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来源:学术堂 作者:陈老师
发布于:2016-09-21 共3571字

【题目】 李锐小说“食色”书写的寓意和价值探究

  摘 要








  关键词: 李锐 食色书写 生命 权力


  "The two basic impulse of people and animals are food and sex, or eating and men andwomen, or hunger and love. They are the two major source of the power of life, and are thesource of the original yuan……"."food and sex" have become an inevitable topic on literature.

  Groups as ShanXi’s writers Lirui, he has been focused on the underlying folk life, focus onthe life of the landscape of away from political center. Food and sex are his novel importantperformance object, food and sex in the novel are beyond their limited connotation, become akind of meaningful form. In this paper, the methods of text analysis, comprehensive study,from the two aspects of "food" and "sex", looking at the bottom of the sufferings of the peoplein the state, from the aspect of life, political explore Lirui novel writing of moral and value.

  The introduction of this paper elaborates the significance of the subject and the researchstatus about Lirui’s novels.

  The First chapter, food and sex for the suffering of mankind. Narrative always hungerthroughout the course of the Lirui novels by his unique writing style, local world focus ontheir imagination, showing the struggle for food life background, to construct the local worldunder the chronically hungry; Reading through the novel, we found that Lirui sex plight isalways accompanied by physical difficulties. On struggling farmers struggling for sex plighthas become a real living state, making farmers unable to enjoy the modern civilization.

  Original desire for food, make its relentlessly coat off civilization, to return to the animalnature. Sex in the novels of Lirui, just simple physiological needs, is always accompanied bythe imperfect.

  The second chapter, the metaphor of life. To write a famine he support dead image, thiscan reflect tragic sense more than starve to death. But born of the ways, and full of sense ofcomedy, in the death of the terrorist atmosphere permeated with the breath; Unbearable forfood when people choose to commit suicide death of suffering. Death to become highly foodcolor suffering torture people out of the way, shows the people suffering a desperateresistance for survival, a maintenance of belief and dignity. Death become a striking thetragedy of life get a highest make public.

  The third chapter, the sex of the political connotation. Lirui writing is not only ametaphor of life, is also a kind of complex political discourse, he reveals the disaster, thepolitical power behind the desire, has profound sympathy for people especially women form,to answer for deep political allegory.

  First of all, the imbalance of gender power. Gender equality or not is the power problemand political problem. the relations between men and women is not balanced, women tendedto be the most low-end chain. In the famine years, often appear sell his wife, the wife scene.

  Also, the low status of women extends into the "sex". As a writers, Lirui is not intended todestroy the patriarchal oppression, women no matter how much sacrifice, also hard to escapethe male "spheres of influence", become a victim of festivals. They can't get rid of a culturederived from the men and on their code of ethics, which, as a kind of custom, has internalizedaccepted, "on one side of the side of the road and docility fully embody a kind of relation, thecountryside is everlasting difficult strong combination, no power can shook it." "If she was ayoung girl, my father would have to control all sorts of her power. If she is married, he willhand over all the power to give her husband."Second, the food quality is closely related to political power level high and low. InLirui's answer and farmers for food and sex has obvious also exist between surplus anddeficiency of opposites, captain (accounting) can have a right to the use of food and womenprecondition and distribution, and the man in the village under the authority of the captain,more show the incompetence and weak, this is the power logic behind the food and sex,represent the civil democratic power and the lack of personal physical power. Answer is, ofcourse, not naked blindly possession with food and women, in due time, they will show thegenerous side, their capital in the hands of a woman and alms food to the weak, while thesurface appears to be subordinate to selfless gift, but it is also a kind of means of powerbehind, is a buying or to win political behavior.

  Key Words: Lirui Food and Sex Life Politic

  目 录



  引 语

  第一章 民间的"食色"苦难

  第一节 民间的饥饿书写



  第二节 性爱困境



  第二章 "食色"背后的生命隐喻

  第一节 荒诞的"撑死"

  第二节 自杀式死亡

  第三章 "食色"的权力内涵

  第一节 性别权力:"哺育"与"食母"

  第二节 政治权力:资本的过剩与不足

  结 语


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