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来源:学术堂 作者:陈老师
发布于:2016-10-17 共4381字
  摘 要
  第四章,运用 SWOT 分析法,对阿木尔林下经济发展的优势、劣势、机遇和存在威胁进行了分析,得出了 SWOT 分析的发展策略-SO 策略和 ST 策略的选择。
  第二、提出了阿木尔林业局林下经济发展的对策建议,结合阿木尔林业局的优势条件,保护区位优势,自然资源优势,气候优势,生态循环经济优势。以及阿木尔林业局林下经济发展的劣势,市场化、产业化程度低,缺少科学技术指导与统一管理,资源认识不清,产品单一缺少竞争力,配套政策不够完善等。同时阐述了阿木尔林业局林下经济发展的机遇,包括政策的积极引导,市场发展潜力大。在未来发展中,阿木尔林下经济发展也存在一定的威胁,如市场需求与供给波动明显,受自然灾害影响较大,法律法规不完善。本文对阿木尔林下经济发展的 SWOT 进行了全面的分析,真正为阿木尔林业局林下经济的发展提供了详细参考资料。本文最后,结合 SWOT 分析的结果提出了阿木尔林业局林下经济发展的策略。
  关键词 林下经济,循环生态经济,持续发展,阿木尔林业局
  Development of forest economy, not only to expand the rural economicdevelopment space, important way that increases farmer income, but also promotedthe forestry industry from the simple to the comprehensive utilization of forestutilization change, forest and landscape resources of forest resources, so that thefarmers “no tree felling is rich”, the realization of the ecological environment isprotected, farmers have to benefit the masses of win-win. In Amuer Forest Bureau offorestry is rich in resources, climate conditions, a good ecological environment,location and market advantage is obvious, the development of forest economy berichly endowed by nature. At present, in Amuer Forestry Bureau forest economydevelopment is still in the initial stage, there are still some not sustainable,outstanding performance for the forest exploitation and ecological protection,short-term benefits and long-term interests contradiction. This paper studies mainly onthe current situation of the development in Amuer Forestry Bureau forest economy, soas to provide the corresponding policy recommendations for the development of foresteconomy in Amuer Forestry bureau.
  The main research contents of this paper:
  The first chapter is introduction. Mainly discusses the background and meaningof this research, related research results at home and abroad are reviewed, and brieflyintroduces the research ideas, research methods and innovation point.
  The second chapter is the basic concepts and related theories. Firstly the conceptof economic forest; discusses the relevant theories of this subject: forest economydevelopment theory, research methods and provide reference for the support of thefull view.
  The third chapter is the Amuer Forestry Bureau forest economy developmentpresent situation and the necessity of. In this chapter, this paper focuses on theanalysis of the development situation of the current Amul Forestry Bureau of the fiveindustries, and the necessity of Amul development of forest economy is analyzed. Thedevelopment of forestry economy is based on the consideration of strengtheningecological construction, promote economic restructuring needs, at the same time is tobuild a green food base, based on the consideration of considering the farmers to getrich.
  The fourth chapter is the analysis of the SWOT economic development under theAmuer forest. The advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and threats for thedevelopment of the economy in forest were analyzed, the development strategy ofSWOT analysis for the selection of SO strategy and ST strategy based on.
  The fifth chapter is the conclusion and the future development trend. Theconclusions of this study and summarizes the main points. And explain the deficiencyand prospect. In the future, in Amuer Forestry Economy will move toward thedevelopment trend of diversified development trend, the trend of development, suchas the development of multi function planning.
  Through the above research, this paper obtains the following conclusions:
  First, the concept of under forest economy. Forest economy to forestry economictheory as the foundation, take the sustainable development and circular economyconcept as guidance. Forest economy industry is to improve forest biologicalpopulation ecological productivity and adjustment of forest ecosystem structure forthe purpose, improve various forest animals and plants and fungi under individualproductivity is the basis, to obtain the optimal ecological benefit and economic benefitof the industry. Forest economy is equivalent to a branch of forestry economy, is stillin the initial stage. The theoretical foundation of forest economy and has been thedevelopment of forest economy based on the experience of the forestry economy hasgradually become the pillar industry of forest ecological system.
  Second, the analysis for the SWOT development of the economy in AmuerForestry Bureau under forest. From a practical point of view, describing thedevelopment of economic in Amuer Forestry Bureau present situation from theaspects of forest.
  Third is the countermeasures and suggestions of promoting the Amuer ForestryBureau forest economy development. Combining the Amuer area advantage, namelythe excellent natural conditions, abundant resources, vast forest industrial base, strongtechnical support, excellent geographical advantage and environmental friendly wayof production. Based on the good economic development, focus on the developmentof forest economy is a good path to realize regional economic leap, after thereforeneed economic development planning in the formation of forest operation steps, thepractical implementation of the development of economic forest.
  Keywords:forest economy; forestry; ecology; development mode;in amuer forestryBureau;

  目 录
  第 1 章 绪论
  1.1 研究背景
  1.2 研究意义
  1.3 国内外研究现状
  1.3.1 国外研究现状
  1.3.2 国内研究现状
  1.4 研究内容和方法
  1.4.1 研究内容
  1.4.2 研究方法
  1.5 创新与不足
  第 2 章 基本概念及相关理论
  2.1 基本概念
  2.1.1 林下经济的定义
  2.1.2 林下经济的内涵
  2.1.3 林下经济的特征
  2.2 基本理论
  2.2.1 制度演进理论
  2.2.2 发展循环理论
  2.2.3 可持续发展理论
  第 3 章 阿木尔林业局林下经济发展现状与必要性
  3.1 阿木尔林业局林下经济的发展现状
  3.2 阿木尔林业局发展林下经济的必要性
  3.2.1 基于强化生态建设的考虑
  3.2.2 基于森林资源管护的考虑
  3.2.3 基于打造绿色食品基地的考虑
  3.2.4 基于促进百姓致富的考虑
  3.2.5 基于经济转型的考虑
  第 4 章 阿木尔林业局林下经济发展的 SWOT 分析
  4.1 阿木尔林林业局下经济发展的优势分析
  4.1.1 区位优势(S1)
  4.1.2 自然资源优势(S2)
  4.1.3 气候优势(S3)
  4.1.4 生态循环经济优势(S4)
  4.2 阿木尔林业局林下经济发展的劣势分析
  4.2.1 市场化,产业化程度低(W1)
  4.2.2 缺少科学技术指导与统一管理(W2)
  4.2.3 资源认识不清,产品单一缺少竞争力(W3)
  4.2.4 配套政策不够完善,产业布局不科学
  4.3 阿木尔林业局林下经济发展的机遇分析
  4.3.1 政策的积极引导(O1)
  4.3.2 市场发展潜力大(O2)
  4.4 阿木尔林业局林下经济发展的威肋分析
  4.4.1 市场需求与供给波动明显(T1)
  4.4.2 受自然灾害影响较大(T2)
  4.4.3 法律法规不完善 (T3)
  4.5 基于 SWOT 分析的发展策略选择
  4.5.1 SO 策略
  4.5.2 ST 策略
  第 5 章 主要结论与未来发展方向
  5.1 主要成果与结论
  5.2 未来发展方向

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