摘 要
Overall, the total financial volume of Inner Mongolia has maintained a goodmomentum of growth, and its financial market pattern has been continuously optimized.
However, with the rapid development of Inner Mongolia's rural economy, InnerMongolia's rural finance is developing at a much slower pace than that of InnerMongolia. Due to the lack of scientific nature and rationality of the rural financialsupply and demand structure in Inner Mongolia, the rural economy in Inner Mongoliahas lagged behind and has not been effectively developed. And research of this paper tosolve the present Inner Mongolia rural financial demand supply double gap problem,how to improve the quality of the Inner Mongolia rural financial service, how to giveplay to the role of rural financial leverage problem and how to realize the integration ofurban and rural development in Inner Mongolia has the reality guiding sense.

Therefore, this article will take the agricultural credit subsidies theory, ruralfinancial market theory and imperfect competition market theory as the theoreticalbasis, combined with the combination of qualitative and quantitative methods,normative analysis and comparative analysis methods such as Inner Mongolia ruralfinancial development problems and countermeasures.The the data analysis, reveals theInner Mongolia rural financial development present situation, on the basis of theresearch in Inner Mongolia rural financial status, explore the problems existing in theInner Mongolia rural financial development, and further analyze the deep cause of suchproblems, on this basis, find out can effectively solve the problem of Inner Mongoliarural financial development bottleneck. Based on the research of the rural financialdevelopment in Inner Mongolia, we can draw such a conclusion: first of all, on thewhole, although the Inner Mongolia rural financial development level has increasedyear by year, however, is generally low; Second, to promote the rural financialdevelopment in Inner Mongolia, in addition to improve the rural financial environmentin Inner Mongolia, the external conditions in the financial system, financial system, butalso need to fundamentally change in Inner Mongolia rural residents view, popularizeknowledge of finance.
Key words:the rural financial,demand,supply,inner mongolia
目 录
第一章 绪论
1.1 研究背景和研究意义 .
1.1.1 研究背景
1.1.2 研究意义
1.2 文献综述 .
1.2.1 国外文献综述
1.2.2 国内文献综述
1.2.3 文献综述评述
1.3 研究方法和研究思路 .
1.3.1 研究方法
1.3.2 研究思路
1.4 论文框架 .
第二章 内蒙古农村金融发展现状及存在的问题
2.1 内蒙古农村金融发展现状 .
2.1.1 内蒙古农村金融需求现状
2.1.2 内蒙古农村金融供给现状
2.2 内蒙古农村金融发展中存在的问题
2.2.1 内蒙古农村金融需求存在的问题 .
2.2.2 内蒙古农村金融供给存在的问题 .
第三章 内蒙古农村金融发展中存在问题的原因 .
3.1 内蒙古农村金融需求抑制的原因
3.1.1 农户消费结构抑制金融需求 .
3.1.2 农业自然风险加大农业贷款难度 .
3.1.3 关系型借贷对契约型借贷的挤出 .
3.1.4 可抵押品少且交易成本高加大贷款难度 .
3.1.5 信息不对称抑制贷款需求 .
3.1.6 逆向淘汰使农村金融需求动力严重不足 .
3.1.7 农民保险意识差抑制保险需求 .
3.1.8 较高的赔付比率挫伤保险公司的积极性 .
3.1.9 政策的弊端加大农业保险的风险 .
3.2 内蒙古农村金融供给不合理的原因
3.2.1 银行与非银行金融机构协调性不高 .
3.2.2 正规金融机构的资源供给被非正规金融机构挤出 .
3.2.3 利率市场化机制不健全 .
3.2.4 相关信用配套机制建设明显滞后 .
3.2.5 农村担保体系不健全 .
3.2.6 预防性需求导致金融资产单一 .
第四章 促进内蒙古农村金融发展的对策 .
4.1 扩大内蒙古农村金融需求的对策
4.1.1 扩大内源性资金需求 .
4.1.2 规范涉农贷款 .
4.1.3 提高农业保险服务效率 .
4.2 优化内蒙古农村金融供给的对策
4.2.1 大力扶持内蒙古正规农村金融机构 .
4.2.2 加强银行与非银行金融机构之间的合作 .
4.2.3 规范非正规金融机构 .
4.2.4 优化内蒙古农村金融环境 .
4.2.5 加大内蒙古农村牧区金融资产创新 .
结 论 .
参考文献 .