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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-01-27 共2477字

  摘 要


  本文依据风险管理理论,首先对我国商业地产目前存在的市场风险、政策风险、经营风险、财务风险进行了分析,然后以宝岛广场商业地产项目作为研究对象,系统介绍了该项目的背景、物业、商业模式、市场分析以及项目筹建情况,以风险识别和风险规避为研究思路,采用头脑风暴法和 SWOT 分析法对宝岛广场商业地产项目可能存在的风险进行了研究,并且针对这些风险,结合公司和项目的实际情况,提出了相应的风险控制措施,为政府管理部门和房地产企业的决策者和管理者对商业地产风险处理提供依据;最后是本文的结论。



  After 20 years of development, the real estate industry has become thefundamental, guiding and pillar industry to promote the rapid development ofChina's economy. The real estate industry includes commercial real estate andresidential real estate. With the country's industrial structure adjustment and thestrengthening of macroeconomic regulation and control of residential real estate,funds gradually flow to the commercial real estate, so that the supply and demand ofthe commercial real estate are showing a more active posture. Commercial real estatedevelopment is of great significance to foster the development of the tertiaryindustry, to improve people's quality of life, to absorb social employmentpopulation and the bearer of the urban landscape. But as the very comprehensive,technical and professional investment activities, there are a lot of risks in thedevelopment process of commercial real estate projects inevitably. The existence ofthese risks makes the investment income of the commercial real estate projects with agreat deal of uncertainty resulting in risk. In such a background, it has the importantrole that how to effectively identify the risk of commercial real estate projects toreduce operational risk, improve the economic and social benefits for real estateenterprises, and have an important role for government to improve policies andestablish a stable, prosperous and harmonious commercial real estate market.

  Based on the theory of risk management, this paper analyzed the marketrisk,policy risk,operating risk,and financial risk in the commercial real estate, andtaking Taiwan Plaza commercial real estate projects as the object, introducedbackground of the project, property , business model, market analysis and projectpreparation. This paper analyzed the risk based on the logic of the identification -avoidance using the mind storming and SWOTS in commercial real estate project ofTaiwan Plaza. Combined the actual situation of the company and the project’s, thispaper proposed corresponding measures of risk aversion of commercial real estate toprovide the decision-making basis for the managers of the government administrationand real estate enterprises. Finally, it is the conclusion.

  KEY WORDS: Commercial real estate,Risk analysis,SWOT,Risk avoidance


  目 录

  第一章 绪论

  1.1 研究背景

  1.2 研究意义

  1.3 本文研究内容

  1.4 研究方法

  1.5 研究技术路线

  第二章 理论基础研究

  2.1 国内外文献研究综述

  2.1.1 国外文献综述

  2.1.2 国内文献综述

  2.2 项目风险概述

  2.2.1 项目的概念

  2.2.2 风险的概念

  2.2.3 项目风险管理

  2.3 项目风险识别和评价的方法

  2.3.1 专家调查法

  2.3.2 SWOT分析法

  2.3.3 项目风险评价的方法

  2.4 项目风险控制的方法

  第三章 我国商业地产发展现状及未来趋势

  3.1 我国商业地产定义

  3.2 我国商业地产的发展现状

  3.3 我国商业地产未来将步入调整高峰期

  第四章 我国商业地产目前面临的主要风险及应对策略

  4.1 市场风险

  4.2 政策风险

  4.3 经营风险

  4.4 财务风险

  4.5 主要应对策略

  第五章 宝岛广场商业地产项目风险识别、评价与控制

  5.1 商业地产投资进程

  5.1.1 机会判断

  5.1.2 投资结构选择

  5.1.3 开发

  5.1.4 招商、出售或出租

  5.1.5 完工并交付运营

  5.2 项目概述

  5.2.1 项目背景

  5.2.2 物业简介

  5.3 项目成功的关键风险因素

  5.4 市场风险因素的分析及应对策略

  5.4.1 土地供应及周边配套

  5.4.2 市场竞争

  5.4.3 市场分析

  5.4.4 消费者分析

  5.5 政策风险因素的分析及应对策略

  5.5.1 主要规管法规

  5.5.2 规管的基本原则

  5.5.3 投资方式及限制

  5.5.4 投资结构安排

  5.6 经营风险因素的分析及应对策略

  5.6.1 商业模式的选择

  5.6.2 业态规划及布局

  5.6.3 项目成功的关键因素

  5.6.4 项目招商

  5.6.5 价格制定

  5.6.6 营销管理

  5.6.7 物业管理

  5.6.8 商务及客户服务

  5.6.9 组织架构及团队建设

  5.6.10 其他经营风险

  5.7 财务风险因素的分析及应对策略

  5.7.1 投资计划与资金预测

  5.7.2 利润预测

  第六章 结论

  6.1 结论

  6.2 展望



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