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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2016-03-24 共3913字


【3.2】 “效果历史”的原则  

  摘 要











  Truth is the core of philosophy topic ,the research of the truth also occupies ansignificant position in the history of philosophy. Gadamer ,as a well-known philosopher,his considerable contributions that getting rid of epistemology under modern naturalscience and finding home for the truth from spirit are extraordinary . “Understanding” isthe essence part of Gadamer 's view about truth, which is based on Heidegger's ontologyand end with pratical truth.

  Gadamer's hermeneutics theory of truth is established on the basis of the critique ofthe conception of truth of modern epistemology. Firstly, he criticized the defaults of thebackground of epistemological views that dichotomizing sybject and object .Secondly, hebelieves that the epistemological views lead to the transgression of natural science to thehuman science ,and opposie to the epistemological arbitrariness ,trying to establish aunifying view of the truth which is the spirit of science and the whole humanscience ,such truth concept must first departure from the spirit, and be followed withontological meaning and totality .Thirdly ,he inherited Heidegger's view of truth that truthcan not be separated from the exist of human being ,The truth guides practice activitiesand its value must be realized through them as well.

  Gadamer discussed the truth ideological connotations from the art, history andlanguage respectively.

  Gadamer used the “game” to explain the artistic truth.Game is independent of theplayer's consciousness.The palyer is not the subject of the game.The game just through theplayer to realize itself. Gadamer re-interpretation of the relationship between the courseof the game, the player and the viewer,to explain the the artistic truth .Through thedialogue open to each other between the interpreter and works of art. Through theexposition of the truth of the experience of art,on the one hand,Gadamer establish thetruth exists in geisteswissenschaften, and express the essence of the dialogue and thehistorical requirements of artistic truth.

  In the historic category , Gadamer reinterpret the “prejudice” for the advocacy oftradition and authority. Through the using of the time distance to hand vorurteile indialectic. Gadamer think we are part of history and tradition, we are thrown into the world.

  When we Understanding is actually a “Wirkungsgeschichte”. “vorurteile” determines thehorizons of the interpreter.Understanding is actually “fusion of horizons” between theinterpreter and the object.

  In the discussion of language,Gadamer believe that language is the form of the truth.

  Gadamer said in his book: “can be understood there is language.” language can not be seenas a tool for people to understand or communicate , Gadamer departure from therelationship between language and the people, language and the world on this paper toexpounds the ontology characteristics of language . Gadamer's believed that language ismedium to the truth. Language carrying the whole truth motion process.

  The truth of understanding is actually the truth of the practice. Practice is thetheory of foothold by Gadamer. Gadamer trying to develop hermeneutics into a practicalphilosophy.it's both because influence by the Western Practical Philosophy traditional, andthe care of the living environment of human. understanding is not only a theory, but alsobe a kind of practice.The essence of philosophical hermeneutics is a kind of practicalphilosophy.

  Gadamer's truth view called on people to pay attention to spiritual world. He is criticlthe alienation of human which influenced by nature science, trying to reserve a piece offield for the development of human traditional culture. Gadamer's philosophy is actually apractical philosophy, the truth theory also has practical significance,which is the same asthe direction of development of the Marxist philosophy.It is of great theoretical andpractical significance to the reseaching by Gadamer's theory.

  Key words: Truth, Practice, Wirkungsgeschichte, Horizon fusion

    目 录

  摘 要


  1 伽达默尔真理之路的开启

  1.1 真理问题提出的背景

  1.2 回到传统真理观中寻找出路

  1.3 海德格尔真理观的影响

  2 从艺术经验中的真理出发

  2.1 对“真”与“美”关系的重构

  2.2 艺术真理的存在方式--游戏

  2.3 艺术真理的特征及扩展

  3 真理的历史性维度 )

  3.1 对“前见”的辩证的解释

  3.2 “效果历史”的原则

  4 真理与语言的关系

  4.1 伽达默尔语言思想的来源

  4.2 伽达默尔本体论的语言观的特征

  4.3 作为理解真理的存在形式的语言

  5 走向实践的真理观

  5.1 哲学解释学作为“实践哲学”

  5.2 伽达默尔解释学作为实践哲学的具体内容

  5.3 伽达默尔实践的真理观的内涵

  结 语

  致 谢


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