant cases are insufficient.Inaddition,researchers have not make adefinition for it.Therefore,based on the connotation of public liability insurance andrevelent cases ,this paper preliminarily discusses its definition.Meanwhile,this paperelaborates its characteristics,to highlight its importance in the process of publicadministration.
  In the third chapter,the thesis expounds the necessity and feasibility of the publicliability insurance for government departments,so as to provide the foundation for itsfurther development.
  Apart from the aforementioned,this thesis analyses several cases fromBeijing,Shanghai and Xiangyang.Based on these cases,this part makes a summary of thecharacteristics of these operating modes and relevant problems,in order to make someeffective recommendations.
  In terms of recommendations,the paper refers to the establishment of macroscopicsystem,market operation and functional regulation.First and foremost, it is necessary thatrelevant system be improved gradually,such as legal system and taxationsystem.Secondly,market operation also makes a difference.Consequently,we should attachdue importance to government policies,productdesign,and legal advocacy.Last but not theleast,the regulatory department should implement several supporting systems,includingbusiness operation,moral hazard prevention and systematic risk management.Based onthese suggestions,the market operation condition will gradually get improved.
  To summary,the thesis discuss public liability insurance for government departmentsfrom various respects.From now on,through the efforts of various respects,the marketconditions will gradually get optimized,which will be conductive to the innovation ofpublic administration.
  Key words:public liability insurance for the governmentpublic liability insurance government liability

  1 绪论
  1.1 研究背景
  1.2 文献综述
  1.3 研究内容和方法
  1.3.1 研究内容
  1.3.2 研究方法
  1.4 本文的创新之处与不足
  1.4.1 创新之处
  1.4.2 不足之处
  2 政府公众责任保险的基本理论
  2.1 政府公众责任保险的内涵
  2.2 政府公众责任保险的基本特征
  3 开展政府公众责任险的必要性和可行性分析
  3.1 政府公众责任保险的必要性分析
  3.1.1 社会公共安全事件频发
  3.1.2 政府部门财政支出压力凸显
  3.1.3 政府部门责任机制不完善
  3.2 政府公众责任保险的可行性分析
  3.2.1 法律制度基础
  3.2.2 政策环境支持
  3.2.3 市场供求状况
  3.2.4 市场运营实践
  3.3 必要性和可行性分析小结
  4 政府公众责任保险的运营模式
  4.1 政府公众责任保险的发展概述
  4.2 政府公众责任保险的试点模式
  4.2.1 北京市西城区政府机构公众责任保险
  4.2.2 上海市“社区综合保险”
  4.2.3 湖北省襄阳市“一元民生保险”
  4.3 政府公众责任保险运营模式总结
  4.3.1 区域性试点工作的主要特点
  4.3.2 试点工作尚有待完善的方面
  5 发展政府公众责任保险的政策建议
  5.1 构建完备的制度体系
  5.1.1 完善法律法规制度
  5.1.2 加强税收政策支持
  5.2 改善市场需求状况
  5.2.1 实施差异化的运营方式
  5.2.2 强化政府公众责任保险的宣传工作
  5.3 注重市场供给方面的工作
  5.3.1 完善产品供给体系
  5.3.2 加强道德风险防范
原文出处:张晓辉. 我国政府公众责任保险的发展研究[D].首都经济贸易大学,2016.
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