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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-06-27 共3167字

【第1部分】 我国女大学生审美观培育研究

  摘 要







  关键词: 女大学生;审美;审美观;审美问题;对策


  With the reform and opening-up and the development of economic globalization, theideas and culture of the countries around the world spread widely which has a profoundinfluence on the aesthetic of female college students. As the representative of fashion andenergy, female college students are the leaders of style as well as the first group to enjoymodern civilization. Because the world outlook, the outlook on life, the values and theaesthetic view of female college students is not mature enough to make the correctunderstanding and judgment on the new things in society. At the same time, the increasingcompetition broke the traditional status of the equality between men and women. Womengradually become vulnerable groups in the competition with several kinds of problems aboutaesthetic standard. Thus strengthening the aesthetic education of female college students andhelping them establish correct aesthetics is imperative. The article will deeply analyze theaesthetic standard of female college students to help this special group establish scientific andhealthy aesthetics.

  According to the thesis, there are totally four chapters: Exordium(chapter one)、Theoretical Basis(chapter two)、Main Contents(chapter three、four) and Ending Words.

  The first part of the article discusses the research background and significance of thetopic selection, including generalizes research results of female college students' aestheticview at present stage. At the same time, analyzes domestic and overseas scholars' theoreticalresearch results, thus find out the necessity of study on female college student's aesthetics.

  The second part of the article mainly talks about the content of female college students'aesthetics. To begin with relevant concepts, this part deeply analyzes aesthetics、esthetic andaesthetic view. Through summarizes Aesthetic Ideal、Aesthetic Criteria、Aesthetic Emotion、Aesthetic Interests and Aesthetic ability to determine the basic contents of female collegestudents' aesthetic view. At the same time proposes main theoretical basis: aesthetics basis、psychological basis、ideological-political education basis.

  The third part of the article deeply explores the current situation of female collegestudents' aesthetic view. First of all, analyze the characteristics of female college students'aesthetic view to prove most of them have scientific and healthy aesthetic view. After that, digout the problems and find out reasons by searching and analyzing. At last, correspondcountermeasures about how to set up the scientific aesthetic view of the female collegestudents by three aspects: society aesthetic environments 、 females college studentsthemselves、education of ideological political.

  The forth part of the article finally summarizes research thinking and conclusion of thepaper, also reveals the significance of female college students' aesthetic view.

  Key words: female college students; aesthetic; aesthetic view; aesthetic problems;countermeasures

  目 录

  摘 要


  1 绪论

  1.1 问题的提出

  1.1.1 选题的研究背景

  1.1.2 选题的研究目的与意义

  1.2 国内外研究现状

  1.2.1 国内研究现状

  1.2.2 国外研究现状

  1.3 论文研究思路与研究方法

  1.3.1 研究思路

  1.3.2 研究方法

  1.4 论文研究的重点、难点与创新之处

  1.4.1 论文研究的重点与难点

  1.4.2 论文的创新之处

  2 女大学生审美观概述

  2.1 相关概念概述

  2.1.1 美与审美

  2.1.2 审美观及审美观基本内容

  2.2 女大学生审美观

  2.2.1 女大学生审美观

  2.2.2 女大学生审美观的基本内容

  2.3 女大学生审美观研究的主要理论依据

  2.3.1 美学依据

  2.3.2 心理学依据

  2.3.3 思想政治教育学依据

  3 女大学生审美观的现状分析

  3.1 女大学生审美观特点分析

  3.1.1 女大学生对自身外在美追求独特品味

  3.1.2 女大学生对自身内在美更注重真、善与美的结合

  3.1.3 女大学生具有较细腻的审美情感

  3.1.4 女大学生具有非逻辑的审美想象

  3.1.5 女大学生具有极敏锐的审美直觉

  3.2 部分女大学生审美观存在的问题

  3.2.1 审美感受注重感观的刺激

  3.2.2 审美行为盲目从众

  3.2.3 审美对象偏向直观浅显

  3.2.4 审美品位呈现粗俗化

  3.2.5 审美价值取向功利化

  3.3 女大学生审美观问题产生的原因分析

  3.3.1 社会文化多元化导致女大学生出现审美误区

  3.3.2 女大学生自身心理不成熟导致审美迷失

  3.3.3 学校审美教育的多方面问题导致女大学生审美理性缺乏

  4 促进女大学生科学审美观建立与完善的对策

  4.1 完善女大学生审美外部环境

  4.1.1 建立积极的社会环境,提高女大学生的审美能力

  4.1.2 营造良好的家庭审美氛围,形成女大学生良好的审美习惯

  4.1.3 完善学校审美环境,提升女大学生的审美素质

  4.2 女大学生自身审美能力的提升

  4.2.1 帮助女大学生树立正确的审美思想

  4.2.2 通过普及美学知识促进女大学生审美趣味的提高

  4.2.3 树立科学的审美标准指导女大学生规范自身言行

  4.3 通过思想政治教育促进女大学生审美观的完善

  4.3.1 注重思想政治教育对于女大学生审美观的构建

  4.3.2 对女大学生开展有针对性的审美教育活动

  5 结语


  致 谢

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