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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-04-07 共2564字

  摘 要





  关键词 组织公平,妒忌,主观幸福感


  With the rapid development of economic globalization and competition, talent has graduallybecome the core enterprise can continue to remain competitive. Therefore, attention and improve thefairness in the enterprise has become the priority among priorities in today's enterprises to maintainstability of talents and resist external temptation. At present, the organizational justice, jealousy andsubjective well-being of these variables has been of great concern to scholars and business leaders, both athome and abroad for the two variables and the relationship between organizational justice and theirsubjective well-being, there has been a lot of literature. However, domestic scholars for jealousy, especiallyto envy of mediator less. In this study, as an intermediary variable to envy, to explore the organizationaljustice on influence on subjective well-being, further explains the function mechanism betweenorganizational justice, jealousy and subjective well-being of the three.

  This paper study and summarize a lot of domestic and overseas researches on organizationaljustice, envy and subjective well-being, using questionnaire survey to get 700 copies of staff fromShandong, Xi’an, Tianjin, Zhengzhou and finally keep 562 valid copies.Using independent samplet test ,single factor analysis of variance and multiple comparison (LSD) analysis and confirmatoryanalysis,correlation analysis and regression analysis and statistical method ,the conclusion are as follows:

  Firstly,the variation analysis of envy on different variates of demography and histology find thatthere are significant differences in gender, age, marriage, education, time in job and monthly alary.Different enterprises show no significant difference in envy.

  Secondly,the mediating role test the results showed that:organizational justice was a negativepredictor of the envy; the envy was a negative predictor of subjective well-being; the envy played a partialmediating role between procedural justice and subjective well-being; the envy played a partial mediatingrole between distribution justice and subjective well-being; the envy played a partial mediating rolebetween interactional justice and subjective well-being;

  Keywords: organizational justice,envy, Subjective Well-being

  目 录

  摘 要


  1 引言

  1.1 研究背景

  1.2 研究意义

  1.2.1 理论意义

  1.2.2 实践意义

  2 文献综述

  2.1 组织公平

  2.1.1 公平概念的界定

  2.1.2 组织公平概念的界定

  2.1.3 组织公平的相关理论

  2.1.4 组织公平的结构维度

  2.1.5 组织公平的测量

  2.2 主观幸福感

  2.2.1 主观幸福感的概念

  2.2.2 主观幸福感的维度

  2.2.3 主观幸福感的测量

  2.3 妒忌的界定

  2.3.1 妒忌的测量

  3 问题提出

  3.1 已有研究的局限

  3.2 研究目的和内容

  3.2.1 研究目的

  3.2.2 研究内容

  3.3 研究假设的提出

  4 研究1 不同人口学特征变量的差异分析

  4.1 研究目的

  4.2 研究被试

  4.3 研究方法

  4.4 研究结果

  4.4.1 不同性别的员工差异性比较

  4.4.2 不同年龄的员工差异性比较

  4.4.3 不同婚姻状况的员工差异性比较

  4.4.4 不同学历的员工差异性比较

  4.4.5 不同职务的员工差异性比较

  4.4.6 不同任职时间的员工差异性比较

  4.4.7 不同月薪的员工差异性比较

  4.4.8 不同企业性质的员工差异性比较

  4.5 讨论

  4.6 小结

  5 研究2 组织公平、妒忌和主观幸福感的关系研究

  5.1 研究目的

  5.2 研究被试

  5.3 研究工具

  5.4 统计方法

  5.5 研究工具的质量分析

  5.5.1 组织公平量表

  5.5.2 妒忌量表

  5.5.3 主观幸福感

  5.6 组织公平与主观幸福感的关系研究

  5.6.1 组织公平感和主观幸福感的相关分析

  5.6.2 妒忌和主观幸福感的相关分析

  5.6.3 组织公平和妒忌的相关分析

  5.7 组织公平、妒忌和主观幸福感的回归分析

  5.8 组织公平、妒忌和主观幸福感的中介效应分析

  5.9 讨论

  5.9.1 组织公平与主观幸福感的关系

  5.9.2 妒忌与主观幸福感的关系

  5.9.3 组织公平与妒忌的关系

  5.9.4 妒忌的中介作用

  5.10 小结

  6 研究结论与展望

  6.1 研究的主要结论

  6.2 研究的创新之处

  6.3 研究的不足与展望


  致 谢

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