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来源:学术堂 作者:陈老师
发布于:2016-12-27 共3334字

【题目】 商业秘密司法鉴定制度改进研究
【引言 - 1.1】商业秘密的概念和特征
【1.2 1.3】权利人损失数额的鉴定问题
  摘 要
  在 2014 年 10 月召开的中共十八届四中全会上,全面推进依法治国被纳入日程。在法治之风吹遍全国各地之际,有关商业秘密司法鉴定在实践中存在的各种问题也应得到我们的重视。因司法鉴定的失范而导致的商业秘密错案影响甚大:对于企业来说,很可能存在“(司法鉴定)一步错而企业倒”的情况,这是对私的合法权益难以挽回的重创;而从更大的层面来看,这更切实地关系着我国社会经济的繁荣兴盛。在新修改的《民事诉讼法》和《刑事诉讼法》中,鉴定制度不完善的情况得到了一定的改善,但是问题仍然存在。为了保障商业秘密权利人的权益,维护社会的稳定、经济的繁荣和司法的正义,必须对商业秘密司法鉴定中存在的相关问题进行深入的研究。
  商业秘密 司法鉴定 鉴定程序
  Since the characteristics of both high tech and complexity of trade secret, thelegal workers who only have professional knowledge of law must count trials of caseson judicial identification. At the present stage, however, China's trade secrets ofjudicial appraisal system is not perfect, the imperfection leads to excessive relianceon expert opinion on judiciary practice. As a consequence, the judge makes decisionsonly based on expert opinion, hearing is merely an official formality withoutconsidering the specific circumstances of the case. The flaw of such a system isobvious. The identification of defects of judicial expertise procedure will cause therelevant technical information bias. In this case, if the judge still consider the expertopinion as solid evidence, injustice is very likely to appear at the end of the trial.
  In October 2014, in the Eighteenth Session of the Fourth Plenary Session of theCommunist Party of China, the idea of governing the country according to lawsystem on full scale has been put on the government's agenda. At the time of lawwind blowing all over the country, judicial appraisal business secret must cause ourattention. The great influence of trade secrets of misjudged cases caused by judicialidentification is extremely serious, not only because the old saying “a wrong step andthe enterprise falls”, but because it has intimate relationships with our country'seconomy prosperity. In the new revision of the civil procedure law and criminalprocedure law, the situation that identification system is not perfect has beenimproved, but problems still exist. Therefore, the relevant rights of judicialauthentication trade secrets must be studied in order to protect the trade secret rights,maintain social stability, economic prosperity and justice.
  This paper consists of three parts (introduction and conclusion not included), theauthor uses the method of case analysis to address this paper. In the first part , atypical case of trade secret infringement cases – XinFu Co. v. XinFa Co. infringingtrade secret case was introduced, which leads to the main problem to be discussed--the commercial Secrets of judicial expertise in China's relevant laws and judicialpractice are not perfect and have many problems that need to be solved urgently.
  Besides, in the first part, there are some related basic concepts of businesssecrets of judicial identification. We must have a clear idea of what is the trade secretand what aspects should be involved in terms of its scope and subject. Meanwhile, wegive specific standard for the amount of the loss of rights in this part, too.
  Based on understanding of the basic concept, the second part of this paper ismainly about detailed analysis of the typical cases cited to introduce some problemsexisting in current trade secrets of judicial expertise in China in the program, such asin the identification of the person or the choice of appraisal organization on theproblem, other relevant examination appraisal opinions and “two leak” problems.
  These problems are the most prominent at present. We not only explored theinfluence and the causes of these problems but introduced the advanced system andjudicial experience from other countries, so that China can learn from the essence partof them to improve our system.
  Finally, combined with the earlier parts of this paper -- according to the currentsituation of China and foreign experience, the author puts forward to somesuggestions to perfect the role of the trade secrets of judicial authentication of China.
  We need to start from the legislation, and then scientific appraisal standard of judicialexpertise should also be completed. Finally we should draw the system of expertwitness in the Anglo American law system to perfect our own expert auxiliary system.
  The problems on trade secrets of judicial identification existed China need to besolved as soon as possible, and hopefully this paper will play a part in the process.
  Key Words:
  Trade Secret, Judicial Expertise, Identification Procedures

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