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来源:学术堂 作者:陈老师
发布于:2016-11-19 共2330字

【题目】 担保物权实现程序问题与改进建议
【序言 第一章】担保物权实现程序概述
【结语/参考文献 】担保物权实现制度优化研究结语与参考文献
  自 2013 年新修改的《民事诉讼法》正式生效以来,担保物权实现程序在我国已施行两年有余。所谓担保物权实现程序,就是指当债务人于债务履行期届满时或有约定实现担保物权情形时不履行偿还债务的义务,担保权人可以对担保财产优先受偿的程序。担保物权制度是规范市场经济秩序的重要法律制度,是保障市场交易安全的有效手段。实体法方面,《物权法》在“抵押权”一节为抵押权人指明了两种实现权利的途径即当事人协议或请求法院拍卖、变卖抵押财产,但就第二种途径而言,抵押权人仅靠提起抵押合同诉讼这一手段来实现抵押权,不但要承担高昂的诉讼费用,还面临着诉讼成本无法回收的风险。建立担保物权实现程序在当事人意思自治及诉讼之外为担保物权人开辟了非讼的实现途径,做到了与实体法的有机衔接,保障了当事人能以较低的消耗、更高的效率实现担保物权。然而《民事诉讼法》中关于担保物权实现程序只有很原则性的两条规定,经过一段时间的司法实践后,最高院于 2014 年 12 月 18 日出台了《最高人民法院关于适用〈中华人民共和国民事诉讼法〉的解释》,对《民事诉讼法》有关担保物权实现的程序进行了完善,例如明确实现担保物权特别程序案件的申请人资格、细化权利质权案件和海事案件管辖的规定、提交材料及审查范围、审理方式、对被申请人和利害关系人如何救济等内容,有效的缩短了权利人实现担保物权的周期,降低了维权成本,提高了司法效率,但仍限于实践水平,尚存在完善空间。
  关键词: 担保物权实现 非讼程序 地域管辖

  Since 2013,the system of realization procedure of security interests has came intoeffect.The realization procedure of security interest refers to that when a debtor failsto pay due debts or stipulated situation to perform security interest has taken place,theobligee has the right to dispose the collateral.Security interest system is an importantlegal system to regulate the order of market, being an effective means to ensure thesecurity of market transaction.Security interest system is an important legal system toregulate the order of market and an effective means to ensure market transactionsecurity.Without a corresponding procedural law to Property Law,what is waiting forthe mortgagee is the massive cost to file a lawsuit to pursue security interest.Why therealization procedure of security interest founded is just for this. Realization of asecurity interest in Civil Law has only two provisions.After a period of judicialpractice, the Supreme Court issued an interpretation on December 18, 2014,in whichseveral disadvantages are solved.
  This paper aims at studying the status of China's realization procedure of securityinterest. In order to reflect the spirit of the times, I study the new interpretation, andpoint out the strengths and weaknesses; Finally, a four-point improvement advice:
  Firstly, for the current Civil Procedure apply to achieve guarantees Property conditionis unknown case, pointing out that the parties did not reach agreement on therealization of the application is not a prerequisite for achieving security interest, andmade detailed recommendations; secondly, in the territorial jurisdiction of the casesuggestions more targeted; Thirdly, for the delivery of a security interest to achieveapplicable cases, indicating that you can apply conditional announcement served;finally, the current application for the realization of a security interest in the absenceof express provisions of court costs, noting that court costs should not be charged .
  Key words:the Realization of Security Interests Non-litigation ProcedureTerritorial

  目 录
  序 言
  一、 担保物权实现程序概述
  (一) 担保物权实现程序的含义
  (二) 我国担保物权实现程序的性质
  (三) 我国担保物权实现程序的特征
  (四) 我国担保物权实现程序的作用
  二、 我国担保物权实现程序的立法现状及不足
  (一) 立法现状
  (二) 民事诉讼法关于担保物权实现程序规定的不足
  三、 我国担保物权实现程序的完善建议
  (一) 明确申请条件
  (二) 有针对地规定案件的管辖
  (三) 明确实现担保物权案件中公告送达的适用
  (四) 明确申请实现担保物权案件不收取案件受理费
  结 语
  致 谢
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