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来源:山东财经大学 作者:尤帅
发布于:2017-02-25 共2833字
  我国是一个农业大国,蔬菜在农产品中占据重要份额,近年来,我国在保持世界上最大的蔬菜生产国地位的同时积极推动蔬菜的出口。经济全球化的今天,国内外贸易环境瞬间万变,我国蔬菜出口的国际竞争力的强弱影响到我国对外贸易的水平状况。本文通过对我国各省份蔬菜生产情况、蔬菜的贸易现状以及影响蔬菜出口的因素进行定性分析,并运用引力模型对中国与 20 个国家和地区1992-2014 年蔬菜出口贸易面板数据进行影响因素的定量分析,结果显示我国蔬菜出口的传统优势降低,在国际上的蔬菜竞争力明显下降。其原因在于世界各国经济的发展,人们对蔬菜的安全、健康要求更加严格,因此对绿色蔬菜青睐有加。
  China is a big agricultural country, and its vegetables occupy an important sharein agricultural products. As the largest vegetable producer in the world, our countryhas initiatively promoted the export of vegetables in recent years. In the era ofglobalization of economy, along with trade environment at home and abroadconstantly changing, the international competitiveness of China's vegetableexportation can influence the level of our foreign trade. In this paper, throughqualitative analysis of vegetables in production, trade and influencing factors ofprovinces, I find that our dominant position of vegetables export price has weakened,and combined with gravity model to make the quantitative analysis on panel data ofvegetables export trade in China and 20 countries and regions from 1992 to 2014. TheReason is, with the fast development of every country, people pay more attention tothe safety and health of vegetables, especially to those green vegetables. Somedeveloped countries and regions set strict non-tariff barriers such as technical barriersto trade to human health as an excuse to forbid our country vegetables exports to theircountries in order to protect the domestic industry. Facing the competition andchallenges, our country should strengthen international exchanges and cooperation inboth sides: accelerate the establishment of standard system of vegetables and controlthe quality of native vegetable at home; actively participate the standard formulationof vegetables and improve the international competitiveness of China's vegetableexport in the world.
  There are five chapters in my thesis. The first chapter is the introduction ofbackground, purpose and significance of the research, and the creative points anddisadvantages of thesis, technical route and research method, relevant internationaltrade theory and domestic and foreign research review. In the second chapter, thepresent situation of vegetable production and export in China is studied. First, Ielaborate on China's vegetable planting area and yield, the second is on China'svegetable export total scale and the analysis of export kinds, finally I analyze theinternational competitiveness of China's vegetable export. In the third chapter, I studythe influence factors of Chinese vegetables export trade, including the factors of tariff,nontariff factors, vegetable trade arrangements, culture and geography, thecompetition between provinces and the quality of vegetables in our country. Thefourth chapter is the empirical analysis of the export trade of China's vegetableproducts including the total level and industry level. The fifth chapter is aboutcountermeasures and suggestions to promote the export of vegetables in our country.
  Key words: International Competitiveness; Gravity Model; Green Vegetables;Non-tariff barriers; Export Trade

  第 1 章 导论
  1.1 选题背景
  1.2 研究目的和意义
  1.3 论文创新点与不足
  1.3.1 论文创新点
  1.3.2 论文不足之处
  1.4 技术线路图和研究方法
  1.4.1 技术线路图
  1.4.2 研究方法
  1.5 相关国际贸易理论与国内外研究综述
  1.5.1 国际贸易理论
  1.5.2 国内外研究综述
  第 2 章 我国蔬菜生产及其出口的现状
  2.1 我国蔬菜种植面积和产量
  2.1.1 蔬菜的种植面积
  2.1.2 蔬菜的产量
  2.1.3 我国蔬菜的生产区域和贸易方式
  2.2 我国蔬菜出口的总规模和出口种类分析
  2.2.1 蔬菜出口规模
  2.2.2 主要出口蔬菜品种
  2.3 我国蔬菜出口国际竞争力分析
  2.3.1 贸易竞争力指数和蔬菜贸易方式
  2.3.2 我国蔬菜出口市场
  2.3.3 我国蔬菜出口的质量状况
  2.4 本章小结
  第 3 章 我国蔬菜产品出口贸易的影响因素
  3.1 关税变动对蔬菜出口的影响
  3.1.1 小国贸易条件效应
  3.1.2 大国贸易条件效应
  3.2 非关税因素对蔬菜出口的影响
  3.3 蔬菜贸易的区域协定安排
  3.4 文化与地理因素
  3.5 我国各省份之间的竞争分析
  3.6 我国蔬菜质量问题
  3.6.1 蔬菜产品农药残留量超标
  3.6.2 植物检疫问题
  3.6.3 硝酸盐超标问题
  3.7 本章小结
  第 4 章 我国蔬菜产品出口贸易影响因素的实证分析
  4.1 影响国际贸易的测度方法比较
  4.1.1 价格差和关税等价法
  4.1.2 局部均衡分析方法
  4.2 引力模型概述
  4.3 实证分析
  4.3.1 总量层面
  4.3.2 行业层面
  4.4 本章小结
  第 5 章 促进我国蔬菜出口的对策建议
  5.1 政府层面
  5.2 行业层面
  5.3 企业层面
  5.4 本章小结
  致 谢
原文出处:尤帅. 中国蔬菜产品出口贸易影响因素分析[D].山东财经大学,2016.
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