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时间:2016-12-16 来源:未知 作者:陈赛楠 本文字数:2689字
  内容摘要:幼儿阶段是儿童合作行为发生、发展的重要年龄阶段。对该阶段儿童合作行为的发生、发展,特别是合作行为的培养进行深入、系统的研究具有重要的科学价值。本研究采用文献法、开放式问卷法、时间取样观察法、个案法和经验总结法,选取 240 名大班幼儿为开放式问卷调查被试,90 名大班幼儿为时间取样观察被试,30 名大班幼儿为个案法被试,对大班幼儿在建构游戏中的合作行为进行了研究,研究结果如下:
  1. 在大班幼儿合作水平方面,不论是在现实建构游戏中还是虚拟建构游戏中,大班幼儿发生高水平合作行为的次数均高于自由游戏;低水平合作行为均低于自由游戏。
  2. 在大班幼儿合作性质方面,不论是在现实建构游戏中还是虚拟建构游戏中,大班幼儿发生积极合作行为的次数均高于自由游戏;消极合作行为次数均低于自由游戏。
  3. 从合作行为的性别角度来看,女孩的合作水平高于男孩,女孩更容易在建构游戏中发生积极的合作行为,表现好于男孩。
  4. 在建构游戏中,主要存在以下四个方面的问题:(1)合作的性别问题:女孩高于男孩,同性多于异性;(2)合作水平问题:高水平合作不多;(3)合作意识问题:先完成自己任务,再合作;(4)告状问题:经常发生告状。
  5. 通过对大班幼儿建构游戏中合作行为的探索,本研究提出以下教育建议:
  Content: Early childhood is a key period for occurence and development ofchildren's cooperative behavior. It has important scientific value for investigating theoccurrence and development of children's cooperative behavior deeply. This researchtook document method, open questionnaire methot, time sampling observation method,case method, experimental summary method, and adopted 240 higher class children asthe participants of open questionalre study, 90 higher clas children as time smplingobsrvatin study, 30 higher class children as case study, to investigate their cooperativebehavior when they were in the precess of constructive play. The main conclusions weredrawn as follow:
  1. In the aspact of higher class children's cooperative behavior level, there wasmuch higher cooperative behavior both in realistic constructive play and fictitiousconstructive play than free play, lower cooperative behavior than free play.
  2. In the aspact of higher class children's cooperative behavior property, there wasmuch more positive cooperative behavior both in realistic constructive play andfictitious constructive play than free play, less passive cooperative behavior than freeplay.
  3. Girls had much higher level of cooperative behavior than boys; girls were morelikely arising positive cooperative behavior in constructive play, behaved more thanboy.
  4. There were mainly four questions in constructive play: (1) Girls had muchhigher level of cooperative behavior than boys, and there was much more cooperationbetween the same sex than opposite sex. (2) It wasn't enough of the higher levelcooperation. (3) It was lack of autonomous cooperation between the higher classchildren. (4) There was much more complain in the constructive play.
  5. Based on the investigating of higher class children's cooperative behavior inconstructive play, this research proposed same educational suggestions: (1) Design thedifferent theme of construction rationally to promote the cooperation between oppositesex. (2) Design the theme of construction rationally to promote children's cooperationlevel. (3) Intervene children's constructive paly scientificly to improve children'sconstructive awareness, and promote children's positive cooperation. (4) Deal with thecomplain behavior scientificly, and cultivate children's problem resoving themselves.
  Key words: children in higer class; constructive play; cooperative behavior;educational suggestion

  目 录
  1. 探索大班幼儿合作行为的重要性
  2. 建构性游戏更能够促进幼儿合作行为的发展
  3. 对幼儿建构游戏中合作行为的兴趣
  1. 理论意义
  2. 实践意义
  1. 儿童合作行为的发生
  2. 儿童合作行为的年龄特点
  3. 儿童合作行为的性别特点
  4. 儿童合作行为的影响因素
  1. 建构游戏的特点
  2. 建构游戏的教育作用
  1. 文献法
  2. 观察法
  3. 其他方法
  1. 开放式问卷被试
  2. 时间取样观察被试
  3. 经验总结被试
  1. 时间取样观察法
  2. 文献法
  3. 开放式问卷调查法
  4. 个案法
  5. 教育经验总结法
  1. 研究工具
  2. 研究材料
  1. 大班幼儿建构游戏、合作行为编码过程
  2. 现场实验过程
  1. 大班幼儿在不同游戏情境中的合作行为水平分析
  2. 大班幼儿在不同游戏情境中的合作性质分析
  1. 不同性别幼儿在建构游戏中的合作行为水平分析
  2. 不同性别大班幼儿在建构情境中的合作性质分析
  1. 合作的性别问题:女孩高于男孩,同性多于异性
  2. 合作水平问题:高水平合作不多
  致 谢
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